ACCRUAL - The accumulation or increase of something over time, especially payments or benefits.
ACTIVITY - A subdivision of a service. Some services require only one activity while other services require two or more activities.
ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITY (APF) - Any infrastructure improvement required by the Montgomery County Planning Board as a condition of approving a preliminary subdivision plan under the County's adequate public facilities ordinance.
ADJUSTED GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES (AGR) - Include the tax supported revenues of the County Government, Montgomery County Public Schools (less the County's local contribution), Montgomery College (less the County's local contribution), and the Montgomery County portion of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), plus the revenues of the County Government's grant fund and capital projects fund.
AGENCY - One of the major organizational components of government in Montgomery County; for example, Montgomery County Government (executive departments, legislative offices and boards, Circuit Court, and judicial offices); Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS); Montgomery College (MC); Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC); WSSC Water (WSSC); Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC); and Montgomery County Revenue Authority.
AGENCY FUND - A fiduciary fund which accounts for assets received and held by the County in a purely custodial capacity. The County uses this type of fund to account for property taxes, recreation activities, and other miscellaneous resources held temporarily for disbursement to individuals, private organizations, or other governments.
AGGREGATE OPERATING BUDGET - The total operating budget, exclusive of enterprise funds, the budget of WSSC Water, expenditures equal to tuition and tuition-related charges received by Montgomery College, and grants. As prescribed in the Charter of Montgomery County, Maryland (Section 305), "An aggregate operating budget which exceeds the aggregate operating budget for the preceding fiscal year by a percentage increase greater than that of the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers of the Washington metropolitan area for the 12 months preceding December first of each year requires the affirmative vote of seven Councilmembers." See also, Spending Affordability Guideline or Net Budget.
AMENDMENTS TO THE CIP - Changes to project scope, schedule, or funding which require County Council action. Proposals must meet strict criteria to be considered for amendment. Six Councilmember votes are required to approve an amendment.
AMORTIZATION - The action or process of gradually writing off the initial cost of an asset.
APPROPRIATION - Authority to spend money within a specified dollar limit for an approved work program during the fiscal year. The County Council makes separate appropriations to each capital project and to Personnel Costs and Operating Expenses for each County operating department.
APPROPRIATION CATEGORY - One of the expenditure groupings in the appropriation for a county department; that is, Personnel Costs or Operating Expenses.
ASSESSABLE BASE - The value of all real and personal property in the County, which is used as a basis for levying taxes. Tax-exempt property is excluded from the assessable base.
ASSESSED VALUATION - The value assigned to real estate or other property by the State through its Department of Assessment and Taxation. This value is multiplied by the tax rates set annually by the Council to determine taxes due. Assessed value is less than market value.
AUDIT - Conduct an official financial examination of an individual's or organization's accounts.
AUTHORIZED POSITIONS - The number of positions allowed by the budget in the approved personnel complement.
BALANCED BUDGET - It is the fiscal policy of Montgomery County to balance the budget. A balanced budget has its funding sources (revenues, undesignated carryover, and other resources) equal to its funding uses (expenditures, reserves, and other allocations). No deficit may be planned or incurred.
BENCHMARK - A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed.
BIENNIAL CIP - See Capital Improvements Program.
BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES (BAN) - Short-term, interim financing techniques, such as variable rate notes and commercial paper, issued with the expectation that the principal amount will be refunded with long-term bonds.
BOND RATING - An evaluation by investor advisory services indicating the probability of timely repayment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness. These ratings significantly influence the interest rate that a borrowing government must pay on its bond issues. Montgomery County bonds are rated by three major advisory services: Moody's, Standard and Poor's, and Fitch. The County continues to have the highest possible rating from each of these services.
BUDGET - An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
CAPITAL ASSETS - Assets of a long-term character which are intended to continue to be held or used. Examples of capital assets include items such as infrastructure, land, buildings, machinery, furniture, and other equipment.
