anchor Description
This project funds the design and construction of bicycle and pedestrian capital infrastructure in the Wheaton Central Business District (CBD) Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Area (BiPPA) and identified in the Wheaton Central Business District (CBD) and Vicinity Sector Plan. Recommended improvements will include new sidewalks, separated bikeways, shared-use paths, streetscape improvements, lighting, signal and accessibility upgrades, intersection safety improvements, bike parking, bicyclist and pedestrian wayfinding, and other treatments intended to improve safety and mobility for cyclists and pedestrians. Future projects include intersection safety improvements identified as high priority and near-term in the Wheaton BiPPA Study.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Final Design for Amherst Avenue Bikeway, a two-way separated bikeway on the west side of Amherst Avenue from Arcola Avenue to Windham Lane, is currently underway and anticipated to be completed in FY24. Construction of Amherst Avenue Bikeway is anticipated to begin in FY25. Design of the Upton Drive Neighborhood Greenway will be completed in FY24, and construction is anticipated to be completed in FY25. Design of the McComas Avenue Neighborhood Greenway will be completed in FY24, and construction is anticipated to be completed in FY25.
anchor Justification
This project will enhance and promote accessibility, safety, mobility and comfort for people walking and biking in the Wheaton CBD. The primary purpose of this project is to build better and safer facilities. In urban areas, walking and bicycling are among the most affordable forms of transportation, providing safe and efficient access to transit. Providing safe, convenient and attractive bicycle and pedestrian access, along with modernizing aging infrastructure is essential to ensure equity for all and provide access to jobs, education, public services and the social network. The Wheaton CBD and Vicinity includes the Wheaton Metro Station and Bus Transfer Center, the Wheaton CBD, town square and adjacent public park and government office building, high-density housing, commercial and retail uses including small businesses and Westfield Wheaton (mall), employment areas, entertainment venues, Wheaton Regional Park, connections to the Sligo Creek Trail, Wheaton Library, Recreation and Community Center, fire and police stations, the Mid-County Regional Services Center, MNCPPC and multiple County agencies, Proyecto Salud Clinic, the Gilchrist Immigration Resource Center, and the Adult Behavioral Health Program. This project supports the ongoing redevelopment of the Wheaton CBD, and will help meet master planned Non-Auto Driver Mode Share (NADMS) goals.
anchorFiscal Note
FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Impact Tax.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Wheaton Urban District Advisory Committee, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), Department of Permitting Services and utilities.