anchor Description
This project provides for the rehabilitation of the existing Brookville Road Bridge over CSX Railroad. The existing Brookville Road Bridge, built in 1976, is a 123'-6" long, three-span, four steel rigid frame concrete deck structure carrying a 50-foot clear roadway with one 19'-6" lane in each direction and one 11' center-left-turn lane, plus a 7' concrete sidewalk and a one-foot concrete parapet with anti-climb chain link on both sides, for a total out-to-out bridge width of 66'. The structure is supported by two concrete abutments and eight concrete pier pedestals. The existing concrete deck will be reconstructed. The new concrete deck will carry a 41' clear roadway with two 11' lanes, one 7' striped median and two 6' shoulders, plus a 9' concrete sidewalk on the north side and a 14' concrete shared use path on the south side and a 1'-2" concrete parapet with anti-climb chain link on both sides, for a total out-to-out bridge width of 66'-4". The existing concrete abutments and slope protections and steel frames and bearings will be repaired. A 14' asphalt shared use path on the south side and a 1'-2" concrete barrier with moment slab on both sides will be constructed along the approaches between Talbot Avenue and Warren Street. Approximately 875' of asphalt approach roadway will be repaved to tie the bridge into the existing roadway.
The roadway Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is approximately 11,500 vehicles per day.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design of the project is scheduled to be completed in FY26. Construction is scheduled to start in FY26 and be completed in FY28.
anchor Justification
The 2021 inspection revealed spalls and cracks at the concrete deck, abutments and slope protections, and pack rust, corrosion and delamination at the steel frames and bearings. The 2022 corrosion and chloride testing revealed high chlorides within the top 2" of the deck. This bridge is not considered structurally deficient. The proposed bridge rehabilitation is necessary to enhance the safety of the public and reduce future maintenance costs. The 2017 Greater Lyttonsville Sector Plan designates Brookville Road from Lyttonsville Place to Warren Street as a minor arterial road (MA-3). The 2018 Montgomery County Bicycle Master Plan proposes a sidepath on the south side.
The Brookville Road Bridge is listed in the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties (MIHP) as No. M: 36-31 and is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The reconstruction of the deck will be implemented in two phases and traffic will be maintained through construction. Temporary construction easements within adjacent properties are required for accessing the CSX Transportation right-of-way underneath the bridge. Streetlights, crosswalks, sidewalk ramps, bikeways, and other pertinent issues are being considered in the design of the project to ensure pedestrian safety.
anchorFiscal Note
The construction and construction management costs are eligible for up to 80 percent Federal Aid. The design costs are covered in the Bridge Design Project (CIP No. 509132).
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Federal Highway Administration - Federal Aid Bridge Replacement/Rehabilitation Program, Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Historical Trust, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, CSX Transportation, Utilities, and Bridge Design Project (CIP 509132).