Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Youth Development

The Youth Development Team uses recreation to ensure young people are healthy, connected, and productive during out-of-school time. Program staff work to change the landscape of communities by tackling pressing and diverse issues, reducing barriers to participation, and improving equitable access to high quality out-of-school time opportunities which improve outcomes for young people. Positive youth development strategies are used to meet youth where they are and include opportunities, programs, and services which emphasize active and healthy living, youth leadership and social equity, engagement in learning, workforce readiness, and connection to caring adult role models.

Program Contacts

Contact Charlotte Keys of the Department of Recreation at 240.777.6942 or Alicia Singh of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2780 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Number of participants registered in youth development programs 18,30011,04111,43311,662 11,895
Average daily attendance in youth development programs 258.70%46.20%74.46%75.95%77.47%
Percent of youth development program participants who attend 11 or more sessions56.74%56.56%56.10%57.22%58.37%
1  Our youth programs play a critical role in post COVID recovery because they are the environmental container where young people acquire developmental assets necessary for resilience. Restoring connections with youth is among our top priorities. The Department has seen a strong recovery, returning to pre-COVID participation numbers.
2  Several factors consistently impeded attendance rates including addition of new after-school program sites and overall school attendance rates. New programs often impact average daily attendance due to the time required for these initiatives to gain momentum and visibility within the community, underscoring the importance of implementing long-term programs with sustainable results over time. The Department implemented several new long-term programs in FY23. Additionally, there continue to be ongoing concerns regarding public health and attendance participation post-COVID, as the school system continues to battle with chronic absenteeism. Restoring connections with youth and families continues to be among our top priorities.

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved14084502155.81
Enhance: Excel Beyond the Bell Programming- Expansion to Two New Sites3555333.25
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.5402540.00
FY25 Approved14980289159.06