anchor Description
This project provides funding to upgrade aging internal wiring in County buildings to enable full use of the County's FiberNet3 technology. The Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS) will perform an audit of over 300 County owned buildings (and any additional buildings with critical cable wiring needs).
anchorEstimated Schedule
FY25 included an audit of all County owned buildings and any additional identified leased buildings with critical wiring needs. FY26 and beyond will focus on upgrading and replacing wiring based on the criticality of operations and building network performance assessments.
anchor Justification
FiberNet is a critical infrastructure asset that provides carrier-class voice, video, internet access, and data network services for County government. The County has already invested and continues to invest millions of dollars for the installation of FiberNet3 and FiberNet edge equipment throughout the County. Wiring within a building ("inside wiring") connects all county employees and equipment within that building to the upgraded FiberNet backbone ("core") network. Old wiring restricts the amount of data that can be transmitted over it and increases the frequency and magnitude of service impacting issues. This old wiring is a bottleneck which inhibits employees' ability to access county Information Technology and digital resources in a timely, efficient and reliable manner. Upgrading and modernizing this outdated wiring with new wiring will greatly increase the bandwidth and throughput capabilities of this infrastructure and improve service levels and reliability.
All County Government Departments.