CAPITAL BUDGET - The annual request for capital project appropriations. Project appropriations are normally for only that amount necessary to enable the implementation of the next year of the capital program expenditure plan. However, if contracted work is scheduled so that will extend beyond the upcoming fiscal year, the entire contract appropriation is required, even if the work and expenditures will be spread over two or more fiscal years.
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE - Money spent by a business or organization on acquiring or maintaining fixed assets, such as land, buildings, and equipment.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM (CIP) - The comprehensive presentation, submitted in even-numbered calendar years, of capital project expenditure estimates, funding requirements, capital budget requests, and program data for the construction of all public buildings, roads, and other facilities planned by County agencies over a six-year period. The CIP constitutes a fiscal plan for proposed project expenditures and funding, and includes the annual capital budget for appropriations to fund project activity during the next fiscal year of the plan.
CAPITAL LEASE - A long-term rental agreement which transfers substantial rights and obligations for the use of an asset to the lessee and, generally, ownership at the end of the lease. Similar to an installment purchase, a capital lease may also represent the purchase of a capital asset. A capital lease results in the incurrence of a long-term liability.
CAPITAL OUTLAY - An appropriation and expenditure category for a government asset with a value of $10,000 or more and a useful economic lifetime of more than one year.
CAPITAL PROJECT - A governmental effort involving expenditures and funding for the creation, expansion, renovation, or replacement of permanent facilities and other public assets having relatively long life. Expenditures within capital projects may include costs of planning, design, and construction management; land; site improvements; utilities; construction; and initial furnishings and equipment required to make a facility operational.
CARRYOVER - The process in which, at the end of one fiscal year, appropriation authority for previously-approved encumbrances and unexpended grant and capital funds are carried forward to the next fiscal year.
CHARGEBACKS / CHARGES TO OTHERS - Costs which are chargeable to another agency or fund.
CHARTER - The Charter of Montgomery County is the constitution of this jurisdiction and sets out its governmental structure and powers. It was approved by the voters in 1968 and went into effect in 1970. The Charter provides for a County Council and Executive form of government.
CHARTER LIMIT - Limitations on the operating budget and on tax levies prescribed in the Charter of Montgomery County Maryland (Section 305). The affirmative votes of eight Councilmembers are required to exceed spending limits, and the unanimous vote of all eleven members is needed to exceed the limit on tax levies. See also Spending Affordability Guideline (SAG).
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - A legal contract between the County Government or an agency as an employer and a certified representative of a recognized bargaining unit of a public employee organization for specific terms and conditions of employment; for example, hours, working conditions, salaries, or employee benefits.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) - Annual funding from the Federal government for use in capital projects or operating programs such as neighborhood or business area revitalization, housing rehabilitation, and activities on behalf of older- and lower-income areas of the County.
COMPENSATION - Payment made to employees in return for services performed. Total compensation includes salaries, wages, employee benefits (Social Security, employer-paid insurance premiums, disability coverage, and retirement contributions), and other forms of remuneration when these have a stated value.
CONSTANT YIELD TAX RATE - A rate which, when applied to the coming year's assessable base, exclusive of the estimated assessed value of property appearing on the tax rolls for the first time (new construction), will produce tax revenue equal to that produced in the current tax year. State law prohibits local taxing authorities from levying a tax rate in excess of the Constant Yield Tax Rate, unless they advertise and hold public hearings on their intent to levy a higher rate.
CONSTITUENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) / MONTGOMERY COUNTY 311 (MC311) - An organizational philosophy that places emphasis on serving constituents by providing easy access to the information and service channels of the County Government. County residents are able to dial 311 for all non-emergency requests for information, service, or complaints.
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX-URBAN (CPI-U) - A commonly accepted indicator of inflation as it applies to consumer goods, including the supplies, materials, and services required by the County. When projecting costs in outyears, expenditures are estimated to grow at the rate of inflation as measured on a fiscal year basis using the CPI-U for the Washington-Baltimore Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area. For purposes of the Charter limitation on the property tax, the November to November CPI-U for the preceding year is used.
