Budget Year / Version:

Mission Statement

The Department of Permitting Services' (DPS) primary mission is to ensure the health, safety, sustainability and economic vitality of residents, businesses, communities and the built environment in Montgomery County. This is accomplished by accurate, consistent and timely review and issuance of submittal documents and permits and extensive outreach. DPS conducts prompt and thorough inspections for residential, commercial, land development, zoning and code compliance and responds to service requests and emergencies.


Budget Overview

The total approved FY25 Operating Budget for the Department of Permitting Services is $45,659,555, an increase of $3,996,659 or 9.59 percent from the FY24 Approved Budget of $41,662,896. Personnel Costs comprise 80.64 percent of the budget for 244 full-time position(s) and no part-time position(s), and a total of 252.03 FTEs. Total FTEs may include seasonal or temporary positions and may also reflect workforce charged to or from other departments or funds. Operating Expenses account for the remaining 19.36 percent of the FY25 budget.

County Priority Outcomes

While this program area supports all eight of the County Result Areas, the following are emphasized:

  • A Growing Economy
  • A Greener County
  • Easier Commutes
  • Effective, Sustainable Government


Program Performance Measures

Performance measures for this department are included below (where applicable), with multi-program measures displayed at the front of this section and program-specific measures shown with the relevant program. The FY24 estimates reflect funding based on the FY24 approved budget. The FY25 and FY26 figures are performance targets based on the FY25 approved budget and funding for comparable service levels in FY26.

The department combines department and applicant time components when measuring "total time to issue a permit." These times may be impacted by satisfaction of related preconditions such as sediment control submissions and approvals and outside agency approvals.



  • Two new positions will be responsible for developing data analytics, customer and internal facing tools, and assisting with code development. This requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of how the energy code, green code, and general DPS functions interact with the Climate Action Plan.

  • Plan review staff will absorb responsibility for reviewing plans related to Streetlights, Signs and Markings and Mobile Cranes, historically reviewed by MCDOT. This change is in line with the "One Stop Shop" model and will eliminate conflicts with review comments and result in faster permit issuance. One reviewer will be responsible for the entire public right-of-way construction plan set.

  • The Department of Permitting Services is working with the Department of Health and Human Services to streamline the restaurant plan review process. Two new Environmental Health Inspector positions, to be funded in the Permitting Fund, will be added to ensure timely completion of plan reviews and provide education and assistance through outreach to local restaurants.


Innovations and Productivity Improvements

  • Adoption of 2021 IBC, IECC, IEBC, IgCC, 2020 NEC and 2021 NFPA Codes (Building, Energy, Existing Building, Green Building, Electrical & Fire Codes), 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) and the 2020 National Electric Code (NEC).
  • Upgrade electronics plans submission system to improve system reliability, scalability, collaboration, security, and performance.

  • Adopted and implemented the Compliance Engine application to better protect county residents and businesses with enhanced, proactive fire prevention related to maintenance and testing compliance of fire protection systems in buildings.
  • Permitting Services' Podcast is an archive of topics featured on social media platforms that include news releases that raise awareness, feature subject-matter experts, and discuss a variety of topics that promote innovation and outreach within the community.
  • Reinstituted the Residential Fast Track program with the goal of significantly shortening the issuance time (1 day) for small residential projects.

Program Descriptions

  Land Development

The Land Development Division is responsible for ensuring the protection of the County's land and water resources, the protection of the environment, and the safety of residents and businesses through its engineering and inspection functions related to storm water management; sediment control; floodplain management; special protection areas; storm drain design...

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  Residential Construction & Fire Code Compliance

The Residential Construction staff is responsible for ensuring public safety through the effective application of residential building, structural, electrical, mechanical, and energy conservation codes. This is accomplished through technical plan review and inspection processes.The Fire Code Compliance staff is responsible for ensuring compliance with adopted National Fire Codes and Standards,...

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  Commercial Building Construction

The Commercial Construction program is responsible for ensuring public safety through the effective application of commercial building, structural, electrical, mechanical, fire-safety, accessibility, and sustainability construction codes and standards. As the "First Preventers," this is accomplished through plan review and construction site inspections to facilitate compliance with approved plans and...

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Central Services UnitThe Administration program provides policy development and leadership for all programs within the Department.The administrative staff are specialists responsible for a full range of administrative, financial, and budgetary tasks, including daily operations, revenue collection (fees and development taxes and charges), reporting and management, automation, human resources, fleet management,...

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  Zoning and Code Compliance

The Zoning and Code Compliance Division protects the quality of life, public health, safety, and welfare of Montgomery County. This is accomplished through the effective application and enforcement of the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance development and use standards; Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission certified site plan requirements; and ensure...

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  Customer Support & Outreach

The Customer Support and Outreach Division is responsible for all administration and issuance of building, land development, and zoning-related permits, applications and licenses, information requests, pre-design consultations, and other specialty services. This Division was formed to provide a multi-prong approach to enhance the methods in which our services are delivered...

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Budget Trends
Program Contacts

Contact Barbara Suter of the Department of Permitting Services at 240.777.6244 or Justine Jones of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2627 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.

