Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Labor Relations

The Office of Labor Relations (OLR) administers the County's labor and employee relations programs. These include conducting collective bargaining with the three County unions and volunteer Firefighters; administering and ensuring compliance with collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) and other labor-management agreements and personnel regulations; managing collaborative labor-management programs and joint initiatives, including Labor-Management Relations Committees (LMRCs) and other joint committees; administering grievance and dispute procedures, including both negotiated and regulatory, including the Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Facilitation processes, and facilitating the timely resolution of workplace disputes; advising County managers on CBA issues, personnel policies and procedures, and employee relations matters; and conducting training for County managers and employees on labor-management and employee relations topics.

Program Contacts

Contact Jennifer Harling of the Office of Labor Relations at 240.777.5073 or Shantee Jackson of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2751 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Number of trainings on labor relations offered to County employees 1188202428
Number of County employees that attended trainings on labor relations1427461,0001,2001,350
Total number of Labor Management Relations Committee (LMRC) meetings held with the three County employee unions (MCGEO, FOP, and IAFF)1729404652
Percent of LMRC meetings attended by an Office of Labor Relations representative88%79%85%85%85%
Percent of grievances by a bargaining unit resolved without the intervention of a third party 298%95%97%98%98%
1  The fluctuation of this performance measure may be attributed to leadership and staff transitions.
2  The dip in this performance measure for FY23 may be attributed to the increased number of grievances filed.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved16211708.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Department of Transportation to OLR to Support Countywide Labor and Employee Relations Functions1485941.00
Shift: Transfer Vacant Position from Department of Police to OLR to Support Countywide Labor and Employee Relations Functions1234101.00
Shift: Transfer Vacant Position from Fire and Rescue Service to OLR to Support Countywide Labor and Employee Relations Functions1234101.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Department of Health and Human Services to OLR to Support Countywide Labor and Employee Relations Functions958851.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Department of General Services to OLR to Support Countywide Labor and Employee Relations Functions655941.00
Restore: Restore One-Time Lapse Increase25500.00
Decrease Cost: Partial Year Lapse of Three Positions Based on Likely Hiring Timeframes-1441820.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.1774080.00
FY25 Approved221383913.00