Budget Year / Version:

Mission Statement

To foster excellence in people by providing quality human resources services to our employees, partners, and the community.


Budget Overview

The total approved FY25 Operating Budget for the Office of Human Resources is $386,212,939, an increase of $43,366,364 or 12.65 percent from the FY24 Approved Budget of $342,846,575. Personnel Costs comprise 3.23 percent of the budget for 83 full-time position(s) and one part-time position(s), and a total of 84.95 FTEs. Total FTEs may include seasonal or temporary positions and may also reflect workforce charged to or from other departments or funds. Operating Expenses account for the remaining 96.77 percent of the FY25 budget.

The Office of Human Resources Budget is comprised of a General Fund component of $12,831,821 and a Employee Health Benefit Self Insurance Fund component of $373,381,118.

County Priority Outcomes

While this program area supports all eight of the County Result Areas, the following is emphasized:

  • Effective, Sustainable Government


Program Performance Measures

Performance measures for this department are included below (where applicable), with multi-program measures displayed at the front of this section and program-specific measures shown with the relevant program. The FY24 estimates reflect funding based on the FY24 approved budget. The FY25 and FY26 figures are performance targets based on the FY25 approved budget and funding for comparable service levels in FY26.



  • Launched the Montgomery County Leadership Academy, a leadership development program for management MLS employees, in partnership with the Universities at Shady Grove.

  • Executed Countywide career fairs, creating space in the community to engage with jobseekers and increase employer brand awareness.
  • Initiated a monthly benefits newsletter for employees that contains important tips and information about their benefits.
  • Implemented virtual office hours for employees to sign up and attend to get one-on-one attention to answer heath benefits questions.
  • Launched a protocol to review and update outdated medical protocols to align with industry standards and best practices.


Innovations and Productivity Improvements

  • Modernized the careers site, work4mcg.com, to streamline the jobseeker user experience, resulting in a 33% increase in unique OHR webpage views per month in the first six months from implementation, from 47,300 to 63,050.

  • Expanded social media outreach to jobseekers through LinkedIn and X, resulting in a 26% increase in followership on LinkedIn since March 2023, from 13,894 to 17,446 followers.
  • Implemented a retirement estimator tool for employees to access and determine the future cost of retiree health insurance and to cut down on the manual calculations the Health Insurance team performs for employee inquiries.
  • Removed barriers to recruitment and strengthened hiring options through collaborations with Hiring Leads to create a non-clinical job classification for Social Workers in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - the Licensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW) - to build a pipeline of candidates from colleges and universities; expand use of the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) role created for use in the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation to HHS; removed the recreation-specific degree requirement from the Department of Recreation position series; and revised minimum qualifications for Legislative Analysts I, II, III in County Council to remove legislative-specific experience that hindered recruitment efforts.

Program Descriptions

  Director's Office

The Director's Office provides executive leadership and management, policy direction, strategic and financial planning, communications and public outreach, compliance, and oversight to the County's human capital management program. Additionally, the office provides consultation services related to human resources matters to the County Executive, the Chief Administrative Officer and directors of...

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  Business Operations and Performance

The Business Operations and Performance Division includes the Classification and Compensation Team, and the Policy, Practice and Data Management Team.The Classification and Compensation Team reviews and evaluates the duties and responsibilities of individual positions and occupational classes to ensure that positions are assigned at appropriate classification and grade levels. The...

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  Recruitment and Selection

The Recruitment and Selection Team is responsible for sourcing and hiring highly skilled, competent, and diverse candidates to meet the County's workforce needs. The team provides recruitment planning, guidance, and advisory services to departments and agencies on selection and hiring. The team supports transfers, demotions, promotions, and noncompetitive reappointments; provides...

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  EEO Compliance and Diversity Management

The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity Management Division ensures compliance with all local, State, and Federal policies, regulations, and laws related to workplace discrimination and/or harassment. The division delivers mandatory and customized training to employees and managers concerning equal employment and diversity management. The division is responsible for mandatory...

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  Health & Employee Welfare

The Health Insurance team manages and administers the County's health and welfare plans in accordance with County policy and local, State, and Federal laws. In addition to maintaining operations associated with annual open enrollment and program eligibility, the team provides customer service, communications, education, and counseling to County employees, participating...