Related Links
Budget Summary
Salaries and Wages23921076.0026110430.00 26191870.00 28996079.0011.1
Employee Benefits6336763.007009753.00 7083195.00 7823025.0011.6
Permitting Services Personnel Costs30257839.0033120183.00 33275065.00 36819104.0011.2
Operating Expenses8012290.008542713.00 8181493.00 8722851.002.1
Capital Outlay0.000.00 0.00 117600.000.0
Permitting Services Expenditures38270129.0041662896.00 41456558.00 45659555.009.6
Full-Time243.00243.00 243.00 244.000.4
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs249.03249.03 249.03 252.031.2
Building Permits25859436.0025865408.00 22248652.00 26757490.003.4
Electrical Permits and Licenses4805962.004907130.00 4295694.00 4500000.00-8.3
Fire Code Enforcement Permits2381418.002548228.00 2245628.00 2354099.00-7.6
Grading/Storm Drains/Paving/Driveway Permits4513455.004075018.00 3554574.00 4400000.008.0
Occupancy Permits568645.00498435.00 577209.00 578272.0016.0
Other Licenses/Permits313141.00314662.00 706536.00 578009.0083.7
Sediment Control Permits3143285.002798592.00 3041736.00 3437873.0022.8
Sign Permits188992.00197600.00 186169.00 205983.004.2
Special Exception Fee204809.00189052.00 189052.00 203782.007.8
Stormwater Mgmt and Water Quality Plan Fee286171.00248396.00 217346.00 209117.00-15.8
Well and Septic577457.00315194.00 341520.00 498893.0058.3
Automation Enhancement Fee59.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Other Charges/Fees2233264.001600479.00 1766457.00 1690858.005.6
Other Fines/Forfeitures54683.0027543.00 135387.00 86275.00213.2
Investment Income1998370.002595390.00 3278130.00 2580520.00-0.6
Mechanical Construction Permit1900114.001680824.00 1886815.00 2146150.0027.7
Information Requests0.00136533.00 114825.00 116634.00-14.6
Permitting Services Revenues49029261.0047998484.00 44785730.00 50343955.004.9
Salaries and Wages0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Employee Benefits0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Personnel Costs0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Operating Expenses275.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Expenditures275.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Full-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
State Grants-2960.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Revenues-2960.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Total Expenditures38270404.0041662896.00 41456558.00 45659555.009.6
Total Full-Time Positions243.00243.00 243.00 244.000.4
Total Part-Time Positions0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Total FTEs249.03249.03 249.03 252.031.2
Total Revenues49026301.0047998484.00 44785730.00 50343955.004.9
FY25 Approved Changes
Changes (with service impacts)
Enhance: Provide Funding for Two Environmental Health Specialists in HHS to Expedite Restaurant Facility Plan Reviews [Commercial Building Construction]2700462.00
Enhance: New Permitting & Code Compliance Inspector [Residential Construction & Fire Code Compliance]1492211.00
Enhance: New Plan Reviewer Position [Residential Construction & Fire Code Compliance]917061.00
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Increase Cost: Annualization of FY24 Compensation Increases14845180.00
Increase Cost: FY25 Compensation Adjustment13609080.00
Increase Cost: Lapse Adjustment4522040.00
Increase Cost: Increase in Utilities/Maintenance/Parking [Administration]2606640.00
Increase Cost: Increase IT Maintenance and Support [Administration]2238490.00
Increase Cost: Transfer Fiscal Assistant to Central Services Unit [Administration]2098262.00
Increase Cost: Annualization of FY24 Personnel Costs1692060.00
Re-align: Transfer Plan Reviewer Position from Residential to Land Programs [Land Development]1281801.00
Increase Cost: Operating Expenses for Wheaton Office Building [Administration]150400.00
Increase Cost: Printing and Mail26850.00
Decrease Cost: Retirement Adjustment-343940.00
Decrease Cost: Risk Management Adjustment-655600.00
Decrease Cost: Eliminated One Term Imaging Operator [Administration]-74928-1.00
Re-align: Transfer Plan Reviewer Position from Residential to Land Programs [Residential Construction & Fire Code Compliance]-128180-1.00
Decrease Cost: Elimination of One-Time Items Approved in FY24-1500000.00
Decrease Cost: Motor Pool Adjustment-1585060.00
Decrease Cost: Transfer Fiscal Assistant to Central Services Unit [Customer Support & Outreach]-209826-2.00
FY25 APPROVED45659555252.03
Program Summary
Program NameFY24 APPR
Commercial Building Construction741659852.00869507654.00
Customer Support & Outreach495052743.90496386441.90
Land Development761921553.00859761354.00
Residential Construction & Fire Code Compliance654718846.00722487347.00
Zoning and Code Compliance437088429.00458637329.00
Funding Parameter Items ($000s)
FY25 Approved45660.00000045660.00000045660.00000045660.00000045660.00000045660.000000
No inflation or compensation change is included in outyear projections.
Annualization of Positions Approved in FY250.000000132.000000132.000000132.000000132.000000132.000000
New positions in the FY25 budget are generally assumed to be filled at least two months after the fiscal year begins. Therefore, the above amounts reflect annualization of these positions in the outyears.
Elimination of One-Time Items Approved in FY250.000000-597.000000-597.000000-597.000000-597.000000-597.000000
Items recommended for one-time funding in FY25, including a vehicle purchase and a decrease in lapse, will be eliminated from the base in the outyears.
Labor Contracts0.000000684.000000684.000000684.000000684.000000684.000000
These figures represent the estimated annualized cost of general wage adjustments, service increments, and other negotiated items.
Subtotal Expenditures45660.00000045879.00000045879.00000045879.00000045879.00000045879.000000