Budget Year / Version:

Mission Statement

Non-Departmental Accounts (NDAs) contain expenditure items essential to the operation of the County government which do not fall within the functional assignment of any department or agency, or which provide for expenditures related to more than one department or agency. In FY25, 50 NDAs are funded. The name of the Climate Response NDA has been changed to Weather Response NDA. One new NDA is established: BioHub Maryland at Montgomery County.


Budget Overview

The total approved FY25 Operating Budget for the Non-Departmental Accounts is $342,263,067, a decrease of $7,841,185 or 2.24 percent from the FY24 Approved Budget of $350,104,252. Personnel Costs comprise 2.91 percent of the budget for 26 full-time position(s) and no part-time position(s), and a total of 52.06 FTEs. Total FTEs may include seasonal or temporary positions and may also reflect workforce charged to or from other departments or funds. Operating Expenses account for the remaining 97.09 percent of the FY25 budget.

Program Descriptions

  Arts and Humanities Council

This NDA provides funding for the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC), the County's designated local arts agency. Taxpayer support of the AHCMC includes general operating grants to arts and humanities organizations; program grants to arts and humanities organizations not receiving general operating support; project grants to individuals,...

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  BioHub Maryland at Montgomery County

BioHub Maryland at Montgomery County will be a state-of-the-art, multifunctional life sciences training facility, complementing existing training and education offered at Montgomery College and Universities at Shady Grove, which will use the National Institute of Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) biopharmaceutical manufacturing training and research. This training will be used...

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  Boards, Committees and Commissions

The following budget supports boards, committees, and commissions, created by law or resolution, which serve the County for a variety of purposes. These funds provide for the reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by eligible members of boards, committees, or commissions while on official business and/or for expenses related to the...

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  Charter Review Commission

Section 509 of the County Charter requires that a Charter Review Commission be appointed by the County Council every four years, within six months of the Council assuming office, for the purpose of reviewing the Charter for potential amendments. The Commission shall report at least once to the Council on...

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  Children's Opportunity Alliance (COA)

Designated as Montgomery County's Early Care and Education Coordinating Entity on July 12, 2022, under Bill 42-21, the Children's Opportunity Alliance, formerly the Children's Opportunity Fund (COF), under the auspice of the Greater Washington Community Foundation (GWCF), was charged with building an equitable, high-quality, accessible, and sustainable early childhood system...

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  Climate Change Planning

This NDA provides funding for the prioritization of greenhouse gas reduction strategies and the development of an implementation plan to meet the County's goal of an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2027 and a 100 percent reduction by 2035. Funding in this NDA can also be used...

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  Community Grants

This NDA targets needs not directly addressed by other departmental efforts, provides a space for innovative and experimental programs, addresses critical gaps in specific communities or sectors, and provides resources to support non-profit partners that cut across County government. Community needs do not always fit neatly into a single department's...

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  Compensation and Employee Benefit Adjustments

This NDA contains a General Fund appropriation and a non-tax appropriation, and provides funding for certain personnel costs related to adjustments in employee and retiree benefits; pay-for-performance awards for employees in the Management Leadership Service, Police Leadership Service, and non-represented employees; deferred compensation management; and unemployment insurance. Non-Qualified...

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  Conference and Visitors Bureau

The Conference and Visitors Bureau (CVB) promotes Montgomery County as a destination for meetings/conferences, student group travel, group tours, leisure travel, and amateur sports events. The CVB develops and distributes publications on points of interest to tourists, implements public information campaigns promoting tourism and event facilitation in Montgomery County, and...

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  Conference Center

Prior to FY06, the Conference Center NDA primarily provided for pre-opening expenses. Since the Conference Center opened in November 2004, the NDA has expanded its scope to fund: a full-time position to manage the operational and fiscal oversight of the Conference Center complex;non-routine repairs, alterations, improvements, renewals, and replacements; andthe...

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  Consolidated Retiree Health Benefit Trust - College

This NDA provides consolidated funding for Montgomery College's contribution to the Retiree Health Benefits Trust....

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  Consolidated Retiree Health Benefit Trust - MCPS

This NDA provides consolidated funding for Montgomery County Public Schools' contribution to the Retiree Health Benefits Trust....

