- Thriving Youth and Families
- A More Affordable and Welcoming County for a Lifetime
Contact Dr. James Bridgers of the Department of Health and Human Services at 240.777.4253 or Grace Pedersen of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.773.1088 for more information.
The FY25 Approved Budget includes $42.5 million in tax-supported resources identified for older adults, including funds for community organizations that augment County services for older adults. In addition, the approved budget includes $22.6 million in non-tax supported resources for older adults.
Enhancements in the FY25 Approved Budget Include:
- Increase staff in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reduce waitlists in core services for vulnerable older adults, including Adult Protective Services and Coordination of Community Services.
- Enhance Recreation's Senior Services and Senior Neighborhood Programs.
- Support the new 1910 University Boulevard senior housing project.
- Provide Metro Senior SmarTrip cards at all library branches at no cost to customers age 65 and older.
Non-Departmental Account Community Grants
- The FY25 Approved Budget continues $1.5 million in grants awarded in FY24 to community partners for services benefiting seniors. These community organizations are critical to an effective network of services and are sometimes able to provide these services in a more cost-effective, culturally appropriate, and flexible way. Community organizations are also able to leverage community resources that may be unavailable to County Government.
Services benefiting seniors are incorporated in the general department program offerings, as well as targeted services. Below are some of the major County government programs currently supporting County seniors.
Department of Recreation
- Operate full service senior centers designed to build supportive relationships and positive social connections, enhance learning engagement and mental stimulation, improve health and wellness, and create connections to community services through recreation programs.
- Provide door-to-door Senior Transportation Service providing limited-range age-friendly access to six Senior Centers.
- Operate Active Adult Neighborhood Programs for those 55 or better to actively participate in their community while meeting their recreation and leisure needs.
- Implement congregate nutrition sites at Senior Centers and Active Adult Neighborhood Programs in collaboration with DHHS Aging and Disability Services.
- Offer an extremely popular Trips and Tours program to include Senior Outdoor Adventure trips and Day Trips for 55+ participants, their family and friends.
- Provide specialized mini trip experiences around Montgomery County focusing on local and fresh markets, local entertainment, local cultural attractions and other engaging experiences which meet the everyday needs of participants.
- Organize competitive 55+ sports and games opportunities in partnership with Maryland Senior Olympics.
- Implement a 3-day multi session summer camp for adults 55+ focusing on social interaction, adventure and exploration, and mental and physical well-being.
- Offer culturally relevant programming in alternative languages to meet the socialization and recreation needs of non-English speaking participants.
- Implement special events designed to connect senior communities across the County, providing lifetime experiences and lasting memories in safe and accommodating settings. Examples include Countywide BBQ Bonanza, Centenarian Celebration, Cardboard Boat Regatta, Cultural Celebrations, Active Aging Week, Wellness Expos and more.
- Partner with local hospitals and DHHS to offer evidence-based fitness programs such as Bone Builders and Senior Fit designed to improve the health span of older adults.
Department of Health and Human Services
- Prevent or reverse nursing home placement for Medicaid-eligible persons of all ages by providing planning, nurse monitoring, and community-based services.
- Transport older adults to County Recreation centers and, for residents of a limited number of senior apartment buildings, to grocery stores using Transit Services Ride On buses during off peak hours.
- Provide supportive services to older adults through contracts with nonprofits, including: "friendly visitors," grocery shopping, legal assistance, and Alzheimer's support.
- Continue the Escorted Transportation Program with the Jewish Council for the Aging.
- Promote and expand transportation options available to older adults and people with disabilities throughout the County.
- Support a Mobility and Transportation Manager to work with advocates and public and private service providers.
- Offer one-stop, hands-on assistance and outreach to County residents regarding services for older adults, persons with disabilities, and their families and caregivers to clarify their needs and to identify and access resources.
- Help protect more than 9,555 County residents in assisted living facilities and nursing homes by maintaining a regular presence, investigating complaints, and advocating for seniors' rights.
- Offer adults over age 60 access to meals, nutrition education, and opportunities for socialization at community and senior centers and senior apartment buildings.
- Provide home-delivered meals to address the nutritional needs of older adults who are home-bound due to illness or disability and cannot get out or prepare healthful meals on their own. Special consideration is given to low-income individuals, minority individuals, those in rural communities, those with limited English proficiency, and those at risk of institutional care.
- Investigate complaints of maltreatment for abuse, neglect, and exploitation against vulnerable adults through the Adult Protective Services Program, with the aim to secure resources, mitigate risk, and act as legal guardians for adults adjudicated as incompetent through the courts.
- Provide gap-filling support services through the Senior Care Program to help adults aged 65 and older remain safe and cared for in the community and to prevent premature and/or inappropriate institutionalization.
- Offer the Home Care Program, which is targeted to low-income, frail, elderly, and people with disabilities who need help with personal care and in-home support in order to remain in their own homes and in the community.
- Maintain funding for respite care services for older adults, persons with disabilities, and caregivers.
