Budget Year / Version:


The functions of the Public Health Services programs are to protect and promote the health and safety of County residents. This is accomplished by monitoring health status and implementing intervention strategies to contain or prevent disease (including bio-terrorism and emerging diseases); fostering public-private partnerships, which increase access to health services; developing and implementing programs and strategies to address health needs; providing individual and community level health education; evaluating the effectiveness of select programs and strategies; and licensing and inspecting facilities and institutions affecting public health and safety.

Program Descriptions

  Admin - Public Health

This program provides leadership and direction for the administration of Public Health Services. Service area administration also includes Health Promotion and Prevention, the Community Health Improvement Process (Healthy Montgomery) and Special Projects, as well as oversight for medical clinical volunteers, the Commission on Health, contracts, grants, budget oversight, and partnership...

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  Dental Services

This program provides dental services in five clinics to promote oral health. Services include instruction in preventive health practices, primary assessments, targeted dental services, and emergency services. Services are provided to income-eligible Montgomery County children, pregnant women, adults, and seniors....

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  Communicable Disease & Epidemiology

Communicable Disease and Epidemiology has the mission of investigation, surveillance, diagnosis, and in some cases, treatment of individuals living in Montgomery County. Tuberculosis Control and Sexually Transmitted Infections programs will test, diagnose, and treat. HIV Medical and Dental Services will case manage and provide medical care for individuals who are...

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  Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response Program

This program is responsible for the planning, readiness, and response activities of a public health emergency or bio-terrorism threat. Planning efforts are made in collaboration with the County Emergency Management Group; the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security; the Department of Fire and Rescue Service; the Police Department; hospitals;...

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  Licensure and Regulatory Services

This program inspects and licenses nursing homes, domiciliary homes (large assisted living facilities with less intensive care than nursing homes), and group homes serving children, the elderly, and mentally ill to ensure compliance with County, State, and Federal laws and regulations. Staff respond to complaints and provide advice and consultations...

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  Cancer & Tobacco Prevention

The Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program and the Cancer Prevention, Education, Screening, and Treatment Program are two programs funded through the State Cigarette Restitution Fund. State funding supports coordination activities among community groups for outreach, screenings, education, and treatment. Each program has established coalitions consisting of public health partners,...

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  Community Health Services

Maternal and Child Health Services provides preventive health access services to uninsured and underinsured populations. Services include Women Health Services, Maternity Partnership Program, nurse case management, and home visits to targeted populations such as pregnant women, pregnant and parenting teens, children up to one year of age, and at-risk infants....

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  School Health Services

This program provides health services to students in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). These services include: first aid and emergency care; health appraisal; medication and treatment administration; health counseling, consultation, and education; referral for medical, psychological, and behavioral problems; case management for students with acute and chronic health conditions, and...

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  Health Care for the Uninsured

This program includes Montgomery Cares and Care for Kids. Through public-private partnerships, these programs provide primary health care services for low-income uninsured children and adults, using private pediatricians, a network of safety net clinics, and other health care providers. This program area also provides care coordination to uninsured children and...

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  Health Planning and Epidemiology

The Health Planning and Epidemiology program serves as the expert in planning and analytic epidemiology within HHS and is responsible for community health needs assessment, program evaluations, disease surveillance and outbreak investigations, health statistics and data management, epidemiology and biostatistics, ongoing development and maintenance of a population data warehouse, and...

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Budget Trends
Program Contacts

Contact Nina Ashford, DrPH, MPH of the HHS - Public Health Services at 240.777.4253 or Grace Pedersen of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.773.1088 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.

Related Links
Program Summary
Program NameFY24 APPR
Admin - Public Health948738613.001058660215.00
Cancer & Tobacco Prevention11917675.0014902106.00
Communicable Disease & Epidemiology1598784785.801696125288.80
Community Health Services983557363.75921218865.25
Dental Services407913826.00508989530.00
Health Care for the Uninsured174041294.00177736715.00
Health Planning and Epidemiology7797064.0035182505.00
Licensure and Regulatory Services497710839.00428909533.00
Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response Program30269767.8015393077.80
School Health Services38444518333.3745734853352.11