Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  University of Maryland-Extension (UMD-Extention)

The Montgomery County Extension Office serves as the non-formal outreach and education arm of the University of Maryland. This agency is funded cooperatively through local, State, and Federal governments to make nonformal education accessible to all Montgomery County residents. Adults, families, and youth are the primary audiences Extension programs serve across four major program areas: Agriculture and Food Systems; Family and Consumer Science; Environment and Natural Resources; and 4-H Positive Youth Development. Educational programs for farmers include raising crops and livestock, protecting the environment through good agriculture practices (GAP) and nutrient management planning, farm and business management, reducing farm stress (financial, emotional, and physical wellbeing), marketing commodities, and integrated pest management (IPM). Programs for families include home horticulture, financial literacy, and nutrition education. 4-H youth programs focus on healthy living and nutrition, leadership development, civic engagement, public speaking, and agricultural programs to learn how to care for, raise, and show livestock. The Close Encounters with Agriculture (CEWA) program engages over 3,000 4th grade students annually, from across Montgomery County, to learn about Agriculture through a hands-on learning experience at the Agricultural History Farm Park. Extension Office faculty and staff engage and rely upon a large network of over 2,000 volunteers to support facilitation of program delivery. Over 100,000 information requests are received annually and UME faculty, staff, and volunteers help to field and respond to these inquiries with research-based solutions. Outreach education efforts are facilitated through one-on-one consultations, telephone assistance, responses to internet inquiries, classes and workshops, field days, website, radio, television, and print media publications.

Program Contacts

Contact Jacqueline Arnold of the Office of Agriculture at 301.590.2859 or Natasha Joseph-Wilkerson of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.773.0052 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Nutrient management plans completed8475506070
4-H youth development program participants311507507507507
Average pre- to post-test score increase of Close Encounters with Agriculture participants on agriculture, nutrition, and the environment50%49%50%50%50%
Percent of Food Supplement Nutrition Education youth participants who try new healthy food93%42%42%46%46%
Percent of participants who purchase produce they learn about from Food Supplement Nutrition Education farmers market programming92%92%92%92%92%

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved2558890.00
Increase Cost: University of Maryland Extension Annualization Process167810.00
FY25 Approved2726700.00