anchor Description
This project provides funds for the development of non-governmental projects in conjunction with public agencies or the private sector. County participation leverages private and other public funds for these facilities. Prior to disbursing funds, the relevant County department or agency and the private organization will develop a Memorandum of Understanding, which specifies the requirements and responsibilities of each.
anchorCost Change
Funds added for CASA Rockville Welcome Center Renovations and Scotland AME Zion Church 2nd Century Project.
anchor Justification
The County has entered into or considered many public-private partnerships, which contribute to the excellence and diversity of facilities serving County residents.
See attached for Community Grants and CIP Grants for Arts and Humanities Organizations.
anchorFiscal Note
The County Council approved an FY21 special appropriation, Resolution #19-593, that increased FY21 by $250,000 for a total of $2.330 million, reduced FY22 to $603,000 from $1 million, and reduced FY23 to $250,000 from $1 million. Approved FY18 supplemental appropriation 15-S18-CMCG-13 added $100,000 in State Aid to recognize FY15 State Bond Bill. Amended project approved in FY18 designated a total of $300,365 of the $400,000 project balance to 32 individual faith-based organizations, leaving a remaining unallocated balance of $99,635 in the project for emergency capital grants. Approved FY19 supplemental appropriation 3-S19-CMCG-3 added $400,000 in Current Revenue for Manna Food Center, Inc. and $300,000 in Current Revenue for Sunflower Bakery, Inc. See Cost Sharing Grants attachment for Historical Fiscal Note regarding the Fillmore venue in Silver Spring and Old Blair Auditorium Project, Inc.
FY23 supplemental in Current Revenue: General for the amount of $5,000,000 for CASA for the Workforce Development Training Center. FY23 technical correction to eliminate duplicate State Aid cost of $100,000.
A pedestrian impact analysis will be performed during design or is in progress.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
The County Executive asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.
Private organizations, State of Maryland, Municipalities, Montgomery County Public Schools, Community Use of Public Facilities, Department of General Services, and Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County