anchor Description
This level of effort project is intended to provide a structured process to ensure that all recreation center outdoor pools are refurbished through repair or replacement of facility components. A facility assessment will be conducted to evaluate the level of repair or replacement for each facility and create a program of requirements with an associated construction cost estimate.
anchorEstimated Schedule
The Department of Recreation will identify the facilities and scope of the work through a facility assessment prior to the design and construction process. Projects will be prioritized based on facility assessment results and programmatic needs.
anchorCost Change
Expenditures changed to align with schedule updates.
anchor Justification
A number of Recreation outdoor pools have not been updated for a long time. This project will ensure that: 1) the County's capital investments are protected by maintaining the Department of Recreation's building infrastructure, 2) all new and required construction codes are addressed and implemented, 3) critical equipment and building systems are overhauled or replaced prior to failure, and 4) reorganization of internal space is completed to ensure that space is fully utilized based on the community's needs for programs and services.
Notice identifying the specific recreation projects that will be refurbished must be provided to the Council at least 60 days before any funding is obligated or spent. The notice to Council must include the scope of work, cost estimate, and expenditure schedule for planning, design, and supervision, construction and other costs by fiscal year.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Department of General Services and Department of Recreation.