Budget Year / Version:

Program Description

  Energy and Sustainability

The Energy and Sustainability (ES) program is responsible for facilitating comprehensive energy and sustainability strategies across County operations. It leads the County's green government programs which crosscuts County departments and DGS divisions. Specifically, ES supports, implements, or facilitates programs to improve energy efficiency, expand clean energy use, promote sustainable sites, enable clean transportation, encourage environmentally preferable purchasing, and foster resource saving behaviors by County employees. These initiatives foster collaboration, leadership, innovation, and performance measurement to ensure the County delivers the highest quality services at the lowest environmental impact.

Program Contacts

Contact Pooja Kapoor of the Department of General Services at 240.777.6028 or Mahnoor Anjum of the Office of Management and Budget at 240.777.2771 for more information regarding this department's operating budget.


Program Performance Measures

Program Performance MeasuresActual FY22Actual FY23Estimated FY24Target FY25Target FY26
Amount of grants and incentives received for Energy and Sustainability initiatives (in dollars)$1,171,679$1,310,925$1,100,000$1,100,000$1,100,000
Utility savings delivered by Energy and Sustainability initiatives (in dollars)$1,018,515$892,723$1,252,698$1,252,698$1,252,698
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions delivered by Energy and Sustainability initiatives (metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)5,0743,5364,8514,8514,851
County facility, fleet, and streetlight greenhouse gas emissions (metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)117,149113,886110,706107,621104,628

Program Budget Changes

FY25 Approved ChangesExpendituresFTEs
FY24 Approved8508164.50
Shift: Long-term Vacant Position Transferred from DGS to OHR to Support Countywide Human Resources Efforts-123410-1.00
Multi-program adjustments, including negotiated compensation changes, employee benefit changes, changes due to staff turnover, reorganizations, and other budget changes affecting multiple programs.667530.00
FY25 Approved7941593.50