The multi-agency summary schedules include data for Montgomery County Government (MCG), Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery College, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), and for Debt Service. Not included are: the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC), and the Montgomery County Revenue Authority.
Schedule A, Fiscal Summary by Fund
This schedule presents information organized by tax supported funds, special funds, and enterprise (self-supporting) funds. More detail is shown for Montgomery County Government, which has more special funds, than is shown for the other agencies. Fund balances expected to be available to fund the coming budget are shown, along with the new revenues estimated for that year, the inter-fund transfers that affect the net revenue available, the County Council's approved appropriations, and the fund balances projected to be on hand at the end of the coming year.
Schedule A-1, Budget Summary by Agency
This schedule displays a summary by agency, separating tax supported, grant supported, and self-supported fund appropriations for the coming fiscal year, and comparing them to the current fiscal year.
Schedule A-2, Tax Supported Fund Balances
This schedule summarizes the estimated fund balances for the end of the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year for all tax supported funds.
Schedule A-3, Capital Improvements Program Current Revenue Requirements
This schedule displays the current revenue requirements of County agencies, by fund, across the years of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Each year, specific CIP projects are funded with current revenues rather than with general obligation bonds or other revenue sources. The current revenue amount also includes pay as you go (PAYGO) contributions made as direct offsets to debt obligations to maintain the County's debt within safe boundaries. Inflation is an unallocated amount to cover increased costs due to inflation.
Schedule A-4, Fiscal Summary by Fund
This schedule displays resources and use of resources data for all funds, including beginning and ending fund balance, revenues, transfers, expenditures, appropriations, and claims on fund.
Schedule A-5, Inter-Fund Transfers
This schedule shows more detailed information concerning transfers to and from each fund by agency and fund type (tax or non-tax supported).
Schedule A-6, Contributions To/From Other Funds
This schedule displays necessary movements of funds between agencies to support appropriations.
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