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  County Associations

This NDA funds Montgomery County membership dues to the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the Maryland Association of Counties (MACo)....

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  Device Client Management

The Device Client Management (DCM) program oversees the annual replacement of personal computers (PCs); manages software patching, distribution and enterprise anti-malware systems which collectively help to secure the County's technology infrastructure; and, includes funding for Enterprise office productivity software. The program provides general IT support directly to departments and employees...

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  Early Care and Education

In March 2019, the County Executive and County Council launched the Early Care and Education Initiative, an interagency and stakeholder group with representatives from the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), and Montgomery College to address the need for comprehensive support of...

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  Future Federal/State/Other Grants

This NDA enables the County to implement new grant-funded programs up to $200,000 each and provides funds for grant continuations and enhancements without having to process individual supplemental appropriations through the County Council. Upon approval by the County Executive, funds in this program are transferred to the receiving department's...

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  Grants To Municipalities in Lieu Of Shares Tax

This NDA funds payments required in accordance with State law. The 1968 Session of the General Assembly revised the tax structure to include a County income tax. As part of this restructuring, the shared tax on banks and financial institutions was eliminated, and a provision was adopted which requires counties...

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  Group Insurance Retirees

Group insurance is provided to retired County employees and survivors, as well as retirees of participating outside agencies. Employees hired before January 1, 1987, are eligible upon retirement to pay 20 percent of the premium for health and life insurance for the same number of years (after retirement) that they...

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  Guaranteed Income

Begun in FY22, the Guaranteed Income Non-Departmental Account will fund a three-year pilot of the Guaranteed Income program, whose purpose is to provide direct, recurring cash payments to targeted groups of people without strings attached. The goals of the program are to alleviate poverty, provide a form of financial stability,...

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  Historical Activities

This NDA provides funding for the Historical Society to support the Society's Education Program staff, educational and outreach programs for County residents, and to maintain the Historical Society's research library and museums....

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  Homeowners' Association Road Maintenance Reimburse

This NDA provides a partial reimbursement to homeowners' associations (HOAs) for their maintenance of certain privately-owned roadways. The payment is currently restricted to through roadways, accessible to the public, which are one-quarter mile or longer and which provide vehicular access to more than four dwelling units. In FY97, an Executive...

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  Housing Opportunities Commission

The Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) is a public body organized under Division II of the Housing and Community Development Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, commonly known as the Housing Authorities Law. The Commission acts as a builder, developer, financier, owner, and manager of housing for...

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  Inauguration and Transition

The Montgomery County Charter provides for the quadrennial election of a County Executive and County Council. This NDA provides for a ceremony and smooth transition of the County Executive and County Council every four years....

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  Incubator Programs

This NDA provides for facility lease payments, portfolio management services, and program funding for the County's Business Innovation Network (BIN) facilities. The BIN consists of three physical locations: the Silver Spring Innovation Center on Georgia Avenue (owned by the County), the Rockville Innovation Center in Rockville Town Square (owned by...

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  Independent Audit

Section 315 of the County Charter requires the County Council to contract with a Certified Public Accountant for an independent post audit of all financial records and actions of the County government, its officials, and employees. By County Resolution, the Office of Legislative Oversight is the designated administrator for this...

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  Interagency Technology, Policy, and Coordination Commission

This NDA supports the operation of the Interagency Technology Policy and Coordination Committee (ITPCC). The ITPCC was chartered by the Montgomery County Council to promote strategic planning and coordination in the use of information technology across County agencies. The ITPCC reports biannually to the County Council. By regularly convening the...

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  KID Museum

KID Museum is a Montgomery County-based non-profit organization that provides experiential Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and cultural learning for children and families in the region. In close collaboration with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and local youth development organizations, KID Museum has developed an innovative and highly...

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  Labor Management Relations Committee

The Labor Management Relations Committee (LMRC) was established to foster cooperative labor relations between the County and employees in the Municipal and County Government Employees Organization (MCGEO) union. The committee attempts to resolve matters that affect bargaining unit employees, both County-wide and department-specific. This NDA provides funds to implement the...

