Budget Year / Version:

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Recreation is to provide high quality, diverse, and accessible programs, services, and facilities that enhance the quality of life for all ages, cultures, and abilities.


Budget Overview

The total approved FY25 Operating Budget for the Department of Recreation is $64,615,217, an increase of $4,905,556 or 8.22 percent from the FY24 Approved Budget of $59,709,661. Personnel Costs comprise 60.27 percent of the budget for 190 full-time position(s) and no part-time position(s), and a total of 598.70 FTEs. Total FTEs may include seasonal or temporary positions and may also reflect workforce charged to or from other departments or funds. Operating Expenses account for the remaining 39.73 percent of the FY25 budget.

The Debt Service for the Recreation Fund is appropriated in the Debt Service Fund and is, therefore, not displayed in this section. To pay for the Debt Service, a transfer of funds from the Recreation fund to the Debt Service Fund of $10,653,890 is required to cover General Obligation Bond costs.

In addition, this department's Capital Improvements Program (CIP) requires Current Revenue funding.

County Priority Outcomes

While this program area supports all eight of the County Result Areas, the following are emphasized:

  • Thriving Youth and Families
  • A Greener County


Program Performance Measures

Performance measures for this department are included below (where applicable), with multi-program measures displayed at the front of this section and program-specific measures shown with the relevant program. The FY24 estimates reflect funding based on the FY24 approved budget. The FY25 and FY26 figures are performance targets based on the FY25 approved budget and funding for comparable service levels in FY26.



  • Increase Excel Beyond the Bell Elementary (EBB) services and expand existing out of school time programming with the addition of two new sites: Eastern and Benjamin Banneker Middle Schools.

  • Aquatics division launched free youth water polo clinics to residents in the Long Branch and Upper County outdoor pool areas to provide an opportunity to increase engagement in water sports that are traditionally not available in the area. Aquatics offered water safety lessons at outdoor pools to engage patrons in safe practices around water.

  • Increased financial assistance available to qualified residents from $200 to $400 per person per calendar year in an effort to make more Recreation programming available to County residents that receive social services from other County agencies.
  • Expansion of senior programming at various senior centers to include access to multi-lingual programs and culturally diverse celebrations and events. Continue to develop programming that will cater to the "working seniors or semi-retired seniors" with selected programs offered during various times in the evenings or weekends, during non-traditional senior center hours.


Innovations and Productivity Improvements

  • Youth Development Accomplishments/Innovations:

    • National Association of Counties (NACo) awards won across the department.
    • Launch of Teens Day Out - school year and summer programming for middle schoolers on days out of school.
    • Launch of Teen Summer Camp - full-day summer camp program for middle schoolers at two locations.
    • Teen Mental Health First Aid - partnered with local organization Global Sustainable Partnerships to offer the first in-state program/curriculum/certification for youth.

    Collaborations and Partnerships:

    • Buckets & Beats - Youth Block Party in partnership with County Councilmember Kate Stewart's office and other County departments/agencies and community partners (September 2023).
    • Investigative Team Program - afterschool partnership with Montogomery County Police Department (MCPD) within RecXtra programs (March 2023).

  • Countywide Accomplishments:
    • NACo awards for HerTime2Shine Volleyball Leagues and Kids Day Out/Teens Day Out.
    • Expansion of youth sports opportunities to include:
      • Two locations (Wheaton and Damascus) for Youth Flag Football with 694 enrollments over six seasons.
      • Four locations (East County, Ross Boddy, Plum Gar, and White Oak) for HerTime2Shine Volleyball with 3,908 enrollments over nine seasons.
      • Enrichment program in summer camps for youth lacrosse with 1,992 enrollments over one summer.
      • Launched the Department of Recreation's first Cricket Program in the East County, serving 33 youth.
    • Established the County's first Sports Advisory Committee. Screened over 100 applications, and the committee met for the first time in June 2023.

  • Modernized the Recreation Insider Newsletter and Rec Bulletin to streamline program information, services, events, and activities calendar. In addition, launched the first Department of Recreation's podcast which provides educational content and information to a wider audience.

