anchor Mission Statement
The mission of the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) is to enforce consumer protection laws prohibiting unfair and deceptive business acts or practices to ensure a fair marketplace for consumers and businesses. Activities include complaint resolution, business registration, law enforcement, education, legislation, advocacy, and outreach to vulnerable consumers.
anchor Budget Overview
The total approved FY25 Operating Budget for the Office of Consumer Protection is $2,839,549, an increase of $272,755 or 10.63 percent from the FY24 Approved Budget of $2,566,794. Personnel Costs comprise 95.42 percent of the budget for 19 full-time position(s) and no part-time position(s), and a total of 18.00 FTEs. Total FTEs may include seasonal or temporary positions and may also reflect workforce charged to or from other departments or funds. Operating Expenses account for the remaining 4.58 percent of the FY25 budget.
County Priority Outcomes
While this program area supports all eight of the County Result Areas, the following are emphasized:
- Thriving Youth and Families
- A Growing Economy
- Effective, Sustainable Government
anchorProgram Performance Measures
Performance measures for this department are included below (where applicable). The FY24 estimates reflect funding based on the FY24 approved budget. The FY25 and FY26 figures are performance targets based on the FY25 approved budget and funding for comparable service levels in FY26.
Measure | Actual FY22 | Actual FY23 | Estimated FY24 | Target FY25 | Target FY26 |
Number of business registrations received 1 |
Number of complaint cases received |
Percent of consumer protection cases closed that are resolved by OCP |
Average number of calendar days to issue a business license / certificate of registration (excluding new home builder registrations) |
Average number of workdays to investigate and close a written complaint (all complaints) |
Average OCP customer satisfaction rating - Outcome of the customer's case (5-point scale) based on customer satisfaction survey |
Program Descriptions
Consumer Protection
The Consumer Protection program is a law enforcement function established in 1971 responsible for enforcing consumer protection laws to prohibit unfair and deceptive business acts to ensure fairness and integrity in the marketplace for consumers and businesses. The program is responsible for receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints, educating consumers...
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