- Provide Heavy Chore Services to serve older adults with hoarding behaviors to prevent evictions and condemnations, or to correct health and safety conditions for persons meeting the criteria of Adult Protective Services and Case Management Programs.
- Provide Senior Mental Health Services for home-bound older adults and coordinate medication with medical providers.
- Help meet the challenges of older adults remaining independent in their homes as they age in their communities through the "Village" model, grassroots, consumer-driven, and volunteer-first model. The Village Coordinator assists current and emerging "Villages" and promotes the creation of new ones.
- Continue the Senior Home Sharing program that matches senior home providers who have a spare room with home seekers interested in a long-term housing option.
- Provide Case Management through Social Services to Adults for older adults and adults with disabilities to enable client self-sufficiency in the community, to reduce inappropriate institutionalization, and to mitigate factors that may lead to abuse, neglect, self-neglect and/or exploitation.
- Provide supervised housing and assistance to older adults and adults with disabilities through the Adult Foster Care Program, using certified family homes and small, licensed, assisted living homes in the community. Case management and subsidies are provided when funds are available.
- Implement Coordination of Community Services to provide case management services to individuals including older adults that have been determined eligible by the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration.
Department of Transportation - Transit Services
- Subsidize taxi service for low-income older adults, age 63 and older, to allow for greater mobility and quality of life.
- Provide information and linkage to transportation resources to older adults, maintain a database of resources, help callers fill out forms for transportation programs, and link callers with transportation providers.
- Provide free public transit travel training classes for older adults, increasing their travel options and comfort level with public transportation.
- Continue ongoing advertising campaigns and distribution of senior transportation services.
- Conduct on-site outreach events and presentations about senior transportation options and resources at locations where older adults frequent or reside.
- Provide fixed route service (Ride On) to many senior centers and make Senior SmarTrip cards available through multiple channels.
- Transport older adults to senior centers and grocery shopping trips from 12 residential facilities during Ride On's off-peak period.
- Provide free bus service on all Ride On and select Metro buses in the County each day.
- Improve bus stops as part of Ride On's safety, ADA compliance, and accessibility program.
- Improve pedestrian crossings by re-timing all traffic signals to extend pedestrian crossing times to accommodate slower walking speeds, upgrade some traffic signals to include accessible/countdown pedestrian signals.
- Continue to improve pedestrian access by using high visibility ladder bar style at crosswalks, focus on pedestrian access safety in work zones, and continue converting street lights to LED.
- Improve transportation services and address barriers for residents who have disabilities, are seniors, or have limited incomes. Supported by dedicated revenues from Transportation Network Company fees, Transit Services subsidizes wheelchair accessible taxicabs and offers Call-N-Ride co-pay assistance for low-income residents.
Department of Public Libraries (MCPL)
- Provide programs specifically designed to engage customers over age 50 that promote creativity, learning, education, healthy living, and social interaction. These activities are essential to vital living, and are provided in partnership with Federal, State, and County agencies and departments, non-profits, and local community organizations.
- Provide diverse programs relevant to the County's population over age 50. Topics include book discussions, intergenerational opportunities, financial security, professional development, business, retirement, taxes, health, employment, technology, consumer issues, English language learning, and others. All these programs have the goal of combating and alleviating social isolation.
- Provide online lifelong learning services and materials, including our older adults-focused web page, and training on how to use ebooks and computers.
- Offer large print library materials and other accessibility equipment and services for older adults - assistive technology workstations with desktop magnifiers and computers with screen reading and magnifying software (NVDA, Narrator, and Magnifier), adjustable tables, audio induction loop system in meeting rooms (selected branches), and Communication Access Real-Time Translation Services (CART).
- Provide Metro Senior SmarTrip cards at all library branches at no cost to customers age 65 and older.
- Provide Books@Home service, delivering library materials to Montgomery County residents who cannot visit the library because of physical disability, health issue, or frailty.
- Provide volunteer opportunities for older adults at every branch through the Montgomery County Volunteer Center.
- Participate/exhibit in fairs and expos and schedule regular appearances in radio and television shows geared to 50+ audiences to promote MCPL services, resources, and programming.
Department of Technology Services
- Provide technology training for older adults through Senior Planet in Montgomery County in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Vietnamese. Senior Planet enables older adults to use the technology and the internet for daily living, telehealth, financial management, independent living, employment, connections to family and friends, and civic engagement in the digital world. Program outcomes demonstrate that seniors participating in the program: feel more confident using online resources, staying safe, and detecting scams when using email and the internet; feel more connected to families, friends, and their community; have more access to health information; feel more confident in their ability to live independently; and recommend Senior Planet to others.
- Pursue grant opportunities to expand Senior Planet training available in additional languages and grow partnerships with healthcare providers to enhance telehealth training options. Senior Planet partners with Montgomery County Department of Recreation Senior Centers, Benjamin Gather Center, the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center, the Gilchrist Immigration Resource Center, and the Vietnamese American Society. New partnerships will include the American Diversity Group and programing at the new Silver Spring Senior Center.
