Budget Year / Version:

Program Description


Transitioning to TEBS in FY25, MC311 is a key strategic, enterprise-wide initiative that provides the public with a single three-digit number (311) to call for County information and service from anywhere within Montgomery County. In addition, MC311 provides the County with a sophisticated ability to count, track, and respond to resident requests. MC311 is the County's main hub for customer service and provides the general public with a higher quality of service delivery and accountability while helping the government achieve operational efficiencies. MC311 actively partners with other County departments and offices to discover process improvement opportunities that will benefit the customers' experience while simultaneously increasing operational efficiencies within the County. The County's Siebel users receive their training through MC311, as the Siebel system tracks the status of service requests throughout the County.

Program Contacts

Contact Leny Bautista of the Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions at 240.777.2865 or Seamus McNamara of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.277.2755 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Total number of General Information Service Requests created 1328,869304,084304,000304,000304,000
Total number of Fulfillment Service Requests created 2270,751257,746258,000258,000258,000
Percent of calls classified as General Information68.38%67.17%67.00%67.00%67.00%
Average rate of Fulfillment Service Requests created on the MC311 website and the mobile enabled portal39.44%37.68%38.00%38.00%38.00%
Average percent of callers requesting to speak Spanish6.15%6.20%6.20%6.20%6.20%
Average amount of time it takes to reach an MC311 Customer Service Representative after welcome announcement (in seconds)3726202020
Average rate of calls that come into 311 but are not answered by a Customer Service Representative (CSR) 34.2%2.4%5.0%5.0%5.0%
Cost per customer contact (in dollars) (salary expenditures divided by the total number of customer contacts by phone, web portal, mobile-enabled portal, Twitter)$5.31$5.03$5.03$5.03$5.03
Percent of MC311 survey respondents reporting satisfaction88%89%85%85%85%
1  General information service requests are those created, handled and closed within the MC311 Customer Service Center on behalf of other County departments.
2  Fulfillment service requests are those that are forwarded to departments for handling and completion. The numbers and types of service requests are driven by many factors including seasonal events such as tax notices, mass mailings, weather events, and global pandemics.
3  The industry standard target is 5%.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved00.00
Shift: MC311 from Office of Public Information Office to TEBS521126045.70
Re-align: Elimination of Long-Term Vacancies-192280-2.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.734340.00
FY25 Approved509241443.70