anchor Description
This project provides for the design, land acquisition, and construction of 5,850 linear feet of roadway widening along Snouffer School Road between Sweet Autumn Drive and Centerway Road. The roadway's typical section consists of two through lanes in each direction, a continuous center turn lane and 5.5-foot bike lanes in each direction with an eight-foot shared use path on the north side and a five-foot sidewalk on the south side within a 90' right-of-way. The typical section was previously approved by the Council's Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee. The project will require approximately 1.44 acres of land acquisition and will include street lights, storm drainage, stormwater management, and landscaping. Utility relocations include water, sewer, gas, and Pepco utility poles. The Maryland State Highway Administration's (SHA) MD 124 (Woodfield Road) Phase II project will widen the approximately 900 linear-foot segment on Snouffer School Road between Sweet Autumn Drive and Woodfield Road. The County's Smart Growth Initiative site at the Webb Tract includes the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Food Distribution Facility and the Public Safety Training Academy relocation. The Snouffer School Road North project (CIP #501109) will widen the 3,400 linear foot segment of Snouffer School Road between Centerway Road and Ridge Heights Drive to provide improved access to the planned multi-agency service park at the Webb Tract.
The projected Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for 2025 is 30,250.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Project will be completed in FY24.
anchor Justification
The Airpark Project Area of the Gaithersburg Vicinity Planning Area of the County is experiencing rapid growth with plans for new offices, shops, residential communities, and restaurants. The Snouffer School Road improvements project is needed to meet traffic and pedestrian demands of existing and future land uses. This project meets the recommendations of the area Master Plans, enhances regional connectivity, and follows the continuity of adjacent developer improvements. It will improve traffic flow by providing continuous roadway cross section and standard lane widths and encourage alternative means of mobility through proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The Department of Transportation (DOT) completed Facility Planning Phase I study in FY06. Facility Planning Phase II was completed in FY08 in Facility Planning Transportation Project (CIP #509337).
anchorFiscal Note
Intergovernmental revenues represent WSSC Water's share of water and sewer relocation costs. FY18 funding switch of $674,000 between G.O. Bonds and Impact Tax. Acceleration of $688,000 in G.O. Bonds from FY19 into FY18 and an offsetting funding schedule switch with Intergovernmental. In FY20, a $3,050,000 supplemental appropriation was approved. FY20 funding switch of $2,000,000 between GO Bonds and Impact Tax. FY22 funding switch of $1,437,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Tax ($1,308,000) and Intergovernmental ($129,000) to reflect FY22 actuals. FY24 funding switch of $106,000 from GO Bonds to Impact Tax to reflect prior year actuals. FY25 funding switch of $12,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Taxes to reflect prior year actuals.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
WSSC Water, Department of Permitting Services, Pepco, Verizon, Washington Gas, Department of General Services. Special Capital Projects Legislation was enacted on June 23, 2015 and signed into law on July 6, 2015 (Bill No. 28-15).