anchor Description
This project will provide a permanent stream crossing in the form of a pedestrian bridge to facilitate movement between Auth Lane and Kersey Road. In September of 2020, members of the Kemp Mill community requested a pedestrian bridge to increase safety and to facilitate the use of an existing natural path by any individuals who are unable to ford the stream. Community members currently use the natural path on a section of unimproved public right-of-way as a short cut between Auth Lane and Kersey Road. The path includes an "at grade" stream crossing which is hazardous due to the presence of rocks and steep slopes and cannot be crossed during high stream flow events.
anchorEstimated Schedule
This project will be constructed in FY25.
anchor Justification
The objective of this project is to provide a pedestrian bridge over a stream which bisects an existing natural path currently used by the public. The pedestrian bridge will eliminate hazards typically associated with fording an active stream and will increase pedestrian safety. A feasibility study and associated engineering work for this project was initiated in FY2023 to determine the project scope, cost, as well as potential environmental and property impacts. The feasibility study concluded that construction of a pedestrian bridge to facilitate pedestrian movement between Auth Lane and Kersey Road is feasible.
Feasibility study and engineering design for this project was completed in FY23 and FY24 under CIP No. 502303 (Transportation Feasibility Studies).
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, United States Army Corps of Engineers