Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Council Staff Operations

Council Staff Operations is responsible for four activities in support of the Council: Legislative Program, Planning, and Budget; Legislative Information Services and Council Communications Office; Office of the Clerk of the Council; and Administration.

Legislative Program, Planning, and Budget staff perform research and analysis on issues before the Council and prepare written reports and recommendations for all agenda items at Council sessions and Committee meetings. Staff also respond to requests from individual Councilmembers for research, legal advice, and data relevant to their work program. Staff draft legislation and resolutions for Council action; analyze reports, bills, plans, and budgets forwarded to the Council by the County Executive and County agencies; and advise Councilmembers on issues related to the Council work program. Personnel in this unit provide staffing for the Charter Review Commission and other groups created by the Council and represent the Council at meetings held on issues before the Council.

Legislative Information Services and Council Communications Office staff perform the public relations function of the Council. In order to facilitate two-way communication between the Council and County residents, staff prepare informational materials, serve as first-line telephone contact with the public, provide information about the legislative process, update the Council's website, and produce programs for the County's cable channel. Staff inform Councilmembers of the views of citizens through a correspondence control system, telephone tabulation system, and documentation of petitions. Legislative Information Services arranges for and provides notice of public hearings, and assembles packets of background material for Councilmembers, the press, and the public.

The Office of the Clerk of the Council prepares and maintains all official records of the Council; attends meetings of the Council; writes minutes; processes resolutions and legislation; prepares Council and Committee agendas; arranges for both regular and special meetings; and tracks sunset, expiration, and deadline dates of legislation and regulations.

Administration performs the Council's personnel, procurement, payroll, and budgetary functions; provides supervision; manages the automation system for the legislative branch; monitors inventory and office space; coordinates program issues; and serves as the liaison between Councilmembers and program staff. The staff in this unit contribute to the Legislative Program, Planning, and Budget work program. The administrative staff also provide staff orientation, training for the automation and telephone systems, backup support for all programs, volunteer coordination, and receptionist coverage for Councilmember offices.

Program Contacts

Contact Sandra Marin of the County Council at 240.777.7923 or Grace Pedersen of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.773.1088 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved731601645.55
Shift: Cable Fund Chargeback to General Fund8388643.80
Increase Cost: Miscellaneous Operating Expenses26410.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.8023030.00
FY25 Approved895982449.35