anchor Description
This project will provide facility modifications to support program offerings at schools that are not scheduled for capital improvements in the six-year CIP. These limited modifications to instruction and support spaces are needed to provide adequate space for new or expanded programs, administrative support space for schools, and changes to meet requirements for special education services. An FY 2023 appropriation was requested for modifications to schools due to special education program changes and relocations; science and multipurpose laboratory upgrades at secondary schools; and space modifications for program requirements at the secondary level. In addition, the appropriation will provide funding for overutilized schools where existing spaces require modifications to provide additional classroom space. Due to fiscal constraints, the County Council, in the adopted FY2023-2028 CIP, decreased the FY2023 and FY2024 expenditures, therefore, the number of projects will be reduced to align with the approved expenditures. An FY 2024 appropriation and amendment to the FY 2023-2028 CIP was approved to continue this level of effort project and also to provide funding to implement the new Blueprint for Maryland's Future through modifications to existing facilities to provide classroom spaces; to modify existing facilities to provide inclusive student restrooms; and, to modify existing facilities due to special education program changes and relocations. As part of the County Council approved FY2025-2030 CIP, additional expenditures were included in the out-years to reflect a level of effort funding through the six-year CIP. An FY 2025 appropriation was approved to address program and special education modifications, as well as to implement the Blueprint for Maryland's Future through modifications to existing facilities to accommodate pre-kindergarten students. The Board's request for FY 2026 is to reallocate $4 million to other projects. Also, a transfer of $7 million from this project will go towards the Charles W. Woodward High School reopening project to address a local funding gap due to reduced state aid eligibility.
Mandatory Referral - M-NCPPC, Department of Environmental Protection, Building Permits, Code Review, Fire Marshall, Department of Transportation, Inspections, Sediment Control, Stormwater Management, WSSC Permits