COSTS - Funding required to deliver the services described in the program.
COUNCIL TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATION - A transfer of unencumbered appropriation balance by the County Council between agencies, departments, to any new account, or between agency capital projects. The total cumulative transfer from any one appropriation may not exceed ten percent of the original appropriation.
COUNTYSTAT - An internal performance management and data analytics approach used to examine issues in detail by means of accurate and timely information. It seeks to improve performance by creating greater accountability, providing transparency into County operations, applying data analysis to decision making, and ensuring decisions are implemented.
CURRENT REVENUE - A funding source for the capital budget which is provided annually within the operating budget from general, special, or enterprise revenues. Current revenues are used for funding project appropriations that are not eligible for debt financing or to substitute for debt-eligible costs.
DEBT SERVICE - The annual payment of principal, interest, and issue costs for bonded indebtedness. Debt service is presented both in terms of specific bond allocations by category and fund, and by sources of revenues used.
DEBT SERVICE FUND - A governmental fund used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt, principal, and interest.
DEPARTMENT - A primary organizational unit within Montgomery County Government. For presentation purposes, "department" includes the principal offices, boards, and commissions.
DEPRECIATION - The decline in value of a capital asset over a predetermined period of time attributable to wear and tear, deterioration, action of the physical elements, inadequacy, and obsolescence. Also, the portion of the cost of a capital asset charged as an expense during a particular period.
DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT - A special taxing district created to finance the costs of infrastructure improvements necessary for the development of land in areas of the County having a high priority for new development or redevelopment, especially in areas for which approved master plans recommend significant development.
DIVISION - A primary organizational unit within a government department or agency. Divisions are usually responsible for administering core functions or major programs of a department.
EFFECTIVENESS - A type of performance measure used to track the quality, timeliness, and accuracy of service delivery.
EFFICIENCY - Outputs per unit of input, inputs per unit of output, and similar measures of how well resources are being used to produce goods and services.
EMINENT DOMAIN - The power of a government to acquire real property when the owner of that property is unwilling to negotiate a sale. The Maryland State Constitution delegates authority to the County and the County Code allows for the taking of private property by the County. The taking must serve a public purpose and the government must provide the owner with just compensation for the property taken. Any dispute regarding whether the taking will serve a public purpose or the amount of compensation is resolved by the courts.
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - For budgeting purposes, employee (fringe) benefits are payments by the employer for Social Security, retirement, and group insurance.
EMPLOYEE - MERIT SYSTEM - An individual employed by Montgomery County Government who is subject to the provisions of the Merit System.
EMPLOYEE - TEMPORARY - An individual occupying a position required for a specific task for a period not to exceed 12 months, or a position that is used intermittently on an as-needed basis (seasonal, substitute, etc.).
EMPLOYEE - TERM - An individual occupying a position created for a special term, project, or program. Any person acting in a term position also receives County benefits.
ENCUMBRANCE - An accounting commitment that reserves appropriated funds related to unperformed contracts for goods or services. The total of all expenditures and encumbrances for a department or agency in a fiscal year, or for a capital project, may not exceed its total appropriation.
ENTERPRISE FUND - A fund used to record the fiscal transactions of government activities financed and operated in a manner similar to private enterprise, with the intent that the costs of providing goods and services, including financing, are wholly recovered through charges to consumers or users. Examples include Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS), parking facilities, and solid waste activities.
ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) - An integrated suite of software modules that support the management of the County's financial, procurement, human resources, and budgeting systems, and which streamlines business operations by using recognized best practices in each of those areas.
EXECUTIVE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATION - A transfer of unencumbered appropriation balance by the County Executive between appropriation categories (for example, from Personnel Costs to Operating Expenses) within the same department and fund, or between capital projects in the same category. The total cumulative transfers from any one appropriation may not exceed ten percent of the original appropriation as prescribed in the Charter of Montgomery County Maryland (Section 309).