- Launch the Virtual Reality (VR) for Seniors Pilot Program as a means to reduce senior isolation and enable older adults to experience new VR technology in senior centers, and to seek grant funding to support VR cognitive health and memory studies.
Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS)
- Continue the Mobile Integrated Health program that was introduced in 2016 to help address the disproportionate increase in the number of repeat low-acuity 911 calls by older adults. This collaborative initiative of HHS and MCFRS holistically incorporates the skills of fire/rescue personnel, a clinical social worker, and a community health nurse to better meet the needs of patients who utilize EMS services frequently. The team has an overall goal of reducing the burden on 911, emergency medical personnel, and emergency rooms while still providing superior care to our patients.
- Increase the number and diversity of programs to educate older adults about the benefits of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, escape planning, general fire safety and injury prevention both in-person and virtually.
- Increase the number of residents reached by the department's Senior Outreach program and services.
- Identify strategies to reduce fire risk among older adults.
- Identify homebound older adults and those with disabilities to provide tailored information on fire safety and risk reduction including the installation of approved smoke alarms appropriate for their needs.
- Continue to increase collaborative partnerships with County agencies and departments, non-profits, faith-based organizations, hospitals, and professional organizations providing services to older adults and other organizations.
- Continue to provide public education and awareness campaigns to educate and inform residents regarding legislative changes to Maryland's Smoke Alarm Law and County requirements for carbon monoxide alarms.
- Continue to provide door-to-door safety awareness campaigns offering department services including the evaluation of existing residential smoke alarm equipment, replacement of smoke alarms, and general injury prevention information and education.
- Continue to offer appointment-based fire safety evaluations and smoke alarm checks, both in-person and virtual, for older adults, high risk and low-income residents.
- Assist and partner with communities, HOAs and neighborhood organizations regarding fire safety, the importance of home fire evacuation and escape plans, general injury prevention and emergency preparedness information.
- Continue to support the County's "Villages" model designed to assist residents who are "aging in place" with fire safety, injury prevention and safety strategies to reduce risk, and check/install smoke alarms.
- Provide education and training to recruit classes and first responders to increase awareness of the needs, health issues, and risks faced by older adults.
Department of Housing and Community Affairs
- Continue partnering with Rebuilding Together by funding some administrative costs for a highly leveraged program that provides home repairs for low-income homeowners, most of whom are seniors and unable to undertake home repairs on their own.
- Continue partnering with the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County to provide rental assistance to low-income older adults.
Office of the State's Attorney
- Aggressively prosecute crimes against seniors and vulnerable adults through the Crimes Against Seniors and Vulnerable Adults Unit of the Office of the State's Attorney.
- Continue to collaborate closely with Adult Protective Services and the Police Department to address crimes against seniors in an efficient and timely manner that holds offenders accountable for their criminal activity.
- Continue to chair the Montgomery County Elder/Vulnerable Adult Abuse Task Force, which brings together representatives from County agencies to discuss cases of concern and hosts an annual event on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day to promote education/prevention of senior abuse.
- Collect data and metrics that include the number of investigations opened, inter-agency collaborations, and prosecutions.
Community Engagement Cluster
- Partner with community organizations to provide free tax preparation assistance to low-to-moderate income Montgomery County residents with special attention to adults age 60+.
- Support opportunities for adults age 60+ to increase access to community activities, socialization, and lifelong learning.
- Provide personalized consultation services to connect seniors to meaningful volunteer opportunities (50+ Network).
- Recognize senior volunteer contributions annually by honoring two older adults with the Neal Potter Path of Achievement Award.
- Continue the Senior Fellows program which taps the experience and skills of retired older adults across a range of issues from affordable housing to transportation options.
Office of Consumer Protection
- Continue to recruit older adults and retired professionals to work at Office of Consumer Protection as volunteers providing administrative and investigative assistance.
- Conduct outreach initiatives to provide consumer education regarding consumer scams that target seniors and vulnerable adults.
- Collaborate with legislators and consumer organizations to enact and enhance laws designed to protect older adults from deceptive trade practices.
Department of Environmental Protection
- Offer an exemption for curbside refuse and recycling services to any individual who, because of physical limitations (disability or age), is unable to bring containers to the curb.
Office of Public Information
- In partnership with the Commission on Aging, produce "50+ in Montgomery County" a monthly cable television show highlighting services and programs of interest to seniors.
- Manage the County's seniors website, a central portal offering timely information to seniors and caregivers about County services and programs:
- Produce monthly full-page communications in The Beacon newspaper (in focus for people over 50) to deliver County messaging campaigns to its over 355,000 monthly readers.
- Support the Commission on Aging (COA) by using established social media platforms to get their messaging out to the community.
Montgomery County Police Department
- Maintain "Keeping Seniors Safe" crime prevention outreach program, which addresses financial and other frauds and scams; identity theft; shopping safety; and emergency preparedness through presentations from Community Outreach Officers and command staff, and brochures distributed widely.
- Conduct home security surveys in seniors' homes.