Budget Year / Version:
Expenditures by Fund
Revenues by Fund
Expenditure Data
OrderCost CenterCost Center NameFundTypeAccountAccount NameAmount
1C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV51004Social Security- FICA MedicaidPersonnel Costs0.00
2C34603Cable: Franchise FeeF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
3C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV53020GRIP (Guaranteed Retirement Income Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
4C34600OBP Office of Broadband ProgramsF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
5C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV50010Full Time SalariesPersonnel Costs0.00
6C34620PEG Operating and MarketingF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
7C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV50099Budget Adjustment (Salary)Personnel Costs0.00
8C34610Engineering & Inspection ServicesF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
9C34604Cable: Capital SupportF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
10C34612Professional ServicesF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
11C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV50010Full Time SalariesPersonnel Costs0.00
12C34600OBP Office of Broadband ProgramsF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
13C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
14C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF170 - Cable TV50311Other Compensation Adjustment - OMB Use onlyPersonnel Costs0.00
15C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
16C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV51002Social Security- FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
17C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV50404Salary Charges From OthersPersonnel Costs0.00
18C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
19C34623Technical Operations CenterF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
20C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
21C34610Engineering & Inspection ServicesF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
22C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV50010Full Time SalariesPersonnel Costs0.00
23C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV51004Social Security- FICA MedicaidPersonnel Costs0.00
24C34617Park & PlanningF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
25C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
26C34604Cable: Capital SupportF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
27C34617Park & PlanningF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
28C34619PEG Equipment ReplacementF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
29C34621Youth and Arts Community Media *F170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
30C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
31C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
32C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV51002Social Security- FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
33C34650OBP Network Operations Center (NOC)F170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
34C34622Closed CaptioningF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
35C34604Cable: Capital SupportF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
36C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV52002Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
37C34620PEG Operating and MarketingF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
38C34621Youth and Arts Community Media *F170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
39C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV51004Social Security- FICA MedicaidPersonnel Costs0.00
40C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
41C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV51002Social Security- FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
42C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV51002Social Security- FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
43C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV51012Social Security- Charges from OthersPersonnel Costs0.00
44C34622Closed CaptioningF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
45C34613Community Engagement ProductionsF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
46C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV53018ERS (Employee Retirement Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
47C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV50099Budget Adjustment (Salary)Personnel Costs0.00
48C34619PEG Equipment ReplacementF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
49C34621Youth and Arts Community Media *F170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
50C34661Digital Equity (Cable)F170 - Cable TV51002Social Security- FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
51C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV52008Group Insurance- Charges From OthersPersonnel Costs0.00
52C34618Montgomery Community MediaF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
53C34661Digital Equity (Cable)F170 - Cable TV53016RSP (Retirement Savings Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
54C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
55C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV52002Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
56C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
57C34613Community Engagement ProductionsF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
58C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV50099Budget Adjustment (Salary)Personnel Costs0.00
59C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
60C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV53020GRIP (Guaranteed Retirement Income Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
61C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
62C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
63C34605Cable: Operating SupportF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
64C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV52002Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
65C34661Digital Equity (Cable)F170 - Cable TV50010Full Time SalariesPersonnel Costs0.00
66C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV50010Full Time SalariesPersonnel Costs0.00
67C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV53016RSP (Retirement Savings Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
68C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
69C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV51004Social Security- FICA MedicaidPersonnel Costs0.00
70C34610Engineering & Inspection ServicesF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
71C34612Professional ServicesF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
72C34661Digital Equity (Cable)F170 - Cable TV52002Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
