Program Description
Emergency Management Planning, Response, and Recovery
The Emergency Management Planning, Response, and Recovery program represents the core programmatic activities of OEMHS. This program includes the planning, training, and exercising activities aimed at preparing County departments, non-profit partners, critical infrastructure, and County residents for large-scale emergencies. Major threats that this program addresses include, but are not limited to, cybersecurity, impacts from climate change, terrorism and other acts of violence, major storms, pandemics, and other large-scale events such as building fires. This program also includes the County Facility Emergency Action Plan and Continuity of Operations planning, employee training for emergency events, and other activities aimed at ensuring an effective countywide response to events impacting County government and residents. It also supports the Alert Montgomery system and associated emergency alerting, preparing, and operating the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and administration of the Hazard Materials Permitting process.