Program Descriptions


The Aquatics programs provide recreational, fitness, instructional, competitive, therapeutic, and rehabilitative water activities that serve all residents. The broad ranges of programming include lessons, instructional wellness classes, and competitive programming such as dive and swim teams. Facilities also host a wide variety of local, regional, and national events and...

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  Countywide Programs

Countywide Programs offers essential and universally accessible recreation and leisure services to all residents across the region--an indicator of a healthy, affordable, and welcoming community. Program staff generates partnerships with local small businesses and non-profit organizations to activate key public and private spaces and to offer culturally responsive programs,...

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  Recreation Community & Neighborhood Centers

The Department of Recreation has 23 recreation centers throughout the County. These facilities provide affordable programs featuring leisure activities, social interaction, family participation, and community civic involvement, as well as promote community cohesion and identity for all ages. Centers are designed to support sports, fitness, dance, community/social activities,...

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  Senior Adult Programs

The Senior Programs Team offers a wide range of supports, opportunities, programs, services, and facilities, which are designed to enhance the quality of life and help community members 55 and over remain active, engaged, and independent in their communities. Lifestyle and leisure program offerings such as fitness and wellness,...

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  Youth Development

The Youth Development Team uses recreation to ensure young people are healthy, connected, and productive during out-of-school time. Program staff work to change the landscape of communities by tackling pressing and diverse issues, reducing barriers to participation, and improving equitable access to high quality out-of-school time opportunities which improve...

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The Administration Program provides oversight, leadership, management, and supervision to accomplish the Department's mission. The Administration Program includes the Department's senior management, the Director's Office and staff, as well as business and information technology services, communications and outreach, facility planning, asset replacement, and fixed-cost management.The Business Services and Information Technology...

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Budget Trends
Program Contacts

Contact Charlotte Keys of the Department of Recreation at 240.777.6942 or Alicia Singh of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2780 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.

