Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Support Services

The Division of Support Services provides central administrative and management service and direction for support functions across the department. Core services include the Capital Improvements Program, logistics, fleet services, facilities, technology services, and safety.

The logistics function consists of Fleet Support, Fleet Maintenance, Property and Supply, Emergency Medical Service Logistics, and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus & Meters. The Property and Supply Section maintains and distributes uniforms, apparel and firefighting personal protective equipment needs for career and volunteer fire and rescue personnel. This includes the procurement, order placement, receipt, storage, inventory, and distribution of a wide array of items, as well as related contract and budget administration and invoice processing. The section coordinates special services such as uniform tailoring and alterations, shoe repair, and protective clothing inspection, cleaning, and repair.

Maintenance of MCFRS heavy apparatus is performed and managed by Fleet Maintenance. The section ensures compliance with State and Federal regulations pertaining to emissions, inspections, and safe vehicle operation.

The Fleet Support Section handles the acquisition and disposal of County-owned apparatus as well as assisting LFRDs with acquisition of apparatus. The section selects, acquires, maintains and repairs tools, equipment, hose, and appliances used by fire and rescue personnel. Fleet Support also purchases and manages fuel for the department.

The Facilities Section is responsible for ensuring fire and rescue facilities that are properly maintained to enable all elements of the MCFRS to meet their mission. This includes monitoring, management and maintenance of the department's infrastructure.

The Capital Improvements Program manages the construction of new facilities and capital improvements to existing facilities.

The Technology Services Section is responsible for development, implementation, and ongoing support of all information technology needs for the department. This section ensures compliance with all Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions' requirements; is responsible for radio and telecom infrastructure; manages Computer Aided Dispatch; maintains the Data Warehouse; oversees station alerting, and maintains desktops, firehouse reporting, and inventory control software.

The Safety Section ensures the occupational health and safety of personnel through management of safety capacity. The program develops and promotes proactive prevention initiatives to reduce injuries to personnel and damage to property through compliance monitoring, investigations and follow up.

Program Contacts

Contact Dominic Del Pozzo of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service at 240.777.2236 or Willie Morales of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2758 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Number of COMAR-mandated vehicle inspections performed227244245245245
Number of gear pieces inspected and cleared4,0884,4034,4004,4004,400
Number of safety inspections (PPE) performed 16,5004,4506,0006,0006,000
Number of times MCFRS went below its minimum complement of apparatus12096505050
Technology: Average satisfaction score from customer service survey (scale of 1-5)4.84.9555
1  Does not include Volunteer inspections.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved2217249762.60
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.13589821.00
FY25 Approved2353147963.60