
Explore Open Budget

This site contains the comprehensive presentation of the County's Capital Budget and Capital Improvements Program, including capital projects, fiscal year changes, the latest general ledger data...and much more

*** Note: This map only contains projects with a fixed address ***click here for a full list of projects


5.85BFY 2026 Total 6 Year
Project Funding
492 Total


The Capital Budget and Capital Improvements Program (CIP) cover larger long‑term investments in facilities & infrastructure, or Capital Projects. Examples include the construction of public schools, street maintenance, and parks improvements. These investments often take years to build, and their costs may be distributed over time.

read more about the cip this site omb

The Capital Budget provides the spending authority County agencies need to implement projects. The amendment to the Charter which created the Biennial CIP does not affect the requirement for the Council to approve an annual Capital Budget. 

The Capital Budget for each agency has been constructed to include appropriation or spending authority for all projects which require it. Ongoing projects which are not recommended for amendment will appear only on this site, and only to the extent that they require appropriation or spending authority for currently approved capital investment expenditures. New projects, and ongoing projects which are recommended for amendment, will appear on this site to the extent that they require appropriation or spending authority for expenditures.

% Total Expenditures by Category

WHAT'S NEW January 2025

This site contains the comprehensive presentation of the County's Capital Budget and Capital Improvements Program, including capital projects, fiscal year changes, the latest general ledger data...and much more

2026 County Executive Recommended Budget
Entire Book   | Individual Chapters  
How the Cumulative Budget is Distributed (000s) anchor
CategoryExpenses% of TotalGraph of TotalProjects
469094926.20000000000drill down139
431759424.10000000000drill down68
272345515.20000000000drill down31
12204476.80000000000drill down24
11346246.30000000000drill down51
9832895.50000000000drill down68
7551714.20000000000drill down8
6277683.50000000000drill down30
5631393.10000000000drill down14
4990092.80000000000drill down24
1670930.90000000000drill down15
1229540.70000000000drill down4
893770.50000000000drill down6
140850.10000000000drill down10