anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of bicycle and pedestrian capital improvements in the Veirs Mill Road/Randolph Road Bicycle-Pedestrian Priority Area (BiPPA) identified in County master plans with costs beyond FY23 incorporated into the Bus Rapid Transit: Veirs Mill Road (501913) project to maximize federal funding for the project.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Preliminary design of projects in the Western Sector started in FY21 and continued in FY22. Preliminary design of projects in the Central and Eastern Sectors started in FY22. All preliminary design activities have been completed and final design is underway as part of the Veirs Mill Road BRT project.
anchor Justification
This project will enhance efforts in other projects to improve pedestrian and bicyclist mobility, safety, and access in the Randolph/Veirs Mill BiPPA. These efforts will also help to meet master plan non-auto-driver mode share (NADMS) goals. The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County Roadways to zero by 2030. This work will be coordinated with the Veirs Mill BRT project to minimize duplicative work and provide enhanced access to the BRT stations.
anchorFiscal Note
The original cost of this project was based on concept level estimates. The cost has been updated as design progressed and schedule accelerated to coincide with the Veirs Mill Road BRT project. This allows for this project to be included in the Capital Investment Grant (CIG) application to the Federal Transit Administration for the Veirs Mill Road BRT project. FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Impact Tax.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.