Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Fiscal Management

This program provides effective management of County capital and operating fund; and the fiscal analysis and issue management associated with master plan development, economic development, and legislative issues. It is also responsible for issuing and managing the County's financial obligations to fund the Capital Improvements Program and manage cash flow; provide accurate revenue and economic forecasting and publishing reports on economic and revenue analysis on a quarterly basis for dissemination to the County Council, County Executive, and the public. One of the program's primary goals is to maintain the County's AAA General Obligation Bond debt rating and to actively invest the County's working capital to safely preserve principal, provide sufficient liquidity to meet cash flow requirements, and maximize investment returns while conforming to all State of Maryland laws and County statutes governing the investment of public funds.

Program objectives related to debt and cash management include: managing the timely and economic issuance of short and long-term financial obligations; developing and maintaining strong rating agency and investors relations; preparing accurate and timely financing documents, including the County's Annual Information Statement; ensuring strict compliance with disclosure requirements; coordinating bond counsel review; providing high-quality consulting services for County agencies, managers, staff, elected officials, and residents on issues related to debt and cash management; investing the County's working capital; and managing the County's relationship with the banking and investment community.

Program objectives related to policy and fiscal projects include the proactive development of intergovernmental policy alternatives and recommendations including: necessary local and State legislation and regulations; fiscal impact analysis for local and State legislation; fiscal impact analysis and effective management associated with the financing and implementation aspects of Master and Sector Plans; implementing and managing County initiatives such as the Public Election Fund and Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) programs; managing the administration of economic development initiatives that support growth and/or expansion of economic opportunities in the County; and high-quality financial consulting services for County agencies, managers, staff, elected officials, and residents.

Program Contacts

Contact Jedediah Millard of the Department of Finance at 240.777.8855 or Abdul Rauf of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2766 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Make Office Vacancies Extinct (MOVE) Program: Square feet of office space leased 1108,18855,52155,61255,80456,108
Interest Rate Benchmarking - County General Obligation (GO) vs. Municipal Market Data Index (basis point spread)
Investment Return Benchmarking - County Return vs. S&P Local Government Investment Pool Index (basis point spread)21-4101010
Revenue Forecasting - Percent variance between actual revenue and projected revenue7.57%5.11%2.70%2.70%2.70%
Investment Return - Rate of return on Montgomery County's investments 20.33%3.43%5.00%3.00%2.50%
Bond Rating - Rating given to Montgomery County by Fitch, Moody's, and Standard and Poor's (Bond ratings are a measure of the quality and safety of a bond and are based on the issuer's financial condition)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
1  FY23: 19 total recipients; 6 recipients occupying 36,371 sqft of Class A Space; 9 recipients occupying 19,150 sqft of Class B space
2  The Federal Reserve raised rates in FY23 into FY24 at the fastest pace since the 1980s. Investment return projections are based on Federal Funds Futures. Expectations are that the Federal Reserve has completed its latest tightening cycle and will begin to lower rates in FY25.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved220055811.00
Increase Cost: Armored Vehicle Transportation Services2000000.00
Increase Cost: Bank of New York Mellon Investment Custodian Fees Contractual Obligations1150000.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.1562540.00
FY25 Approved267181211.00