anchor Description
This project reconciles the MCPS' Capital Improvement Program (CIP) request with the County Executive's recommendation based on affordability considerations. Adjustments in G.O. Bonds shown in this project description form reflect the total net State Aid shortfall in the Charles W. Woodward Reopening project after considering State Aid increases in other MCPS projects. Since the final State Aid eligibility amount for the Charles W. Woodward Reopening project will likely be known until after final action is taken on the FY26 Capital Budget in May, the net shortfall is being kept in the set-aside until the true gap is known. This will allow the County to appropriate to the MCPS CIP, the correct amount needed of local funding sources to close this gap.
Adjustments in Current Revenue: General reflect deferring decisions on cash contributions for the Technology Modernization project until the operating budget context is defined.