Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Homeless Services for Families

Homeless Services for Families provides emergency shelter and transitional housing to families with children. Services include intake and assessment, case management, and housing location to link families experiencing homelessness to housing, behavioral health, financial, and legal programs. All services are housing focused with a goal of connecting families with permanent housing as quickly as possible and removing systemic barriers to accessing housing and services.

Program Contacts

Contact Christine Hong of the HHS - Services to End and Prevent Homelessness at 240.777.1179 or Deborah Lambert of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2794 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Number of individuals as part of a family unit experiencing homelessness for the first time 1428473563473433
Average length of stay in days by homeless families in emergency shelter 25066917967
Percent of households returning to homelessness 313%9%13%10%7%
1  The increase in families experiencing homelessness is due to an increase in evictions and limited Rapid Rehousing capacity. Families are losing access to housing without access to additional financial resources that were made available during the public health emergency, so the number of individuals in need of Family Emergency Shelter is expected to increase in FY24. In FY25 and FY26, the program expects to have greater capacity to house clients and expand prevention work to gradually decrease family inflow.
2  The program experienced an increase in evictions and put-outs alongside very limited Rapid Rehousing (RRH) capacity. Families are losing housing without access to additional financial resources made available during Covid, so the number of individuals in need of Family Emergency Shelter is expected to increase in FY24. In FY25 and FY26, the program anticipates greater capacity to house clients and further prevention efforts to gradually decrease family inflow.
3  FY23 performance improved due to the continuous supportive services provided by Permanent Supportive Housing programs and other innovative permanent housing options to ensure clients remain housed. The availability of federal eviction prevention funding associated with the COVID public health emergency also helped people maintain housing and prevent return to homelessness.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved57537073.00
Restore: Continue Overflow Sheltering In Motels - One Time Only25944160.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.-17906170.00
FY25 Approved65575063.00