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  Occupational Medical Services

The Occupational Medical Services team (OMS) (including Fire and Rescue Occupational Medical Services) provides work-related medical and safety-hazard assessments to promote the health, wellness, and productivity of the County workforce. OMS also administers the County's drug and alcohol testing and centralized Family and Medical Leave programs. OMS also includes the...

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  Training and Organizational Development

The Training and Organizational Development team coordinates training and professional development activities that increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the County's workforce. Training is delivered through online learning and instructor-led classes and collaborations with adult learning partners to address specific business training needs. The team also designs short- and...

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Budget Trends
Program Contacts

Contact Jennifer Shovlin of the Office of Human Resources at 240.777.5039 or Shantee Jackson of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2751 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.

Related Links
Budget Summary
Salaries and Wages4703358.006311075.00 5446002.00 6992888.0010.8
Employee Benefits1175117.001613777.00 1403775.00 1843230.0014.2
County General Fund Personnel Costs5878475.007924852.00 6849777.00 8836118.0011.5
Operating Expenses3371287.003433402.00 3674847.00 3995703.0016.4
County General Fund Expenditures9249762.0011358254.00 10524624.00 12831821.0013.0
Full-Time72.0081.00 81.00 83.002.5
Part-Time2.001.00 1.00 1.000.0
FTEs49.2557.25 57.25 61.307.1
County General Fund Revenues0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Salaries and Wages2479561.002789564.00 2396175.00 2854883.002.3
Employee Benefits651520.00789698.00 623664.00 794308.000.6
Employee Health Self Insurance Personnel Costs3131081.003579262.00 3019839.00 3649191.002.0
Operating Expenses315211132.00327909059.00 333061937.00 369731927.0012.8
Employee Health Self Insurance Expenditures318342213.00331488321.00 336081776.00 373381118.0012.6
Full-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs25.2525.25 25.25 23.65-6.3
Other Charges/Fees19078750.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Self Insurance Employee Health Income64478422.00289389223.00 292786012.00 314198351.008.6
Investment Income99248.00-49140.00 162810.00 128160.00360.8
Medicaid/Medicare Reimbursement20896180.0043213464.00 53864235.00 60039022.0038.9
OPEB Trust Utilization0.000.00 0.00 8886000.000.0
Employee Health Self Insurance Revenues104552600.00332553547.00 346813057.00 383251533.0015.2
Salaries and Wages0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Employee Benefits0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Personnel Costs0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Expenditures0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Full-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Part-Time0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
FTEs0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Grant Fund - MCG Revenues0.000.00 0.00 0.000.0
Total Expenditures327591975.00342846575.00 346606400.00 386212939.0012.6
Total Full-Time Positions72.0081.00 81.00 83.002.5
Total Part-Time Positions2.001.00 1.00 1.000.0
Total FTEs74.5082.50 82.50 84.953.0
Total Revenues104552600.00332553547.00 346813057.00 383251533.0015.2
FY25 Approved Changes
Changes (with service impacts)
Add: Classification Plan Initiative [Business Operations and Performance]7250000.00
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Increase Cost: FY25 Compensation Adjustment4192090.00
Re-align: Personnel Costs from Employee Group Health Insurance Fund to General Fund [Director's Office]1931001.20
Restore: Restore One-Time FY24 Lapse [Director's Office]1903360.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Fire and Rescue Service to OHR to Support Countywide Human Resources Efforts [Business Operations and Performance]1321221.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions to OHR to Support Countywide Human Resources Efforts [Recruitment and Selection]1234101.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Department of General Services to OHR to Support Countywide Human Resources Efforts [Recruitment and Selection]1234101.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from MC311 to OHR to Support Countywide Human Resources Efforts [Training and Organizational Development]1234101.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Finance Department to OHR to Support Countywide Human Resources Efforts [Business Operations and Performance]1234101.00