EXPEDITED DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL EXCISE TAX (EDAET) - A tax assessed on a development project based on the intended use of the building, the square footage of the building, and whether the building is in a moratorium policy area. The purpose of the EDAET is to act as a stimulus to residential and commercial construction within the County by making the development approval process more certain.
EXPENDITURE - A decrease in the net financial resources of the County generally due to the purchase of goods and services, the incurrence of salaries and benefits, and the payment of debt service.
FEE - A charge for service to the user or beneficiary of the service. According to State law, charges must be related to the cost of providing the service. See the Fiscal Policy section for the Executive policy on user fees.
FIDUCIARY FUNDS - Assets held by the County in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, or other governmental units, and/or other funds. In Montgomery County, these include Agency Funds, Pension and Other Employee Benefit Trust Funds, Investment Trust Fund, and Private Purpose Trust Funds.
FINES/PENALTIES - Charges levied for violation of laws, regulations, or codes. They are established through Executive Regulation as provided for in County law.
FISCAL PLAN - Estimates of revenues, based on recommended tax policy and moderate economic assumptions, and projections of currently known and recommended commitments for future uses of resources.
FISCAL POLICY - The County Government's policies with respect to revenues, expenditures, and debt management as these relate to County services, programs, and capital investments. Fiscal policy provides a set of principles for the planning and programming of budgets, uses of revenues, and financial management.
FISCAL YEAR - The 12-month period to which the annual operating and capital budgets and their appropriations apply. The Montgomery County fiscal year starts on July 1 and ends on June 30.
FIXED ASSETS - See Capital Assets.
FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) - MONTGOMERY COLLEGE - A standardized measurement of student enrollment at the community college to account for attendance on less than a full-time basis. An FTE is defined as a course load of 15 credit hours per semester.
FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) - PERSONNEL - An employment indicator that translates the total number of hours worked in a year by all employees, including part-time workers, to an equivalent number of work years. For example, 1.0 FTE equals 2,080 hours worked (or 2,496 hours worked for fire fighters) and .50 FTE equals 1,040 hours worked.
FUND - Resources segregated for the purpose of implementing specific activities or achieving certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations, and constituting an independent fiscal and accounting entity.
FUND BALANCE - Undesignated reserves in a fund, or the amount by which assets exceed the obligations of the fund. Fund balance may be measured as a percentage of resources or expenditures.
GENERAL FUND - The principal operating fund for the County Government. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required by law, County policy, and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to be accounted for in another fund.
GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) DEBT - Bonded debt backed by the full faith and credit of the County to pay the scheduled retirement of principal and interest.
GENERAL REVENUES - Money received which may be used to fund general County expenditures such as education, public safety, public welfare, debt service, etc. Funds received which are restricted as to use (such as recreation) are not general revenues and are accounted for in other funds.
GENERAL WAGE ADJUSTMENT (GWA) - An increase in salaries other than seniority-based merit increases (increments). GWA has been referred to as Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) in the past.
GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS - Funds generally used to account for tax-supported activities. There are five different types of governmental funds: the general fund, special revenue funds, the debt service fund, the capital projects fund, and permanent funds.
GRANT - A payment from one level of government to another, or from a private organization to a government. Grants are made for specified purposes and must be spent only for that purpose. See also Grants to Others.
GRANTS TO OTHERS - A payment by the County to a public or private nonprofit organization for a specific purpose; generally, to provide services in support of, or compatible with, government program objectives.
GROSS BUDGET - The total cost of a department's operation (not necessarily equal to the appropriation), including those expenditures that are charged to and paid by other funds, departments, agencies, or CIP projects. See also Net Budget.
GROUP POSITIONS - Jobs filled by multiple incumbents used to streamline administrative processes for hiring staff for training or for seasonal or temporary positions. Examples include Police, Fire, and Sheriff Department recruits, substitute library assistants, and seasonal recreation employees.
