Budget Year / Version:
Project NameProject #
21st Century Library Enhancements Level Of EffortP711503
ABS Delivery Trucks PurchaseP852502
ABS Retail Store RefreshP852101
AccelerateMC Regional Infrastructure AcceleratorP502412
Acquisition: Local ParksP767828
Acquisition: Non-Local ParksP998798
ADA Compliance: Local ParksP128701
ADA Compliance: Non-Local ParksP128702
ADA Compliance: CollegeP936660
ADA Compliance: MCPSP796235
ADA Compliance: TransportationP509325
Advance ReforestationP500112
Advanced Digital Construction Management System - TransportationP502605
Advanced Transportation Management SystemP509399
Affordable Housing Acquisition and PreservationP760100
Affordable Housing Opportunity FundP762101
Ag Land Pres EasementsP788911
AltaGas-WGL Merger FundP362106
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): ComplianceP361107
Anacostia #2 WWPS UpgradesP382204
Apparatus Replacement ProgramP451504
Arcola WWPS & FMP382301
Asbestos Abatement: MCGP508728
Asbestos Abatement: MCPSP816695
Ashford Woods WWPS & FMP382304
Ballfield InitiativesP008720
Bicycle-Pedestrian Priority Area ImprovementsP501532
Bikeway Program Minor Projects P507596
Blue Plains WWTP: Biosolids Mgmt PT2P954812
Blue Plains WWTP: Liquid Train PT 2P954811
Blue Plains WWTP:Plant Wide ProjectsP023805
Blue Plains: Pipelines and AppurtenancesP113804
Breathing Air Compressors ReplacementP452502
Bridge DesignP509132
Bridge Preservation ProgramP500313
Bridge RenovationP509753
Brookville Depot HVACP362601
Building Envelope RepairP361501
Building Modifications and Program ImprovementsP076506
Bus Priority Program - Minor ProjectsP502204
Bus Rapid Transit: Flash Howard County ExpansionP502514
Bus Rapid Transit: MD 355 CentralP502005
Bus Rapid Transit: MD 355 South/NorthP502309
Bus Rapid Transit: System DevelopmentP501318
Bus Stop ImprovementsP507658
Business Continuity Phase IIP342303
Capital Asset Management SystemP362307
Capital Crescent TrailP501316
Capital Renewal: CollegeP096600
Child Care in SchoolsP649187
Child Care RenovationsP601901
Child Care Renovations - ADA RemediationP602502
Child Care Renovations - Child Care Facility ReplacementP602503
Child Care Renovations - PlaygroundsP602501
College Affordability ReconciliationP661401
Collegewide Central Plant and Distribution SystemsP662001
Collegewide Library RenovationsP661901
Collegewide Physical Education RenovationsP661602
Comprehensive Flood Management PlanP802202
Cost Sharing: Local ParksP977748
Cost Sharing: MCGP720601
Cost Sharing: Non-Local ParksP761682
County Building Network WiringP342501
County Fleet Electric Vehicle Charging StationsP362505
County Radio Life Cycle ReplacementP342301
Countywide Facade Easement ProgramP762102
Dedicated but Unmaintained County RoadsP501117
Dense Wave Division Multiplexing ReplacementP342504
Design and Construction ManagementP746032
Digital Equity - Montgomery Connects P341700
Early Care and Education Facility FundP602504
Early Childhood CenterP652303
Elevator ModernizationP509923
Elevator Modernization: CollegeP056608
Emergency Replacement of Major Building ComponentsP652304
Energy Conservation - Local ParksP998710
Energy Conservation - Non-Local ParksP998711
Energy Conservation: CollegeP816611
Energy Conservation: MCGP507834
Enterprise Facilities' ImprovementsP998773
Environmental Compliance: MCGP500918
Erickson Bethesda Sewer MainP382305
Exelon-Pepco Merger FundP362105
Facilities Site Selection: MCGP500152
Facility Planning - Pedestrian Facilities and BikewaysP502312
Facility Planning-RoadsP509337
Facility Planning: CollegeP886686
Facility Planning: HCDP769375
Facility Planning: Local ParksP957775