73C34661Digital Equity (Cable)F170 - Cable TV51004Social Security- FICA MedicaidPersonnel Costs0.00
74C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV51002Social Security- FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
75C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV53018ERS (Employee Retirement Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
76C34600OBP Office of Broadband ProgramsF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
77C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV53018ERS (Employee Retirement Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
78C34613Community Engagement ProductionsF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
79C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
80C34617Park & PlanningF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
81C34620PEG Operating and MarketingF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
82C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV50010Full Time SalariesPersonnel Costs0.00
83C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV53010Retirement- Charges from OthersPersonnel Costs0.00
84C34606TFCG Application ReviewF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
85C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV53020GRIP (Guaranteed Retirement Income Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
86C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV53020GRIP (Guaranteed Retirement Income Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
87C34650OBP Network Operations Center (NOC)F170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
88C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV51004Social Security- FICA MedicaidPersonnel Costs0.00
89C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
90C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
91C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV53016RSP (Retirement Savings Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
92C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
93C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV50010Full Time SalariesPersonnel Costs0.00
94C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
95C34603Cable: Franchise FeeF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
96C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV53016RSP (Retirement Savings Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
97C34605Cable: Operating SupportF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
98C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV52002Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
99C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF170 - Cable TV50099Budget Adjustment (Salary)Personnel Costs0.00
100C34622Closed CaptioningF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
101C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
102C34623Technical Operations CenterF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
103C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV51002Social Security- FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
104C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
105C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
106C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
107C34605Cable: Operating SupportF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
108C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
109C34618Montgomery Community MediaF170 - Cable TV53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
110C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV53016RSP (Retirement Savings Plan)Personnel Costs0.00
111C34619PEG Equipment ReplacementF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
112C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
113C34603Cable: Franchise FeeF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
114C34609County Attorney (Personnel)F170 - Cable TV52002Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
115C34606TFCG Application ReviewF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
116C34623Technical Operations CenterF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
117C34650OBP Network Operations Center (NOC)F170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
118C34612Professional ServicesF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
119C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
120C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV51004Social Security- FICA MedicaidPersonnel Costs0.00
121C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV52002Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
122C34606TFCG Application ReviewF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
123C34626FiberNetF170 - Cable TV51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
124C34618Montgomery Community MediaF170 - Cable TV52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
125C34600OBP Office of Broadband ProgramsF170 - Cable TV50311Other Compensation Adjustment - OMB Use onlyPersonnel Costs0.00
126Personnel Costs Total0.00
127C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV60530Other Professional ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
128C34617Park & PlanningF170 - Cable TV60539MNCPPC - New Media Webstreaming & Video On-Demand ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
129C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV60076Professional Purchase Of ServiceOperating Expenses0.00
130C34610Engineering & Inspection ServicesF170 - Cable TV60032Engineering & Architectural ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
131C34606TFCG Application ReviewF170 - Cable TV60032Engineering & Architectural ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
132C34610Engineering & Inspection ServicesF170 - Cable TV63500Assigned Motor Pool VehiclesOperating Expenses0.00
133C34621Youth and Arts Community Media *F170 - Cable TV69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
134C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF170 - Cable TV60530Other Professional ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
135C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
136C34627DOT FiberNetF170 - Cable TV61010Computer Equipment Repairs/MaintenanceOperating Expenses0.00
137C34620PEG Operating and MarketingF170 - Cable TV60314Maintenance - Computer SystemsOperating Expenses131104.00
138C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV60537CONTRACTS- TV PRODUCTIONOperating Expenses0.00
139C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV60537CONTRACTS- TV PRODUCTIONOperating Expenses0.00
140C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV64120Other EducationOperating Expenses0.00
141C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV60164Temporary ProfessionalOperating Expenses0.00
142C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV60530Other Professional ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
143C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV64016Other TravelOperating Expenses0.00
