Budget Year / Version:

Mission Statement

The mission of the Division of Transit Services is to provide an effective mix of public transportation services in Montgomery County.


Budget Overview

The total approved FY25 Operating Budget for the Division of Transit Services is $193,665,417, an increase of $13,932,870 or 7.75 percent from the FY24 Approved Budget of $179,732,547. Personnel Costs comprise 58.71 percent of the budget for 884 full-time position(s) and nine part-time position(s), and a total of 909.36 FTEs. Total FTEs may include seasonal or temporary positions and may also reflect workforce charged to or from other departments or funds. Operating Expenses account for the remaining 41.29 percent of the FY25 budget.

The general obligation bond and other Debt Service for the Mass Transit Fund is appropriated in the Debt Service Fund and is not displayed in this section. To pay for the Debt Service, a transfer of funds from the Mass Transit Fund to the Debt Service Fund of $30,177,370 is required.

In addition, this department's Capital Improvements Program (CIP) requires Current Revenue funding.

County Priority Outcomes

While this program area supports all eight of the County Result Areas, the following are emphasized:

  • Easier Commutes
  • A Greener County
  • Thriving Youth and Families


Program Performance Measures

Performance measures for this department are included below (where applicable), with multi-program measures displayed at the front of this section and program-specific measures shown with the relevant program. The FY24 estimates reflect funding based on the FY24 approved budget. The FY25 and FY26 figures are performance targets based on the FY25 approved budget and funding for comparable service levels in FY26.



  • The Ride On Reimagined study will guide the future direction of the County's transit system through data analysis and community engagement. Goals, outcomes, and performance measures have been established for three priority areas: Safety and Vision Zero; Environment and Climate Resiliency; and Economic Development and Equitable Access. County residents, transit passengers, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders have participated throughout the study's development.

    Service concepts are expected to be finalized in spring 2024, with service and implementation plans to be completed shortly thereafter. The implementation plans will include service changes to be phased in over several years.

  • The Great Seneca Transit Network will provide frequent transit options and improve mobility and access to crucial jobs in the healthcare, biotech, and educational sectors. The network is being implemented in two phases. The first phase, which includes Ride On Extra service on the new Pink and Lime transit lines, will launch in fall 2024.

    The Pink route links the busy Shady Grove corridor with Life Sciences Center via Medical Center Drive. The Lime route uses 1-370 to provide an express route to RIO, Crown Farm, and the heart of the Life Science Center.

  • A study to develop a zero-emission bus fleet transition plan will be completed in spring 2024 . The plan will contain concrete strategies to reach zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 in accordance with the goals outlined in the County's Climate Action Plan. The study includes an evaluation of current and future facilities necessary for the transition to a zero-emission bus fleet. The County continues to purchase zero-emission vehicles, including both battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell buses, to work toward the Climate Action Plan goals.

Program Descriptions

  Transit Services

Public transit plays a vital role in maintaining the livability of Montgomery County's growing communities, easing commutes for County residents, and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. The Transit Services program provides Ride On fixed route bus service, the FLASH limited stop transit service, and the FLEX on demand zone-based service...

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  Transit Services General Administration

The General Administration program provides executive direction and support functions for Transit Services programs that include Ride On operations and planning, human resources, information technology, budget/grant/fiscal management/procurement services, and special transportation programs to increase mobility and promote the economic growth and stability of the County. ...

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  Community Mobility Services

The Community Mobility Services program provides a wide range of transportation-related services and options for County residents and commuters. The program includes components to inform people about services available, enabling them to make the best choices for their needs; programs to reduce the cost of using those options; and programs...

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Budget Trends
Program Contacts

Contact Ken Sloate of the Division of Transit Services at 240.777.5808 or Gary Nalven of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2779 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.