Facility Planning: Mass TransitP502308
Facility Planning: MCGP508768
Facility Planning: MCPSP966553
Facility Planning: Non-Local ParksP958776
Facility Planning: Storm DrainsP508180
Facility Planning: Stormwater Management P809319
Female Facility UpgradeP450305
Fire Safety Code UpgradesP016532
Fire Station RefurbishmentP452503
Fire Stations: Life Safety SystemsP450302
Fraley Farm West Water MainP382601
FS Emergency Power System UpgradeP450700
General Repair of BMPs and Stream AssetsP802506
Gregg Road Bridge No. M-0119P502602
Guardrail ProjectsP508113
Healthy SchoolsP652504
Heart Monitor/Defibrillator ReplacementP452201
High School Wellness Center and Expanded Wellness ServicesP640902
Highway Noise AbatementP500338
HOC County Guaranteed Bond ProjectsP809482
HOC MPDU/Property Acquisition FundP768047
HOC Opportunity Housing Development FundP767511
HVAC (Mechanical Systems) Replacement: MCPSP816633
HVAC/Elec Replacement: Fire StnsP458756
HVAC/Elec Replacement: MCGP508941
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses and Fueling SiteP502408
I-495/I-270 Traffic Relief Plan Pipeline RelocationsP382306
IJIS - Correction and Rehabilitation Information Management System (CRIMS) UpgradeP342402
Implementation of the Comprehensive Flood Management PlanP802507
Improved (Safe) Access to SchoolsP975051
Information Technology: CollegeP856509
Instructional Furniture and Equipment: CollegeP096601
Intelligent Transit SystemP501801
Intersection and Spot ImprovementsP507017
Johns Hopkins Medical Research Park Sewer MainP382401
Lactation Rooms in County BuildingsP362310
Land & Rights-of-Way Acquisition - Bi-County (S)P163800
Land & Rights-of-Way Acquisition - Bi-County WaterP983857
Land Acquisition: MCPSP546034
Large Diameter Water Pipe & Large Valve Rehabilitation ProgramP113803
Legacy Open SpaceP018710
Legacy Urban SpaceP872104
Library Refurbishment Level of EffortP711502
Life Safety Systems: MCGP509970
Life Sciences and Technology CentersP789057
M-NCPPC Affordability ReconciliationP871747
Major Capital Projects - ElementaryP652101
Major Capital Projects - SecondaryP652102
Master Leases: Transit Radio System ReplacementP502110
Materials Management Building RelocationP652401
MCG Reconciliation PDFP501404
MCPS Affordability ReconciliationP056516
MCPS Funding ReconciliationP076510
Minor New Construction - Local ParksP998799
Minor New Construction - Non-Local ParksP998763
Montgomery County Correctional Facility and Community Corrections Wi-Fi projectP422301
Neighborhood Traffic CalmingP509523
Network Infrastructure and Server OperationsP076619
New Transit Maintenance DepotP502402
Non-Congregate Shelter SpaceP602505
Nonprofit Preservation FundP762301
Olney Community BuildingP362506
Olney Infant and Toddler Program Site ImprovementsP362603
Outdoor Play Space Maintenance ProjectP651801
Outfall RepairsP509948
Park AcquisitionsP872301
Park RefreshersP871902
Patuxent Raw Water PipelineP063804
Pedestrian Safety ProgramP500333
Permanent Patching: Residential/Rural RoadsP501106
Piscataway WRRF Bio-Energy ProjectP063808
Planned Life Cycle Asset Repl: MCPSP896586
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement (PLAR): Local ParksP872503
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement (PLAR): Non-Local ParksP872504
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: CollegeP926659
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: Local ParksP967754
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: MCGP509514
Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: NL ParksP968755
Planning, Design and ConstructionP906605