GROWTH POLICY - A planning tool used by the County to manage the location and pace of private development and identify the need for public facilities that support private development. The growth policy tests the adequacy of transportation, schools, water and sewerage facilities, police, fire, and health services to guide subdivision approvals. See also Adequate Public Facility.
IMPACT TAXES - A tax charged to developers that varies depending on land use. The revenues are used to pay for the transportation and school construction projects necessary to serve new development.
IMPLEMENTATION RATE - The estimated average annual percentage of capital projects completed that is used to calculate available bond funding. This rate reflects both the County's actual experience in meeting project schedules and anticipated events that may affect construction in the future.
INDIRECT COSTS - Costs that cannot be directly attributed to the implementation of one single grant but are incurred when implementing grants across an organization. Indirect costs pay for a portion of the County's cost to provide support and administrative services to grants such as legal, procurement, fiscal, and labor relations. The County calculates its indirect cost rate via a cost allocation plan developed by an independent contractor per the Federal regulation 2 CFR part 200.
INITIATIVES - Results to be achieved through additional resources for new services or service enhancements for the next fiscal year directed toward achieving progress in one of the County Executive's priority outcome areas.
INPUT - Resources used to produce an output or outcome, such as work years or expenditures.
INTERFUND TRANSFER - A transfer of resources from one fund to another as required by law or appropriation. The funds are initially considered revenues of the source fund, not the receiving fund.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - Funds received from Federal, State, and other local government sources in the form of grants, shared taxes, reimbursements, payments in lieu of taxes, and formula funding.
INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - Proprietary funds used to record activity (primarily goods and services) provided by one department to other departments of the County government on a cost-reimbursable basis. The County uses this type of fund to account for Motor Pool, Central Duplicating, and Liability and Property Coverage Self-Insurance.
INVESTMENT TRUST FUND - A fiduciary fund that accounts for the external portion of the County's investment pool that belongs to legally separate entities and non-component units.
KEY INDICATOR - A measure which helps to quantify the achievement of an outcome on a population-wide level. It is a benchmark which helps to quantify the achievement of a result and is used to track the progress of the County Executive's Seven Priority Outcomes.
LAPSE - The reduction of budgeted gross personnel costs by an amount believed unnecessary because of turnover, vacancies, and normal delays in filling positions. The amount of lapse will differ among departments and from year to year.
LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT - A contractual agreement which, although termed a "lease," is in effect a purchase contract with payments made over time.
LEVEL OF SERVICE - The current services, programs, and facilities provided by a government to its residents. The level of service may increase, decrease, or remain the same depending upon needs, alternatives, and available resources.
LICENSES AND PERMITS - Documents issued in order to regulate various kinds of businesses and other activities within the community. Inspection may accompany the issuance of a license or permit, as in the case of food vending licenses or building permits. In most instances, a fee is charged in conjunction with the issuance of a license or permit, generally to cover all or part of the related cost.
LOCAL EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT - Low-income workers who qualify for the Federal earned income tax credit may also be entitled to a similar tax credit for their State of Maryland and Montgomery County income tax liabilities. Montgomery County matches the State credit for eligible residents.
MASTER PLAN - Each community within Montgomery County falls within a master plan area. Master plans include a comprehensive view of land-use trends and future development as they relate to community concerns such as housing, transportation, stormwater management, historic preservation, pedestrian and trail systems, environmental factors like air, water and noise pollution, and the preservation of agricultural lands. Plans outline recommended land uses, zoning, transportation facilities, and recommended general locations for such public facilities as schools, parks, libraries, and fire and police stations.
MISSION STATEMENT - The desired end result of an activity. Missions are generally broad and long range in nature compared to goals which are more specific and immediate. An example of a mission is: "To provide safe, reliable, and cost-efficient public transportation to the residents of Montgomery County." See also Program Mission.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY GOVERNMENT - The departments and offices included in the County's executive, legislative, and judicial branches, including related boards and commissions. It excludes Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery College (MC), Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), WSSC Water (WSSC), and other agencies. See also Agency.
