Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Minority Programs

The three minority programs - the African American Health Program (AAHP), the Latino Health Initiative (LHI), and the Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI) - support Department-wide efforts to eliminate disparities in delivery of health services and others and continue to achieve equitable delivery of population-targeted programs and services. The knowledge, expertise, and experiences of incumbent personnel in racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse communities informs Department-wide program, policy, and budget decisions.

Program Contacts

Contact Mark Hodge of the HHS - Administration and Support at 240.777.1568 or Deborah Lambert of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2794 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Number of individuals served by the Minority Health Initiatives & Program 165,983185,274161,507131,328131,161
Percent of clients satisfied with services provided by the Minority Health Initiatives & Program 296%96%93%93%93%
Average percent of respondents who expressed increased confidence due to community capacity building activities 390%86%85%87%90%
Average percent increase in wages from time participants entered program until hired as health professionals 4134%161%155%160%160%
Percent of clients who improved A1C blood sugar level test at 3-month follow up (diabetes management/prevention) 597%75%75%75%75%
1  FY23 experienced a significant increase from past years as it includes individuals served through contracts and large programs such as LHI's Por Nuestra Salud y Bienestar Program and AAHI's Healthy Communities Fund. Additionally, the increase is also due to more regular in-person community outreach events and the return of larger health events held by the MHIP such as LHI's Ama Tu Vida, AAHI's AAPI Heritage Month Celebration, and AAHP's Community Day. With Covid-19 activities winding down, the program anticipates a decrease in the number of clients served in the future.
2  The decrease in satisfaction can be attributed to the fact that this data is now being collected from more programs and from contractors or grantees, some of which are still building their capacity to implement health and wellness programs. In FY23, 666 surveys were distributed and programs received 552 responses in total. FY24-FY26 projections are based on percentages of satisfied clients from FY21-FY23.
3  There was a decrease in this measure for several reasons. First, some of the programs implemented this year were new and experimental. Second, this measure includes outcomes from the Healthy Communities Fund grant. This was the first year that this data was collected from grantees and they are still getting acclimated to collecting this data.
4  The annual average increase in wages includes three participants’ career advancement securing RN jobs from an average of $16.42 per hour when entering the program to an average of $42.83 per hour when hired as RNs.
5  In FY23, there were 129 enrolled Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) participants with A1Cs. Of those, 97 reached the goal of some reduction in A1C. This may increase or decrease at the 6, and/or 9-month mark but usually increases in percentage lowering A1C.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved1701639326.00
Shift: Maryland Vietnamese Mutual Association Contract from DHHS Children, Youth, and Family Services to DHHS Administration and Support, Asian American Health Initiative873210.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.6781591.00
FY25 Approved1778187327.00