anchor Description
This project provides for the replacement of the existing bridge (M-0056) on Redland Road over Mill Creek. The existing single-span concrete slab bridge will be removed and replaced with a new prestressed concrete box beam superstructure and precast concrete abutments and wing walls. The new superstructure will be constructed in the same location. The project also includes approach roadway work at each end of the bridge as necessary to tie into the existing roadway. The bridge and road will be closed to traffic during construction. Accelerated bridge construction techniques will be utilized to minimize the disruption to the traveling public and local community.
anchorEstimated Schedule
The design of the project is expected to be completed in 2024. The construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 2025 and be completed in the fall of 2025. The bridge and road will be closed to traffic from June 2025 to August 2025 during construction while schools are out of session.
anchor Justification
The existing concrete deck is in need of reconstruction and the existing concrete abutments and slope protections and steel frames and bearings are in need of repairs. The 2019 inspection revealed spalls and cracks at the concrete deck, abutments and slope protections, and pack rust, corrosion, and delamination at the steel frames and bearings. The proposed bridge replacement is necessary to provide a safe roadway condition for the traveling public.
The design costs for this project are covered in the Bridge Design project (CIP No. 509132).
anchorFiscal Note
Intergovernmental funding contribution from WSSC Water for water line relocation is anticipated. Relocation cost and contribution amount will be updated during the final design phase.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland Department of Transportation, State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Historical Trust, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, and Utility Companies.