Related Links
Budget Summary
Salaries and Wages23023642.0030221446.00 28042607.00 32236380.006.7
Employee Benefits4528682.005881507.00 5871103.00 6428283.009.3
Recreation Personnel Costs27552324.0036102953.00 33913710.00 38664663.007.1
Operating Expenses19492398.0019852612.00 19852612.00 20969481.005.6
Recreation Expenditures47044722.0055955565.00 53766322.00 59634144.006.6
Full-Time182.00189.00 189.00 190.000.5
Part-Time1.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs569.98587.36 587.36 590.610.6
Property Tax49584641.0064112132.00 65408988.00 66444797.003.6
Facility Rental Fees569503.00120000.00 120000.00 120000.000.0
Recreation Fees4581855.004500000.00 4500000.00 4090187.00-9.1
Miscellaneous Revenues111464.0075000.00 75000.00 75000.000.0
Miscellaneous Revenues - Parks ActiveNet0.0045232.00 45232.00 45232.000.0
Recreation Fee Subsidy0.00-800000.00 -800000.00 -800000.000.0
Recreation Revenues54847463.0068052364.00 69349220.00 69975216.002.8
Salaries and Wages0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Employee Benefits0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Recreation Non-Tax Supported Personnel Costs0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Operating Expenses4702269.003600000.00 4725351.00 4700000.0030.6
Recreation Non-Tax Supported Expenditures4702269.003600000.00 4725351.00 4700000.0030.6
Full-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Recreation Fees7631021.008100000.00 8100000.00 8100000.000.0
Investment Income30200.003100.00 3100.00 3100.000.0
Recreation Non-Tax Supported Revenues7661221.008103100.00 8103100.00 8103100.000.0
Salaries and Wages130596.00143145.00 143145.00 261099.0082.4
Employee Benefits15490.0010951.00 10951.00 19974.0082.4
Grant Fund - MCG Personnel Costs146086.00154096.00 154096.00 281073.0082.4
Operating Expenses250000.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Expenditures396086.00154096.00 154096.00 281073.0082.4
Full-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs4.414.41 4.41 8.0983.5
Federal Grants288555.00154096.00 154096.00 281073.0082.4
Grant Fund - MCG Revenues288555.00154096.00 154096.00 281073.0082.4
Total Expenditures52143077.0059709661.00 58645769.00 64615217.008.2
Total Full-Time Positions182.00189.00 189.00 190.000.5
Total Part-Time Positions1.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Total FTEs574.39591.77 591.77 598.701.2
Total Revenues62797239.0076309560.00 77606416.00 78359389.002.7
FY25 Approved Changes
Changes (with service impacts)
Add: Funding for Rental Pool Space for FY25 [Aquatics]3901870.00
Enhance: Excel Beyond the Bell Programming- Expansion to Two New Sites [Youth Development]3555333.25
Enhance: IT Enhancement for ePact Software and Equipment [Administration]1451000.00
Enhance: Damascus Senior Center Rental Space and Storage [Senior Adult Programs]744720.00
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Increase Cost: FY25 Compensation Adjustment12133960.00
Increase Cost: Annualization of FY24 Compensation Increases9049790.00
Technical Adj: Restore One-Time Lapse Increase [Administration]2410000.00
Increase Cost: Aquatics Custodial Services Contract Escalation [Aquatics]1894200.00
Increase Cost: Annualization of FY24 Lapsed Positions1235000.00
Increase Cost: Three Percent Inflationary Adjustment to Non-Profit Service Provider Contracts [Administration]996060.00
Increase Cost: Premium Increase for Rental Car Insurance [Administration]600000.00
Increase Cost: Chlorine Contract Escalation [Aquatics]598700.00
Increase Cost: Overtime Adjustment571070.00
Increase Cost: Printing and Mail68790.00
Increase Cost: White Oak Field Maintenance [Administration]21200.00
Decrease Cost: Motor Pool Adjustment-154940.00
Decrease Cost: Lapse Adjustment-457150.00
Decrease Cost: Annualization of FY24 Personnel Costs-472560.00
Decrease Cost: Risk Management Adjustment-677910.00
Decrease Cost: Retirement Adjustment-683340.00
FY25 APPROVED59634144590.61
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Re-align: Increase to the Non-Tax Appropriation Budget to reflect projected expenditures [Recreation Community & Neighborhood Centers]11000000.00
FY25 APPROVED47000000.00
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Increase Cost: Elder Affairs Grant Fund [Administration]1269773.68
FY25 APPROVED2810738.09
Program Summary
Program NameFY24 APPR
Countywide Programs869956880.57953450981.57
Recreation Community & Neighborhood Centers9583261126.689884183122.68
Senior Adult Programs375397634.39400233933.39
Youth Development14084502155.8114980289159.06
Charges to Other Departments
Charged DepartmentCharged FundFY24
CIPCapital Fund769710.50801680.50
Community Use of Public FacilitiesCommunity Use of Public Facilities338260.20362620.20
Funding Parameter Items ($000s)
FY25 Approved59634.00000059634.00000059634.00000059634.00000059634.00000059634.000000
No inflation or compensation change is included in outyear projections.
Annualization of Positions Approved in FY250.00000027.00000027.00000027.00000027.00000027.000000
New positions in the FY25 budget are generally assumed to be filled at least two months after the fiscal year begins. Therefore, the above amounts reflect annualization of these positions in the outyears.
Elimination of One-Time Items Approved in FY250.000000-667.000000-667.000000-667.000000-667.000000-667.000000
Items recommended for one-time funding in FY25, including funding for pool rental space, IT Enhancement for ePact Software and Equipment, Damascus Senior Center Rental Space and Storage and overtime will be eliminated from the base in the outyears.
Restore One-Time Lapse Increase0.00000046.00000046.00000046.00000046.00000046.000000
Restores in FY26 the one-time lapse increase made in the FY25 budget.
Labor Contracts0.000000518.000000518.000000518.000000518.000000518.000000
These figures represent the estimated annualized cost of general wage adjustments, service increments, and other negotiated items.
Subtotal Expenditures59634.00000059558.00000059558.00000059558.00000059558.00000059558.000000
FY25 Approved4700.0000004700.0000004700.0000004700.0000004700.0000004700.000000
No inflation or compensation change is included in outyear projections.
Subtotal Expenditures4700.0000004700.0000004700.0000004700.0000004700.0000004700.000000