anchor Description
The Correction and Rehabilitation Information Management System (CRIMS) was initially designed to be implemented as a third-party Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solution. As a result of the vendor's failure to perform, the County acquired the solution to be maintained by the Department of Technology Enterprise and Business Solutions. The existing solution has reached a point where it requires an upgrade to meet County enterprise security standards and remain useful to the 20+ local, state and federal agencies that utilize the application including the Montgomery County Police, Sheriff and Fire departments. CRIMS is a critical 24x7 system that allows all jurisdictions that have arrest power in Montgomery County to process arrests and warrants in a timely fashion within Maryland statutory requirements.
anchorEstimated Schedule
FY24-25: A contractor was brought in mid-August of 2023 to work on the low-code solution. This project is expected to be completed in FY25.
anchor Justification
Without CRIMS or an Arrest-Booking System, all jurisdictions would go back to manual processing of arrests and bookings which would create a significant delay in processing arrests, keeping law enforcement officers from their patrols and other duties, directly impacting public safety and the County Executive's Vision of Safe Neighborhoods.
Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS), Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission and member agencies, Office of Management and Budget, Office of Intergovernmental Relations, State of Maryland, United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Public Safety Communications Systems, Montgomery County Police, Sheriffs Department, and Fire & Rescue Services.