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This NDA provides the funds necessary to lease privately owned real estate to accommodate County programs. Real property leased by the County includes office, warehouse, and retail space; childcare space in schools; parking spaces; and space for communication antennas. Leasing property allows the County the flexibility to locate programs in...

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  Legislative Branch Communications Outreach

This NDA provides funds to strengthen the capacity of five Legislative Branch offices (the Council Office, the Office of Legislative Oversight, the Board of Appeals, the Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings, and the Office of the Inspector General) to inform constituent communities of issues that directly affect them and...

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  Metro Washington Council of Governments

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is a voluntary association of major local governments in the Washington Metropolitan Area. COG seeks to provide regional answers to, and coordination of, area-wide issues such as air and water pollution, child care, housing, crime, water supply, land use, and transportation. This NDA...

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  Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy

This NDA provides funding for the Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy (MCAEL). MCAEL's mission is to strengthen and build adult English language learning programs and instruction to further individual and family success at work, school, and in the community. Funding for MCAEL supports grants to community organizations for programs...

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  Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation

This is the private non-profit corporation established by Bill 25-15 that serves as Montgomery County's lead economic development organization. The Economic Development Corporation is responsible for implementing the County's economic development strategic plan and related programs that include marketing, business retention and attraction, entrepreneurship, and promoting the development of the...

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  Montgomery County Employee Retirement Plans

The mission of this NDA is to manage prudent investment programs for the members of the Employee Retirement Plans and their beneficiaries. Expenditures associated with this program are funded from the Employees' Retirement System (ERS), Retirement Savings Plan (RSP), and the General Fund on behalf of the Montgomery County Deferred...

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  Montgomery County Green Bank

The Montgomery County Green Bank seeks to leverage public and private investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is funded with both County and private money. Residents and businesses can obtain financing for things like weatherization, high efficiency HVAC systems, and renewable and clean energy projects. Bill 44-21 requires the...

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  Motor Pool Fund Contribution

This NDA funds the acquisition of new, additional Motor Pool fleet vehicles, as opposed to replacement vehicles, which are financed through an established chargeback mechanism....

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  Payments to Municipalities

The Montgomery County Municipal Revenue Program, authorized by Chapter 30A of the Montgomery County Code, reimburses municipalities for those public services they provide that would otherwise be provided by the County. The current reimbursement policy goes beyond State law, Section 6-305 of the Tax-Property Article, which requires the County to...

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  Police Accountability Board

This NDA provides funding for the Police Accountability Board (PAB) and the Administrative Charging Committee (ACC) in accordance with the Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021, and pursuant to Montgomery County Bill 49-21. The purpose of the PAB and the ACC is to review police data, and adjudicate on law...

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  Prisoner Medical Services

This NDA provides reimbursements to physicians and hospitals for medical care provided to individuals in the custody of any Montgomery County law enforcement agency, with the following exceptions:Offenders committed to the custody of the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (DOCR) and receiving medical treatment paid for by the budget of...

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  Public Elections Fund

Article IV of Chapter 16 of the County Code requires the Director of Finance to create a Public Election Fund to provide public campaign financing for qualified candidates for County Executive or County Council. The law is intended to encourage more candidates who do not have access to large contributions...

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  Public Technology, Inc.

The Public Technology Institute (PTI) actively supports local government executives and elected officials through research, education, executive-level consulting services, and national recognition programs. As the only technology organization created by and for cities and counties, PTI works with a core network of leading local officials - the PTI membership -...

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  UM 3 - Institute for Health Computing

In cooperation with partners in the University of Maryland System, including the University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland, Baltimore, University of Maryland Medical Center, Universities at Shady Grove, and others, the Institute for Health Computing (UM-IHC) is a planned research facility and academic presence at the North Bethesda...

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  Universities at Shady Grove

This NDA provides for the services of the Resilient Education for All, Designed for You (READY) Institute at the Universities of Shady Grove (USG). The school-based and out-of-school time programs will drive impactful change on the County's talent pipeline efforts and educational ecosystem by focusing on the changing workforce demands...

