Budget Year / Version:  


This project combines all current revitalization/expansion projects as prioritized by the FACT assessments. An FY 2018 appropriation was approved for construction funds for Seneca Valley HS and Potomac, Maryvale/Carl Sandburg, and Luxmanor elementary schools and planning funds for Tilden/Rock Terrace and Eastern middle schools and Poolesville HS. With regards to Seneca Valley HS, this project will expand the existing school to accommodate 2,400 students. The enrollment at Seneca Valley HS is projected to be 1,499 students by the end of the six-year planning period. With a capacity of 2,400 seats, there will be approximately 900 seats available to accommodates students from Clarksburg and Northwest highs schools when the project is complete. The Montgomery County Office of Legislative Oversight released a study in July 2015 regarding the MCPS revitalization/expansion program. Based on the report, MCPS reconvened the FACT review committee to update the FACT methodology used to rank schools. Since the approach to reassess and prioritize schools will continue into the development of the FY 2019-2024 CIP, the Board of Education approved an amendment to the Board of Education's Requested FY 2018 Capital Budget and Amendments to the FY 2017-2022 CIP to shift planning funds for four elementary school projects from FY 2018 to FY 2019. This shift in planning expenditures will not impact the completion dates for these projects. The County Council, in the adopted FY 2017-2022 Amended CIP approved the Board of Education's request. An FY 2019 appropriation was approved for the balance of funding for three elementary school projects and one high school project and construction funding for one middle school project. An FY 2020 appropriation and amendment to the FY 2019-2024 CIP was requested to expand the scope of the Career and Technology Education program at Seneca Valley High School. Due to fiscal constraints, the Board of Education, instead requested an FY 2019 supplemental appropriation and offsetting reductions of $7.5 million in expenditures from the PLAR, Restroom Renovations, and Roof Replacement projects to fund the expanded scope of the Career and Technology Education program at Seneca Valley High School. The County Council approved this request. An FY 2021 appropriation was requested for the Maryvale Elementary School/Carl Sandburg Learning Center collocation project for the classroom shell construction to be completed by the 2023-2024 school year. However, due to fiscal constraints, the County Council, in the adopted FY2021-2026 CIP, removed these expenditures. A FY21 unexpended project balance transfer and amendment to the FY21-26 CIP to the Local Unliquidated Surplus account was requested to offset a shortfall of expenditures in the Gaithersburg Cluster ES #8 project. An FY 2022 supplemental appropriation and transfer of funds was approved in the amount of $4 million from this project to the Charles W. Woodward HS reopening project for construction cost increases.




Budget Snapshot
$573.62M Total
$0M 6 Year Total

Fiscal Note

Transfer of GO Bonds from Maryvale ES Current Rev/Ex for $846,505, Potomac ES Current Rev/Ex for $362,021, Tilden MS Current Rev/Ex for $1,550,416 and Luxmanor ES Current Rev/Ex for $423,284 to the Gaithersburg Cluster ES#8. FY22 transfer from Seneca Valley HS Current Rev/Ex for $2,721,276, from Tilden MS/Rock Terrace School Current Rev/Ex for $500,000 and from Wheaton HS Current Rev/Ex for $778,724 to the Charles W. Woodward Reopening HS project.


MCPS asserts that this project conforms to the requirement of relevant local plans, as required by the Maryland Economic Growth, Resource Protection and Planning Act.


Mandatory Referral - M-NCPPC, Department of Environmental Protection, Building Permits, Code Review, Fire Marshal Inspections, Department of Transportation, Sediment Control, Stormwater Management, WSSC Permits
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Budget Snapshot
$573.62M Total
$0M 6 Year Total
Project Details
Project NumberP926575
Date Last Modified01/10/24
Administering AgencyPublic Schools
CategoryMontgomery County Public Schools
Planning AreaCountywide
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY23Est FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision289052873716800000000
Site Improvements and Utilities6267462674000000000
Total Expenditures573622570574304800000000
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY23Est FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Current Revenue: General4444000000000
G.O. Bond Premium23042304000000000
G.O. Bonds242470240975149500000000
Recordation Tax13804613750454200000000
School Facilities Payment168016800000000
Schools Impact Tax7445074450000000000
State Aid113640113640000000000
Total Funding Sources573622570574304800000000
Appropriation FY 25 Request0
Year First Appropriation
Appropriation FY 26 Request0
Last FY's Cost Estimate575480
Cumulative Appropriation573622
Expenditure / Encumbrances0
Unencumbered Balance573622