anchor Description
This project includes the installation, upgrading, and replacement of technology systems used to support teaching, learning and advising, to assess student outcomes, and to improve the effectiveness of College services to students. This includes technology to support students with disabilities, technology-based communication and collaboration systems, systems to provide students with access to electronic course materials, library resources, and other applications used by and for students and faculty, including both hardware, software and cloud services. The project funds four technical project and planning analyst positions to manage and support multiple academic support systems.
anchor Justification
It is essential that appropriate systems are in place to enhance learning as well as collaboration and communication. Increased attention to student retention and success has created a growing need to assess the effectiveness of the services and support provided to students and the impact on student success. Leveraging technology is fundamental to enabling student success. State-of-the-market hardware and software capabilities and cloud services are required to attract and serve students, faculty and staff, as well as to serve the business community by upgrading work force technology skills and providing a base for continued economic development in the county. Information technology directly enables the College's mission and is used to facilitate student success; to effectively and efficiently operate the College; and to support the College's growth, development, and community initiatives.
FY25 Appropriation: $1,700,000 ($1,400,000 Current Revenue: General; $300,000 Contributions (Fund Balance)). FY26 Appropriation: ($1,400,000 Current Revenue: General; $300,000 Contributions (Fund Balance)). The following fund reductions/transfers have occurred with this project: By County Council Resolution No. 16-1261, the cumulative appropriation was reduced by $1,000,000 (Current Revenue: General) as part of the FY10 savings plan; and $300,000 was transferred from the Information Technology project (#P856509) to this project in FY11. FY19 reduction of $400,000 due to County affordability constraints.
anchorFiscal Note
Source of FY25 and FY26 Contributions is College Fund Balance.
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
MC Strategic Plan (7/23), Academic Master Plan 2016-2021, Collegewide Facilities Master Plan(Pending 2023), Information Technology Master Plan, Student Affairs Master Plan 2018-2021, and campus building renovation projects. Expenditures are made in alignment with the priorities and guidelines establish by these documents.