Shift: Transfer Long-term Vacant Position from Alcohol Beverage Services to OHR to Support Countywide Human Resources Efforts [Recruitment and Selection]1234091.00
Re-align: Personnel Costs from Employee Group Health Insurance Fund to General Fund [Director's Office]289480.20
Increase Cost: Countywide Multilingual Testing and Certification [Training and Organizational Development]250000.00
Increase Cost: Training [Training and Organizational Development]200000.00
Increase Cost: Annualization of FY24 Compensation Increases195830.00
Increase Cost: NEOGOV Contract Escalation [Recruitment and Selection]123950.00
Increase Cost: Retirement Adjustment112290.00
Re-align: Personnel Costs from Employees' Retirement System to General Fund [Director's Office]92960.05
Increase Cost: Printing and Mail70380.00
Increase Cost: Ivymount Contract Escalation (Project SEARCH program) [Recruitment and Selection]56000.00
Increase Cost: Three Percent Inflationary Adjustment to Non-Profit Service Provider Contracts [Director's Office]22680.00
Re-align: Personnel Costs from General Fund to Employee Group Health Insurance Fund [Health & Employee Welfare]-19926-0.50
Re-align: Personnel Costs from General Fund to Employee Group Health Insurance Fund [Director's Office]-33346-0.30
Shift: Transfer Position from OHR to Department of Housing and Community Affairs to Support Strategic Projects [Business Operations and Performance]-229205-1.00
Shift: Transfer Positions from OHR to Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions for Realignment of Technology Resources [Director's Office]-287888-1.60
Decrease Cost: Annualization of FY24 Personnel Costs-3742410.00
FY25 APPROVED1283182161.30
Other Adjustments (with no service impacts)
Increase Cost: Claims Expenditures Adjustment [Health & Employee Welfare]418228680.00
Increase Cost: Annualization of FY24 Compensation Increases1478220.00
Increase Cost: FY25 Compensation Adjustment1264120.00
Re-align: Personnel Costs from General Fund to Employee Group Health Insurance Fund [Health & Employee Welfare]833030.50
Re-align: Personnel Costs from Employees' Retirement System to Employee Group Health Insurance Fund [Director's Office]159320.10
Shift: Technology Resources from OHR to Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions [Director's Office]0-1.10
Decrease Cost: Retirement Adjustment-111450.00
Re-align: Personnel Costs from Employee Group Health Insurance Fund to General Fund [Director's Office]-117688-1.10
Decrease Cost: Annualization of FY24 Personnel Costs-1747070.00
FY25 APPROVED37338111823.65
Program Summary
Program NameFY24 APPR
Business Operations and Performance235172915.00272196313.00
Director's Office359927421.75382394723.20
EEO Compliance and Diversity Management4582403.004557513.00
Health & Employee Welfare32955860615.8537163253815.85
Occupational Medical Services33006336.0032340545.00
Recruitment and Selection270800416.90315462319.90
Training and Organizational Development8700894.0011900635.00
Charges to Other Departments
Charged DepartmentCharged FundFY24
Fire and Rescue ServiceFire22357680.0023699580.00
NDA - Montgomery County Employee Retirement PlansEmployees Retirement Savings Plan (RSP)302800.20201810.15
NDA - Montgomery County Employee Retirement PlansRetirement Fund (ERS)1868340.55201810.15
NDA - Montgomery County Employee Retirement PlansNon-Appropriated Funds104040.0000.00
Funding Parameter Items ($000s)
FY25 Approved12832.00000012832.00000012832.00000012832.00000012832.00000012832.000000
No inflation or compensation change is included in outyear projections.
Elimination of One-Time Items Approved in FY250.000000-225.000000-225.000000-225.000000-225.000000-225.000000
Items recommended for one-time funding in FY25, including one-time costs for the Classification Plan Initiative, will be eliminated from the base in the outyears.
Labor Contracts0.000000164.000000164.000000164.000000164.000000164.000000
These figures represent the estimated annualized cost of general wage adjustments, service increments, and other negotiated items.
Subtotal Expenditures12832.00000012771.00000012771.00000012771.00000012771.00000012771.000000
FY25 Approved373381.000000373381.000000373381.000000373381.000000373381.000000373381.000000
No inflation or compensation change is included in outyear projections.
Labor Contracts0.00000066.00000066.00000066.00000066.00000066.000000
These figures represent the estimated annualized cost of general wage adjustments, service increments, and other negotiated items.
Subtotal Expenditures373381.000000373447.000000373447.000000373447.000000373447.000000373447.000000