Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Materials and Collection

This program provides for collection of refuse from single family residences in the southern parts of the County (Subdistrict A) and the funds to secure, administer, monitor, and enforce contracts with private collectors for collection of residential recyclables for the entire County. It also responds to residents' service needs.

In addition, the program enforces the County's recycling regulations as they apply to single-family residences and other waste generators, and the enforcement of requirements outlined in Chapter 48 of the County Code. It also supports solid waste program goals and ensures the success of recycling initiatives and progress to achieve the County's recycling goals. Also, the program provides for mandatory recycling and waste reduction for multi-family properties, for all businesses, and for broadly educating everyone living, visiting, and working in the County. Program efforts include technical support, assistance, education, outreach, and training.

It provides for the separation, processing, and marketing of recyclable materials at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF, aka the Recycling Center). The MRF receives recyclable material collected under the County curbside collection program from all single-family residences as well as some materials from municipalities, multi-family properties, and non-residential properties that have established recycling programs. The materials are then sorted, baled, and shipped to markets for recycling. The program also provides for the processing, baling, and shipping of the County's residential and some non-residential mixed paper and corrugated paper (cardboard).

The processing, transporting, composting, and marketing of yard trim received by the County is also included in this program, including leaves received from the County's Leaf Vacuuming program. Processing includes grinding brush to produce mulch at the Transfer Station and composting of all leaves and grass, sold wholesale as Leafgro in bulk and bagged forms.

The program promotes recycling of food scraps as part of the County's overall effort to increase recycling and to reduce the amount of food waste within the County. The program includes initiatives to recycle food scraps and other acceptable organic materials generated by the single-family residential, multi-family residential, and commercial sectors, through composting and/or other technologies.

Program Contacts

Contact Vicky Wan of the Recycling and Resource Management at 240.777.7722 or Richard H. Harris of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2795 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Number of tons of Municipal Solid Waste accepted at the Transfer Station: Commercial and multi-family buildings257,706299,282253,220272,601277,760
Number of business site visits to provide guidance and recycling support3,1446,61910,00010,00010,000
Number of Multi-Family Building site visits to provide guidance and recycling support1,0382,6532,5002,5002,500
Average number of refuse collections missed per week, not picked up within 24 hours1312111111
Average number of recycling collections missed per week, not picked up within 24 hours 15825333030
1  Recycling misses were higher in FY22 because a new contractor took over five areas, resulting in a temporary spike in misses.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved7205197554.15
Increase Cost: Residential Recycling Collection Program19189310.00
Increase Cost: Yard Trim Composting Equipment18279060.00
Increase Cost: Residential Refuse Collection Program9025230.00
Increase Cost: Recycling Center Operations700000.00
Increase Cost: Food Waste Reduction Effort229400.00
Increase Cost: Multifamily and Commercial Recycling Programs86620.00
Increase Cost: Recycling Outreach and Volunteers61750.00
Increase Cost: Paper Recycling Program60280.00
Shift: Realign Positions Based on Workload (Collection Fund)-137980.00
Shift: Realign Positions Based on Workload (Disposal Fund)-178070.00
Decrease Cost: Yard Trim Outreach-461250.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.30001-3.00
FY25 Approved7676741151.15