anchor Description
This level-of-effort project is needed to maintain the County's building infrastructure. This project funds the wholesale replacement of aged and outdated building envelope systems including the replacement of windows, exterior doors, siding, exterior walls, and weatherproofing. This project provides for a systematic replacement to maintain the building envelope, protect the building integrity, and allow for continued full and efficient use of County buildings.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Several projects will be completed during FY25 and FY26: Community Corrections windows, replace windows at two county libraries, replace three front/back rolling doors at three county fire stations.
anchor Justification
Window replacements, siding replacements, and exterior door replacements are critical to protect the life of a facility. Windows and doors can eliminate drafts to improve both comfort and energy efficiency. Siding protects the facility by eliminating potential leaks that can lead to damage of other facility components as well as creating health issues such as mold growth.
Building envelope repairs have been neglected for many years. Many facilities still have single and/or double pane glass windows and are poorly sealed, leading to energy loss. Many exterior metal doors are rusted and frequently fail to close and latch which creates a safety hazard. Renovations will address leaks around windows and doors and will provide improved energy efficiency.
anchorFiscal Note
FY24 funding switch totaling $1.105M from G.O. Bonds to Recordation Tax Premium (MCG).
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
Department of General Services and departments affected by building envelope repair projects.