NET ASSETS - See Fund Balance.
NET BUDGET - The legal appropriation requirement to finance a fund, department, account, agency, or CIP project. The net budget includes the funds required for charges from other funds, departments and agencies, or CIP projects for services rendered, but does not include charges made to other departments for services rendered. See also Gross Budget.
NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNT - A budget category used to account for resources used for County-funded activities that do not fall within the functional assignment of any department, or for expenditures related to more than one department.
NON-TAX SUPPORTED FUND - A fund supported by revenues other than taxes and not included in the Spending Affordability Guidelines. The exception is Parking Lot Districts that collect property taxes but, as Enterprise Funds, are not considered tax supported.
OPERATING AND CAPITAL EXPENSE - Those costs, other than expenditures for Personnel Costs, which are necessary to support the operation of the organization, such as charges for contractual services, telephones, printing, motor pool, office supplies, and government assets. See also Expenditure.
OPERATING BUDGET - A comprehensive plan by which the County's operating programs are funded for a single fiscal year. The operating budget includes descriptions of programs, appropriation authority, and estimated revenue sources, as well as related program data and information on the fiscal management of the County. See also Public Services Program (PSP).
OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT - The change in operating budget expenditures associated with the construction or improvement of government buildings or facilities. See the discussion of this subject in the CIP Planning chapter of the recommended CIP for more information.
OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) - Employee benefits, such as health and life insurance, associated with current and future retirees and their beneficiaries. See also Retirees Health Benefits Trust Fund.
OUTCOME BASED BUDGETING - A method of preparing budgets that moves away from a traditional, incremental way of allocating funds to a department to allocating funds for programs and services that will achieve desired results. When allocating resources under this approach, outcome based budgeting maximizes the value of the dollars that are spent.
OUTCOMES - The results of a program or program element on clients, users, or some other target group; the degree to which the program mission is achieved.
OUTPUT - The amount of services provided, units produced, or work accomplished.
PARTIAL CAPITALIZATION - The process of either expensing or transferring to capital assets the prior fiscal year expenditures for ongoing capital projects.
PAYGO - "Pay as you go" funding; that is, current revenue substituted for debt in capital projects that are debt eligible, or used in projects that are not debt eligible or qualified for tax-exempt financing.
PENSION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST FUNDS - The fiduciary fund used to account for all activities of the Employees' Retirement System of Montgomery County, Employees' Retirement Savings Plan, and Deferred Compensation Plan, including the accumulation of resources for, and payment of, retirement annuities and/or other benefits and administrative costs.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES - The quantitative means to know how well a program is working at providing services and improving the lives of those served. It provides the ability to make changes and determine whether those changes improved the program's performance, essentially improving the customer's quality of life.
PERMANENT FUNDS - These funds are used to account for resources that are legally restricted to the extent that only earnings, and not principal, may be used for purposes that support government programs.
PERSONAL PROPERTY - Furniture, fixtures, office and industrial equipment, machinery, tools, supplies, inventory, and any other property not classified as real property. See also Real Property.
PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - The full- and part-time positions, work years or full-time equivalents, and costs related to employees of the departments and agencies of the County.
PERSONNEL COSTS - Expenditures for salaries, wages, and benefits payable to County employees.
POSITIONS - Identified jobs into which persons may be hired on either a part- or full-time basis.
PRIORITY OUTCOME - A condition of well-being for a population or subpopulation in a geographic area. Within this discussion, a Priority Outcome refers to a condition of well-being for Montgomery County residents.
PRIVATE PURPOSE TRUST FUNDS - A fiduciary fund that involves trust arrangements under which the principal and income benefit individuals, private organizations, or other governments.
PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT - Increased quantity or improved quality of goods or services using the same or fewer resources. Productivity improvement can be achieved through cost efficiencies, alternative means of delivering services, streamlining organizational structures, making use of automation and other time- or labor-saving innovations, and eliminating unnecessary procedures or requirements.