144C34600OBP Office of Broadband ProgramsF170 - Cable TV69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
145C34612Professional ServicesF170 - Cable TV60060Legal / Attorney ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
146C34620PEG Operating and MarketingF170 - Cable TV60164Temporary ProfessionalOperating Expenses3220.00
147C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
148C34603Cable: Franchise FeeF170 - Cable TV62927Takoma Park Replacement EquipmentOperating Expenses164417.00
149C34605Cable: Operating SupportF170 - Cable TV62927Takoma Park Replacement EquipmentOperating Expenses291686.00
150C34619PEG Equipment ReplacementF170 - Cable TV62846Television / Video EquipmentOperating Expenses447237.00
151C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV62846Television / Video EquipmentOperating Expenses0.00
152C34605Cable: Operating SupportF170 - Cable TV62930Rockville Replacement EquipmentOperating Expenses167764.00
153C34603Cable: Franchise FeeF170 - Cable TV62930Rockville Replacement EquipmentOperating Expenses518303.00
154C34604Cable: Capital SupportF170 - Cable TV62930Rockville Replacement EquipmentOperating Expenses618089.00
155C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV60100MarketingOperating Expenses0.00
156C34622Closed CaptioningF170 - Cable TV60540County Cable Montgomery - Closed CaptioningOperating Expenses0.00
157C34604Cable: Capital SupportF170 - Cable TV62927Takoma Park Replacement EquipmentOperating Expenses144221.00
158C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV63500Assigned Motor Pool VehiclesOperating Expenses0.00
159C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV62018Computer Equipment - Non CapitalizedOperating Expenses0.00
160C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV64200Professional Memberships (Individual)Operating Expenses0.00
161C34618Montgomery Community MediaF170 - Cable TV60488Video Production ServicesOperating Expenses2857084.00
162C34620PEG Operating and MarketingF170 - Cable TV60530Other Professional ServicesOperating Expenses60788.00
163C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV64102Non-Local Conference RelatedOperating Expenses0.00
164C34613Community Engagement ProductionsF170 - Cable TV60538County Cable Montgomery - New Media Webstreaming & Video On-Demand ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
165C34619PEG Equipment ReplacementF170 - Cable TV60446Software Licensure/Maintenance AgreementsOperating Expenses25000.00
166C34616County CouncilF170 - Cable TV69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
167C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV60158Consultant ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
168C34664OBP Digital EquityF170 - Cable TV63104Other Outside Printing/CopyingOperating Expenses0.00
169C34617Park & PlanningF170 - Cable TV60537CONTRACTS- TV PRODUCTIONOperating Expenses0.00
170C34614Public Information OfficeF170 - Cable TV69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
171C34650OBP Network Operations Center (NOC)F170 - Cable TV60530Other Professional ServicesOperating Expenses0.00
172C34623Technical Operations CenterF170 - Cable TV69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
173C34602Community Engagement OperationsF170 - Cable TV62414Shop Equipment & Tools- Non CapitalizedOperating Expenses0.00
174C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV62929Municipal League Replacement EquimentOperating Expenses0.00
175C34605Cable: Operating SupportF170 - Cable TV62929Municipal League Replacement EquimentOperating Expenses791686.00
176C34604Cable: Capital SupportF170 - Cable TV62929Municipal League Replacement EquimentOperating Expenses144221.00
177C34603Cable: Franchise FeeF170 - Cable TV62929Municipal League Replacement EquimentOperating Expenses192150.00
178Operating Expenses Total6556970.00
179C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV68900Transfer to MCPS- OperatingTransfer to County Funds-1581200.00
180C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV68910Transfer to Montgomery College OperatingTransfer to County Funds-1604850.00
181C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV68200I/C Transfer To General FundTransfer to County Funds0.00
182C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV68102Transfer To General FundTransfer to County Funds-7626135.00
183Transfer to County Funds Total-10812185.00
184Cable TV Total-4255215.00
185C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
186C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
187C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
188C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
189C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
190C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
191C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
192C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
193C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
194C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund53060Other Non-Workforce RetirementPersonnel Costs0.00
195C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund52060Other Non-Workforce Group InsurancePersonnel Costs0.00
196C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund51020Other Non-Workforce FICAPersonnel Costs0.00
197Personnel Costs Total0.00
198C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
199C34664OBP Digital EquityF166 - Grant Fund69999Other Miscellaneous Operating ExpensesOperating Expenses0.00
200C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund60446Software Licensure/Maintenance AgreementsOperating Expenses0.00
201C34640OBP FiberNet Fixed Annual ChargesF166 - Grant Fund60446Software Licensure/Maintenance AgreementsOperating Expenses0.00
202Operating Expenses Total0.00
203Grant Fund Total0.00
Revenue Data
OrderCost CenterCost Center NameFundTypeAccountAccount NameAmount
1C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV44016Cable TV - 5% Gross ReceiptsCharges for Services11586334.00
2C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV44031Verizon - 3% Public Educational & Government & Institutional Network GrantCharges for Services0.00
3C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV44019Cable TV Public Education & Government CapitalCharges for Services4350302.00
4C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV44018Cable TV Public Education & Government OperatingCharges for Services2676134.00
5C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV44017Cable TV Gaithersburg Public Education & Government ContributionCharges for Services0.00
6C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV44023Cable Tower Application Fees - SprintCharges for Services250000.00
7Charges for Services Total18862770.00
8C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV47950Miscellaneous Unallocated RevenueMiscellaneous Revenues1000000.00
9C34601Revenue-Franchise Fees/PEGF170 - Cable TV46100Interest Income - Pooled InvestmentInvestment Income117960.00
10Cable TV Total19980730.00