anchor Description
This project provides for the replacement of two failing culverts under Seven Locks Road in front of the historic Scotland AME Zion Church. Work was originally initiated under the Bridge Renovation project (P509753). The existing culverts to be replaced are twin 44" by 72" structural plate pipe arch (SPPA) and a 36" by 56" corrugated metal pipe (CMP). The replacement culverts will be upsized to allow for significantly more flow and mitigate flooding risk to the church property.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design and construction will be completed in 2025.
anchor Justification
The proposed replacement work provides safe roadway conditions for the traveling public. The 2023 Bridge Inspection Report indicates that the steel culverts have 100% invert section loss and are in poor condition.
In the past, the historic Scotland AME Church suffered multiple instances of severe flooding resulting in damage to the property. The church is currently undergoing restoration and renovation, including improvements to protect the building from flooding.
In 2024, the Montgomery County Departments of Transportation and Permitting Services conducted further study of the area and concluded that increasing conveyance capacity of culverts in front of the church from the current design criteria of a 25-year storm to a 100-year storm would further mitigate risk of flooding to the church property.
anchorFiscal Note
$1.8 million in GO Bonds was shifted to this project from Bridge Renovation (P509753).
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, and utilities.