PROGRAM - A primary service, function, or set of activities that address a specific responsibility or goal within an agency's or department's mission. A program encompasses all associated activities (services) directed toward the attainment of established objectives, for example, the School Health Program. A program will have clearly defined, attainable objectives, which may be short- or long-term in nature, and will have measurable outputs and outcomes. A program should be discrete enough to be able to be summed up in five or fewer performance measures.
PROGRAM PROPOSAL - A request for funding a program in the County's Outcome Based Budgeting process. It includes a description of how a program aligns with the County Executive's Seven Priority Outcomes and Key Indicators, evidence to support the service impact, performance measures, and an explanation of performance and how it will be improved.
PROPRIETARY FUND - Funds or subfunds that show actual financial position and the results of operations, such as actual assets, liabilities, reserves, fund balances, revenues, and expenses.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Opportunities for residents and constituent groups to voice opinions and concerns to public officials. During the annual budget process, the County Charter requires that public hearings be conducted by the County Council not earlier than 21 days after receipt of the County Executive's Recommended Budget.
PUBLIC SERVICES PROGRAM (PSP) - A forecast of public service requirements over the next six years, submitted annually by the Executive to the County Council. Its purpose is to provide guidance for the orderly planning of services with regard to population changes, socio-economic variables, potentially needed public facilities, and anticipated new or changing needs of County citizens. The PSP includes the County Executive's fiscal policy statements. The first year of the PSP is referred to as the operating budget.
REAL PROPERTY - Real estate, including land and improvements (buildings, fences, pavements, etc.), classified for purposes of assessment. See also Personal Property.
REALLOCATION OF APPROPRIATION - The transfer of unencumbered appropriations (expenditure authority) within the same appropriation category and within the same department and fund.
RECORDATION TAX - Tax levied when changes occur in deeds, mortgages, leases, and other contracts pertaining to the title of either real or personal property. The revenues are used to pay for school CIP projects, housing rental assistance for low- to moderate-income households, and other government activities.
RESERVE - An account used either to set aside legally budgeted resources, that are not required for expenditure in the current budget year, or to earmark resources for a specific future purpose. See also Fund Balance.
RESOURCES - Units of input such as work years, funds, material, equipment, facilities, or other elements supplied to produce and deliver services required to meet program objectives. From a fiscal point of view, resources include revenues, net transfers, and available fund balance. See also Inputs.
RESULTS - A term used to describe what you are trying to accomplish.
RETIREES HEALTH BENEFITS TRUST FUND - One or more funds used to support the expenses associated with retiree health benefits.
REVENUE - All funds that the County receives, including tax payments, fees for specific services, receipts from other governments, fines, forfeitures, shared revenues, and interest income.
REVENUE BONDS - An obligation issued to finance a revenue-producing enterprise, with principal and interest payable exclusively from the earnings and other revenues of the enterprise. See also Enterprise Fund.
REVENUE STABILIZATION FUND - A special revenue fund that accounts for the accumulation of resources during periods of economic growth and prosperity when revenue collections exceed estimates. These funds may then be drawn upon during periods of economic slowdown when collections fall short of revenue estimates. See also Special Revenue Fund.
RISK MANAGEMENT - A process used to identify and measure the risks of accidental loss, to develop and implement techniques for handling risk, and to monitor results. Techniques used can include self-insurance, commercial insurance, and loss control activities.
SALARIES AND WAGES - An expenditure category for monetary compensation to employees in the form of annual or hourly rates of pay for hours worked.
SALARY SCHEDULE - A listing of minimum and maximum salaries for each grade level in a classification plan for merit system positions.
SCHOOL FACILITIES PAYMENTS - A fee charged to developers of residential subdivisions if school enrollment five years in the future is estimated to exceed 105 percent, but is less than 120 percent, of cluster-wide program capacity at any school level. The fee level depends on both the school level involved and the type of housing unit to be constructed.
