anchor Description
This project funds the repair, maintenance and improvements of the College's site infrastructure. This may include, but is not limited to: roadways, parking lots, walkways, site lighting, external site signage and site communications infrastructure. The Stormwater Management project, #076602, was added to the scope of this project in FY2009. This project also provides for the rehabilitation and structural maintenance of storm water management facilities on the College's campuses. This includes, but is not limited to: dam or spillway repairs, pond dredging, storm drain system repairs/replacement, and storm water management studies to determine best practice solutions. This project also funds the repair, maintenance and improvement of the College's outdoor athletic facilities. This may include, but is not limited to: athletic field lighting, reconfiguration and upgrade; the repair/replacement of bleachers; turf renovation including regrading, sodding and irrigation/drainage management; repair/replacement of running tracks and tennis courts; and the repair/replacement of backstops, player protection fencing and benches. ** Note: In FY11, the Outdoor Athletics Facilities: College project (CIP No. 076600) was merged into this project.
anchor Justification
In December 2004, the County Council initiated an Infrastructure Maintenance Task Force which gathered information on the maintenance needs of County agencies. The first objective was to identify the direst needs of agencies for additional funding; while the long-term goal was to initiate an ongoing, regular process to update and improve the inventory and analysis of infrastructure maintenance needs. As the College had already completed a facilities assessment, adequate information was available for buildings and a process was already underway to address these needs. However, less attention had been given to site issues. An outcome of this task force was to create projects to address these site needs. Related studies include the Montgomery College Strategic Plan (7/23), Collegewide Facilities Condition Assessment (1/23), the Collegewide Master Plan (Pending 2023), and the County Council Report of the Infrastructure Maintenance Task Force (3/16).
FY25 Appropriation: $610,000 (G.O. Bonds). FY26 Appropriation: $800,000 (G.O. Bonds). The following fund transfer has been made to this project: $1,400,000 from the Science East Building renovation (P076623)(BOT Resol. #: 15-09-77, 9/21/15). The following fund transfer has been made from this project: $1,400,000 to Roof Replacements (#876664)(BOT Resol. #22-09-004, 9/21/21).
Expenditures will continue indefinitely.
This project is coordinated with Utility Master Plans and building renovations on the Rockville, Germantown, and Takoma Park Silver Spring Campuses, Capital Renewal: College (CIP No. P096600), Elevator Modernization: College (CIP No. P056608)