PLAR: LP - Boundary MarkingP998701
PLAR: LP - Court RenovationsP998704
PLAR: LP - Minor RenovationsP998702
PLAR: LP - Park Building RenovationsP998705
PLAR: LP - Play EquipmentP998703
PLAR: LP - Resurfacing Lots and PathsP871546
PLAR: NL - Boundary MarkingP998707
PLAR: NL - Court RenovationsP998715
PLAR: NL - Minor RenovationsP998708
PLAR: NL - Park Building RenovationsP871903
PLAR: NL - Play EquipmentP998709
PLAR: NL - Resurfacing Lots and PathsP871544
Pleasant's Property Water Main ExtensionP382201
Police Body ArmorP472104
Pollution Prevention and Repairs to Ponds & LakesP078701
Potomac WFP Submerged Channel IntakeP033812
Power Line TrailP872202
Preservation of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing FundP762201
Public Arts TrustP729658
Public Facilities RoadsP507310
Public Safety System ModernizationP340901
Purple LineP501603
Recreation Facilities Asset ReplacementP722503
Recreation Facilities Playground ReplacementP722504
Recreation Facilities RefurbishmentP722105
Recreation Facilities Refurbishment - Indoor PoolsP722506
Recreation Facilities Refurbishment-CentersP722507
Recreation Facilities Refurbishment-Outdoor PoolsP722505
Reddy Branch WWPS & FMP382302
Regional Water Supply ResiliencyP382101
Relocatable ClassroomsP846540
Residential and Rural Road RehabilitationP500914
Restoration Of Historic StructuresP808494
Restroom RenovationsP056501
Resurfacing Park Roads and Bridge ImprovementsP500720
Resurfacing Parking Lots: MCGP509914
Resurfacing: Fire StationsP458429
Resurfacing: Primary/ArterialP508527
Resurfacing: Residential/Rural RoadsP500511
Revitalization for Troubled and Distressed Common Ownership CommunitiesP762504
Ride On Bus FleetP500821
Ride On Fare Equipment ReplacementP502404
Roof Replacement: CollegeP876664
Roof Replacement: Fire StationsP458629
Roof Replacement: MCGP508331
Roof Replacement: MCPSP766995
Rose Village Sewer MainP382402
Sam Rice Manor WWPS & FMP382303
School Based Health and Linkages to Learning CentersP640400
School Security SystemsP926557
Shared Agency Booking System ReplacementP722001
Sidewalk and Curb ReplacementP508182
Sidewalk Program Minor Projects P506747
Site Improvements: CollegeP076601
Small Grant/Donor-Assisted Capital ImprovementsP058755
State Aid for MCPS PlaygroundsP362309
State Aid ReconciliationP896536
State Transportation ParticipationP500722
Storm Drain Culvert ReplacementP501470
Storm Drain GeneralP500320
Stormwater Discharge & Water Quality Mgmt: MCPSP956550
Stormwater Management Facility Major Structural RepairP800700
Stormwater Management Retrofit: CountywideP808726
Stream Protection: SVPP818571
Street Tree PreservationP500700
Streetlight Enhancements-CBD/Town CenterP500512
Student Learning Support SystemsP076617
Subdivision Roads ParticipationP508000
Supplemental Funds for Deeply Subsidized HOC Owned Units ImprovementsP091501
Sustainability InitiativesP652306
Swimming Pools Slide ReplacementP722101
Technology ModernizationP036510
Traffic Signal System ModernizationP500704
Traffic SignalsP507154
Trails: Hard Surface Design & ConstructionP768673
Trails: Hard Surface RenovationP888754
Trails: Natural Surface & Resource-based RecreationP858710
Transit Park and Ride Lot RenovationsP500534
Transportation Feasibility StudiesP502303
Transportation Improvements For SchoolsP509036
Trunk Sewer Reconstruction ProgramP113805
Urban Park ElementsP871540
Vision ZeroP871905
Viva White Oak Sewer MainP382203
Viva White Oak Water MainP382202
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$11,493M Total
Expenditures / Funding
257 Projects
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