Budget Year / Version:  

ADA Americans with Disabilities ActCOBRAConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
AHCMCArts and Humanities Council of Montgomery CountyCOGCouncil of Governments
ALARFAdvance Land Acquisition Revolving FundCOMARCode of Maryland Annotated Regulations
APFOAdequate Public Facilities OrdinanceCPI-UConsumer Price Index - Urban
ARRAAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment ActCRCurrent Revenue
ATMSAdvanced Transportation Management SystemCRIMSCorrection and Rehabilitation Information Management System
BANBond Anticipation NoteCUPFCommunity Use of Public Facilities
BITBoard of Investment TrusteesCVBConference and Visitors Bureau
BLCBoard of License CommissionersDBMMaryland State Department of Budget and Management
BOEBoard of EducationDCMDevice Client Management
CADComputer Aided DispatchingDEDDepartment of Economic Development
CAFRComprehensive Annual Financial ReportDGSDepartment of General Services
CAOChief Administrative OfficerDEPDepartment of Environmental Protection
CALMSComplaints and Licensing Management SystemDHCADepartment of Housing and Community Affairs
CATVCable TelevisionDLCDepartment of Liquor Control
CBDCentral Business DistrictDOCRDepartment of Correction and Rehabilitation
CCMCounty Cable MontgomeryDOTDepartment of Transportation
CDBGCommunity Development Block GrantECCEmergency Communications Center
CECounty Executive EDAETExpedited Development Approval Excise Tax
CIPCapital Improvements ProgramEEOCEqual Employment Opportunity Commission
CEC Community Engagement ClusterEFOEducational Facilities Officer
CJCCCriminal Justice Coordinating CommissionEITCEarned Income Tax Credit
CJISCriminal Justice Information SystemEMOCEquipment and Maintenance Operations Center
CNGCompressed Natural GasEOBExecutive Office Building

EOCEmergency Operations Center HVACHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
ERPEnterprise Resource PlanningIAFCInternational Association of Fire Chiefs
ERSEmployee Retirement SystemIAFFInternational Association of Fire Fighters
ESOLEnglish for Speakers of Other LanguagesICEUMInteragency Committee on Energy and Utility Management
FEMAFederal Emergency Management AgencyIJISIntegrated Justice Information System
FFIFuture Fiscal ImpactITInformation Technology
FLSAFair Labor Standards ActITPCCInteragency Technology Policy and Coordination Committee
FOPFraternal Order of PoliceLEPLimited English Proficiency
FRCFire and Rescue CommissionLFRDLocal Fire and Rescue Department
FRSFire and Rescue ServiceLSBRPLocal Small Business Reserve Program
FTEFull-Time EquivalentMACoMaryland Association of Counties
FYFiscal YearMCMontgomery College
GAAPGenerally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesMCAASPMontgomery County Association of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel
GASBGovernment Accounting Standards BoardMCCFMontgomery County Correctional Facility
GDAGeneral Development AgreementMCCSSEMontgomery County Council of Supporting Service Employees
GDPGross Domestic ProductMCDCMontgomery County Detention Center
GFOAGovernment Finance Officers AssociationMCEAMontgomery County Education Association
GISGeographic Information SystemsMCERPMontgomery County Employee Retirement Plans
GO bondsGeneral Obligation BondsMCFRSMontgomery County Fire and Rescue Service
GRIPGuaranteed Retirement Income PlanMCGMontgomery County Government
GWAGeneral Wage AdjustmentMCGEOMunicipal and County Government Employees Organization
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability ActMCPDMontgomery County Police Department
HOCHousing Opportunities CommissionMCPSMontgomery County Public Schools
HUDU.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentMCTMontgomery Community Television

MFDMinority, Female, and DisabledPLARPlanned Lifecycle Asset Replacement
MHIMontgomery Housing InitiativePLDParking Lot District
MLSManagement Leadership ServicePORProgram of Requirements
M-NCPPCMaryland-National Capital Park and Planning CommissionPSCCPublic Safety Communications Center
MOUMemorandum of UnderstandingPSCSPublic Safety Communications System
MPDUModerately Priced Dwelling UnitPSPPublic Services Program
MTAMaryland Transit AdministrationPSTAPublic Safety Training Academy
NACoNational Association of CountiesRMSRecords Management System
NDANon-Departmental AccountRSPRetirement Savings Plan
NTSNon-tax supportedSAGSpending Affordability Guidelines
OAGOffice of AgricultureSHAState Highway Administration
OCPOffice of Consumer ProtectionSWMStormwater Management
OHROffice of Human ResourcesTMCTransportation Management Center
OEMHSOffice of Emergency Management and Homeland Security TMDTransportation Management District
OLOOffice of Legislative OversightTSTax Supported
OMBOffice of Management and BudgetWMATWeb and Mobile Applications Team
OBIOperating Budget ImpactWMATAWashington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
OPEBOther Post Employment BenefitsWQPBWater Quality Protection Bond
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationWQPCWater Quality Protection Charge
PAYGOPay-as-you-go financingWSSCWashington Suburban Sanitary Commission
PDFProject Description FormWSTCWashington Suburban Transit Commission
PEGPublic, Educational, and Governmental cable programmingWYWork Year
PEPCOPotomac Electric Power CompanyZTAWYZoning Text Amendment Work Year
PILOTPayment in Lieu of Taxes