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  Retiree Health Benefits Trust

Beginning in FY08, the County implemented a plan to set aside funds for retiree health benefits, similar to the County's 50-year-old practice of pre-funding for retiree pension benefits. Due to exponential growth in expected retiree health costs, the County had determined the cost of funding these benefits, which were being...

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  Risk Management (General Fund)

This NDA funds the General Fund contribution to the Liability and Property Coverage Self-Insurance Fund. The Self-Insurance Fund, managed by the Division of Risk Management in the Department of Finance, provides comprehensive insurance coverage to contributing agencies. Contribution levels are based on the results of an annual actuarial study. Special...

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  Rockville Parking District

This NDA provides funding towards the redevelopment of the City of Rockville Town Center and the establishment of a parking district. The funding reflects a payment from the County to the City of Rockville for County buildings in the Town Center development and is based on the commercial square footage...

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  Skills for the Future

The Skills for the Future Non-Departmental Account was established in May 2019 to provide funding for high-quality Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) programming in both academic and recreational settings to low-income youth. The intent of this funding is to build a pipeline of technical talent that will ensure...

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  Weather Response

This program supports the County's mission to provide an effective and efficient transportation system to ensure the safe and convenient movement of persons, bicycles and vehicles throughout the County in response to winter snow storms and severe wind/rain events. Beginning with FY25, the name for this Non-Departmental Account has...

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  Small Business Support Services

This NDA provides funding to support and augment the Business Center Team's efforts through the County's resource partners that provide specialized assistance and programs for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Support includes technical assistance and coaching for business owners interested in starting and growing their business in the County. This NDA...

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  State Positions Supplement

This NDA provides for the County supplement to State salaries and fringe benefits for secretarial assistance for the resident judges of the Maryland Appellate Courts....

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  State Property Tax Services

This NDA funds the reimbursement to the State for three programs that support the property tax billing administration conducted by the Department of Finance: the Montgomery County Homeowners Credit Supplement, the Homestead Credit Certification Program, and the County's share of the cost of conducting property tax assessments by the State...

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  Takoma Park Library Annual Payments

The annual amount provided in this NDA is a function of County expenditures for the Montgomery County Public Libraries (as a share of property tax-funded spending) and the City of Takoma Park's assessable base. The payment is authorized by Section 2-53 of the Montgomery County Code....

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This NDA provides the operating expenses appropriations for telecommunication charges incurred by departments, including land-line charges and Private Branch Exchange System (PBX) maintenance and support charges. Prior to FY17, the Department of Technology andEnterprise Business Solutions charged individual departments and funds for expenses incurred....

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  Vision Zero

This NDA funds the County Executive's oversight and coordination of the Vision Zero Initiative to end traffic related serious injuries and fatalities through a full-time Vision Zero Coordinator and supporting operational funds. The operational funds assist the Coordinator in implementing and updating the Vision Zero Action Plan....

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  Working Families Income Supplement

This NDA provides funds to supplement the State's Refundable Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The intent of the Working Families Income Supplement is to provide financial assistance to low-income working families in Montgomery County. The County, through the NDA, reimburses the State for the cost of the refund and related...

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  WorkSource Montgomery, Inc

WorkSource Montgomery (WSM) is the private non-profit corporation authorized by Council Resolution 18-295 as the County's designated workforce development corporation. WorkSource Montgomery has been designated to implement the County's workforce development policies established by the Workforce Development Board to promote job growth and talent attraction.The Employment and Training Services for...

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Budget Trends
Program Contacts

Contact Eva Acevedo of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2763 for more information regarding the operating budget for the Non-Departmental Accounts.