SELF-INSURANCE - The funding of liability, property, workers' compensation, unemployment, and life and health insurance needs through the County's financial resources, rather than commercial insurance plans.
SERVICE PROPOSAL - See Program Proposal.
SERVICES - An activity or set of activities performed by the County government that are the means for achieving desired outcomes, that have identifiable costs for budgeting purposes, a clear public purpose and measurable results, and clear lines of accountability for its performance and financial management. A service is discrete in that it is not overly dependent on other services to achieve its results and does not combine activities with substantially differing results, funding streams, and/or lines of accountability.
SET-ASIDE - See Unappropriated Reserves.
SOLID WASTE (REFUSE) CHARGE - The annual charge, appearing on the County's Consolidated Tax Bill, applied to residences in the Solid Waste Collection District for the collection and disposal of solid waste for each household in the district. The charge includes a collection fee to cover hauling costs paid to collection contractors, a service charge which includes a charge based on the tipping fee, and a systems benefit charge.
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION - Additional spending authority approved by the County Council (Charter, Section 308). The appropriation must state "that it is necessary to meet an unforeseen disaster or other emergency, or to act without delay in the public interest." There must be approval by not less than six members of the Council. "The Council may make a special appropriation any time after public notice by news release." See also Supplemental Appropriation.
SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - A governmental fund used to record the receipt and use of resources which, by law, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), or County policy, must be kept distinct from the general revenues of the County. Revenues for Special Revenue Funds are generally from a special tax on a specific geographical area.
SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT - A geographic area that is established by legislation within which a special tax is levied to provide for specific services to the area.
SPENDING AFFORDABILITY GUIDELINE (SAG) - An approach to budgeting that assigns expenditure ceilings for the forthcoming budget year, based on expected revenues and other factors. Under the Charter of Montgomery County Maryland (Section 305), the County Council is required to establish spending affordability guidelines for both the capital and operating budgets. Spending affordability limits are also set for WSSC by the Councils of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties.
STRUCTURAL BUDGET DEFICIT - The excess of spending over revenue due to an underlying imbalance between the ongoing cost of government operations and predicted revenue collections.
SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION - An appropriation of funds above amounts originally appropriated which authorizes expenditures not anticipated in the adopted budget. A supplemental appropriation is required to enable expenditure of reserves or additional revenues received by the County through grants or other sources. See also Special Appropriation.
TAX SUPPORTED FUND - A fund, either the General Fund or a Special Revenue Fund, supported in part by tax revenues and included in Spending Affordability Guidelines (SAG).
TIPPING FEE - A fee charged for each ton of solid waste disposed of, or "tipped," at the Solid Waste Transfer Station. Each year the County Executive recommends, and the County Council approves, a tipping fee based on a projection of costs for solid waste disposal as well as the tonnage of solid waste generated.
TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATION - See Council Transfer of Appropriation and Executive Transfer of Appropriation.
TRANSFER OF FUNDS - See Interfund Transfer.
UNAPPROPRIATED RESERVES - The planned-for excess of revenues over budgeted expenditures, within any of the various government funds, that provides funding for unexpected and unbudgeted expenditures that may be required during the fiscal year following budget approval. Use of this reserve requires County Council appropriation prior to its expenditure. The Charter of Montgomery County Maryland (Section 310) requires that unappropriated surplus within the General Fund may not exceed five percent of General Fund revenue for the preceding fiscal year. Also referred to as the Set-Aside for future projects in the capital program.
VALUE - Results per dollar spent.
WATER QUALITY PROTECTION CHARGE - An excise tax imposed on each residential property and associated nonresidential property which is used for the construction, operation, and maintenance of stormwater management facilities and related expenses.
YEAR END BALANCE - See Fund Balance.
Readers not finding a term in this glossary are invited to call the Office of Management and Budget at 240-777-2800.