anchor Description
This project provides for the design and implementation of spot improvements to address safety and capacity issues along Goshen Road. The project as originally planned provided for the design, land acquisition, utility relocations, and construction of roadway improvements along Goshen Road from south of Girard Street to 1,000 feet north of Warfield Road, a distance of approximately 3.5 miles. The improvements would have widened Goshen Road from the existing two-lane open section road to a four-lane divided, closed section road, and included sidewalks, shared use paths, bike lanes, storm drain improvements, street lighting and landscaping. Due to project costs and fiscal capacity outlook, the County Executive and County Council directed the Montgomery County Department of Transportation to explore spot roadway, pedestrian and bicycle improvements that would provide the safety and capacity needs of the corridor. Final decisions for identifying specific site improvements into a series of standalone projects will occur prior to the development of preliminary engineering.
The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on Goshen Road for the year 2040 is forecasted to be about 30,350 (Midcounty Highway to Centerway Road).
anchorEstimated Schedule
Specific site improvements development in FY28 and FY29. Design update to be completed in FY30, with implementation of spot improvements to follow.
anchorCost Change
Added funding in FY28 and FY29 from federal earmark for development of site-specific spot improvements.
anchor Justification
This project is much needed to address safety issues and reduce existing and future congestion, to provide infrastructure for alternate modes of transportation, and resolve drainage deficiencies. In the existing condition (no-build) many intersections are already at or will reach failure (LOS-F) by year 2040. This project will address geometric deficiencies which contribute to crashes, thereby improving pedestrian and vehicular safety.
anchorFiscal Note
FY24 funding switch of $88,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Tax to reflect prior year actuals. A $500,000 federal earmark was awarded to the County in the 2024 Federal Transportation, Housing and Urban Development appropriation bill. FY25 funding switch of $65,000 from G.O. Bonds to Impact Tax to reflect prior year actuals.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration, Utility Companies, Department of Permitting Services, City of Gaithersburg, Facility Planning: Transportation (CIP #509337)