Related Links
Budget Summary
Salaries and Wages2358633.0011287818.00 9241591.00 7482803.00-33.7
Employee Benefits592355.001059711.00 820691.00 1469348.0038.7
County General Fund Personnel Costs2950988.0012347529.00 10062282.00 8952151.00-27.5
Operating Expenses301032297.00316756723.00 317919045.00 312150915.00-1.5
County General Fund Expenditures303983285.00329104252.00 327981327.00 321103066.00-2.4
Full-Time23.0023.00 23.00 26.0013.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs45.3436.27 36.27 52.0643.5
Conference Center - Rental Income319130.00319100.00 319100.00 319100.000.0
Miscellaneous Revenues7725.00431171.00 431171.00 431171.000.0
Property Rentals3359969.003900000.00 3500000.00 3500000.00-10.3
Conference Center - Net Proceeds2310976.001750000.00 2500000.00 2500000.0042.9
County General Fund Revenues5997800.006400271.00 6750271.00 6750271.005.5
Salaries and Wages0.001000000.00 1000000.00 1000000.000.0
Employee Benefits0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Personnel Costs0.001000000.00 1000000.00 1000000.000.0
Operating Expenses33312275.0020000000.00 20000000.00 20160000.000.8
Grant Fund - MCG Expenditures33312275.0021000000.00 21000000.00 21160000.000.8
Full-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
State Grants0.0020000000.00 20000000.00 20000000.000.0
Federal Grants33320511.000.00 0.00 160000.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Revenues33320511.0020000000.00 20000000.00 20160000.000.8
Total Expenditures337295560.00350104252.00 348981327.00 342263066.00-2.2
Total Full-Time Positions23.0023.00 23.00 26.0013.0
Total Part-Time Positions0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Total FTEs45.3436.27 36.27 52.0643.5
Total Revenues39318311.0026400271.00 26750271.00 26910271.001.9
Program Summary
Program NameFY24 APPR
Arts and Humanities Council66490290.0068485000.00
BioHub Maryland at Montgomery County00.005624360.00
Boards, Committees and Commissions496650.00496650.00
Charter Review Commission11500.001500.00
Children's Opportunity Alliance (COA)7283870.0019840790.00
Climate Change Planning4865000.007183440.00
Community Grants116179480.00109202010.00
Compensation and Employee Benefit Adjustments97811731.1243361370.91
Conference and Visitors Bureau21968190.0022627240.00
Conference Center6021951.005669721.00
Consolidated Retiree Health Benefit Trust - College00.0000.00
Consolidated Retiree Health Benefit Trust - MCPS622514720.00591062610.00
County Associations747280.00765330.00
Device Client Management138011950.00161816770.00
Early Care and Education1117852612.001026034426.00
Future Federal/State/Other Grants200000000.00200000000.00
Grants To Municipalities in Lieu Of Shares Tax280200.00280200.00
Group Insurance Retirees514385030.00443934730.00
Guaranteed Income32983451.0012298501.00
Historical Activities1668600.002218660.00
Homeowners' Association Road Maintenance Reimburse620890.00620890.00
Housing Opportunities Commission79725010.0082953150.00
Inauguration and Transition00.0000.00
Incubator Programs26598745.0024375843.00
Independent Audit4315100.154322420.15
Interagency Technology, Policy, and Coordination Commission30000.0030000.00
KID Museum18607980.0019166220.00
Labor Management Relations Committee00.0000.00
Legislative Branch Communications Outreach238205413.00260553613.00
Metro Washington Council of Governments19575330.0019575330.00
Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy22770320.0025120320.00
Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation59500000.0046709480.00
Montgomery County Employee Retirement Plans00.0000.00
Montgomery County Green Bank186479570.00191261860.00
Motor Pool Fund Contribution00.0015246090.00
Payments to Municipalities188944820.00217000550.00
Police Accountability Board5092222.007887432.00
Prisoner Medical Services200000.00200000.00
Public Elections Fund00.003330000.00
Public Technology, Inc.50000.0050000.00
UM 3 - Institute for Health Computing37000000.0063000000.00
Universities at Shady Grove2250000.0000.00
Retiree Health Benefits Trust00.0000.00
Risk Management (General Fund)264698130.00246518710.00
Rockville Parking District4223000.004269000.00
Skills for the Future2847740.002933170.00
Weather Response28849900.0028849900.00
Small Business Support Services14850000.0022812334.00
State Positions Supplement607560.00607560.00
State Property Tax Services35656150.0035656150.00
Takoma Park Library Annual Payments1724160.001840900.00
Vision Zero2019441.003738821.00
Working Families Income Supplement274907510.00281235220.00
WorkSource Montgomery, Inc20145940.0022740320.00