anchor Description
This project supports design and installation of an Automatic Self-Cleaning Bar Screen System at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility to prevent excessive trash from entering the sanitary sewer system. The new equipment will reduce sanitary sewer overflow at the Whelan Lane pump station and decrease maintenance repairs to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) Water equipment. The project will also eliminate sewer overflow cleanup costs and penalties from WSSC Water.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Implementation is expected to begin in winter of 2024 and complete in late spring 2024.
anchorCost Change
Reflects reduction in project scope.
anchor Justification
This project is needed to prevent trash and debris entering the sanitary sewer system from the Montgomery County Correctional Facility causing excessive maintenance for WSSC Water and equipment damage at the WSSC Water Seneca Correctional Facility Wastewater Pumping Station at Whelan Lane.
anchorFiscal Note
FY23 supplemental in GO Bonds for the amount of $500,000.
Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, Department of General Services, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Water.