Related Links
Budget Summary
Salaries and Wages84612078.0078020272.00 84618793.00 86816397.0011.3
Employee Benefits21514103.0022925248.00 23214536.00 25253581.0010.2
Mass Transit Personnel Costs106126181.00100945520.00 107833329.00 112069978.0011.0
Operating Expenses77041961.0073558593.00 80942881.00 76326826.003.8
Capital Outlay0.00111500.00 111500.00 144230.0029.4
Mass Transit Expenditures183168142.00174615613.00 188887710.00 188541034.008.0
Full-Time854.00853.00 853.00 869.001.9
Part-Time32.0016.00 16.00 9.00-43.8
FTEs897.51885.51 885.51 896.261.2
Property Tax182663466.00190261951.00 193903302.00 213971756.0012.5
Taxi Licensing Fees43765.0080000.00 59723.00 80000.000.0
Bus Advertising1669912.001710000.00 1770000.00 1720000.000.6
Motor Pool Charges/Fees1703136.000.00 680181.00 0.000.0
Other Charges/Fees3173576.002848906.00 3304696.00 3148906.0010.5
Parking Fees810157.00828704.00 828704.00 828704.000.0
Ride On Fare Revenue3599788.008571130.00 3061334.00 4820798.00-43.8
Other Fines/Forfeitures275.000.00 1150.00 0.000.0
Parking Fines749966.00800000.00 800000.00 800000.000.0
State Aid: Call N' Ride379107.00379107.00 379107.00 379107.000.0
State Aid: Damascus Fixed Route303733.00303733.00 303733.00 607466.00100.0
State Aid: Ride On41569489.0040589000.00 40589000.00 40589000.000.0
Miscellaneous Revenues201108.000.00 40997.00 0.000.0
Insurance Recoveries241331.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Property Rentals16147.000.00 5594.00 0.000.0
Mass Transit Revenues237124956.00246372531.00 245727521.00 266945737.008.4
Salaries and Wages540871.001304609.00 1304609.00 1285595.00-1.5
Employee Benefits165627.00324580.00 324580.00 351043.008.2
Grant Fund - MCG Personnel Costs706498.001629189.00 1629189.00 1636638.000.5
Operating Expenses3671964.003487745.00 3487745.00 3487745.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Expenditures4378462.005116934.00 5116934.00 5124383.000.1
Full-Time15.0015.00 15.00 15.000.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs13.1013.10 13.10 13.100.0
Federal Grants225000.001939694.00 1939694.00 1939694.000.0
State Grants0.003177240.00 3177240.00 3184689.000.2
Grant Fund - MCG Revenues225000.005116934.00 5116934.00 5124383.000.1
Total Expenditures187546604.00179732547.00 194004644.00 193665417.007.8
Total Full-Time Positions869.00868.00 868.00 884.001.8
Total Part-Time Positions32.0016.00 16.00 9.00-43.8
Total FTEs910.61898.61 898.61 909.361.2
Total Revenues237349956.00251489465.00 250844455.00 272070120.008.2
FY25 Approved Changes
Changes (with service impacts)
Add: Great Seneca Transit Network [Transit Services]353646327.00
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Increase Cost: FY25 Compensation Adjustment40532190.00
Increase Cost: Annualization of FY24 Compensation Increases37524160.00
Increase Cost: Bus Operator Overtime [Transit Services]24251490.00
Increase Cost: Bus Shelter Maintenance Services [Transit Services]16529580.00
Increase Cost: Restore One Time Lapse Increase [Transit Services]11213350.00
Increase Cost: Motor Pool Adjustment9334790.00
Increase Cost: Nicholson Court Depot Lease [Transit Services]2245790.00
Increase Cost: Commuter Survey For Employees & Residents [Community Mobility Services]1500000.00
Increase Cost: Pike & Rose Parking Fee Collection [Community Mobility Services]470000.00
Increase Cost: Bethesda Transportation Management District Contract Escalation [Community Mobility Services]383300.00
Increase Cost: Marketing Services Contracts Escalation [Community Mobility Services]275000.00
Increase Cost: White Oak Transportation Management District [Community Mobility Services]200000.00
Increase Cost: Transportation Management District Biennial Reports [Community Mobility Services]200000.00
Increase Cost: North Bethesda Transportation Management District Contract Escalation [Community Mobility Services]189200.00
Increase Cost: Three Percent Inflationary Adjustment to Non-Profit Service Provider Contracts [Transit Services]161690.00
Increase Cost: TRiPS Commuter Stores Contract Escalation [Community Mobility Services]140000.00
Increase Cost: Printing and Mail88020.00
Increase Cost: Routes & Scheduling Software Contract Escalation [Transit Services]73340.00
Increase Cost: Three Percent Inflationary Adjustment to Non-Profit Service Provider Contracts [Community Mobility Services]51350.00
Increase Cost: Transit System Radio Equipment Maintenance Warranty [Transit Services]11190.00
Re-align: Fare Share Program to Reflect Reduced Utilization [Community Mobility Services]-750000.00
Re-align: Elimination of Long-Term Vacant Position [Community Mobility Services]-92981-1.00
Re-align: Kids Ride Free to Reflect Reduced Utilization [Transit Services]-1000000.00
Re-align: Service Made Redundant by Great Seneca Transit Network [Transit Services]-125000-1.00
Decrease Cost: Retirement Adjustment-1410710.00
Re-align: Bethesda Circulator Reduction to Reflect Lower Ridership [Transit Services]-2623240.00
Decrease Cost: Risk Management Adjustment-2866870.00
Re-align: Seniors Ride Free to Reflect Reduced Utilization [Transit Services]-3000000.00
Decrease Cost: Transportation Services Improvement Fund [Community Mobility Services]-6223940.00
Decrease Cost: Annualization of FY24 Personnel Costs-8946570.00
Re-align: Repurpose Long-Term Vacancies to Address Operational Needs [Transit Services]-1248372-14.25
FY25 APPROVED188541034896.26
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Increase Cost: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Grant Increase [Community Mobility Services]74490.00
FY25 APPROVED512438313.10
Program Summary
Program NameFY24 APPR
Community Mobility Services1720982234.831695384033.83
Transit Services160523230857.78175303260869.53
Transit Services General Administration19994956.0014083176.00
Charges to Other Departments
Charged DepartmentCharged FundFY24
Health and Human ServicesGeneral Fund2736940.002736940.00
Funding Parameter Items ($000s)
FY25 Approved188541.000000188541.000000188541.000000188541.000000188541.000000188541.000000
No inflation or compensation change is included in outyear projections.
Transportation Services Improvement Fund Expenditures0.000000-4.000000137.000000283.000000423.000000423.000000
Expenditures from the Transportation Services Improvement Fund, restricted to programs that improve transportation service for residents who are disabled, seniors, and individuals with limited incomes, will vary from year to year based on projected fund resources.
Labor Contracts0.0000002784.0000002784.0000002784.0000002784.0000002784.000000
These figures represent the estimated annualized cost of general wage adjustments, service increments, and other negotiated items.
MD 355 Bus Rapid Transit0.0000000.0000000.0000000.00000039500.00000040700.000000
Estimated budget impact of MD 355 Bus Rapid Transit, which is projected to start service on the segment from Rockville to Germantown in 2029.
Veirs Mill Road Bus Rapid Transit0.0000000.0000003600.0000003708.0000003820.0000003934.000000
Estimated budget impact of Veirs Mill Road Bus Rapid Transit, which is projected to start service in 2027. Budget impacts are net of anticipated savings from repurposing resources for existing service on the corridor.
Subtotal Expenditures188541.000000191321.000000195062.000000195316.000000235068.000000236382.000000