anchor Description
This project provides for the replacement of the existing Garrett Park Road Bridge over Rock Creek. The existing bridge, built in 1965, is a three span (39'-75.5'-34') steel beam with concrete deck structure carrying a 24'-0" clear roadway with a 5'-0" sidewalk. The proposed replacement includes the removal and replacement of the concrete piers, abutments, and the replacement of the superstructure with prestressed NEXT beams. The proposed work includes new street lighting along Garrett Park Road, new approach slabs, and less than 100' of approach roadway work at each end of the bridge with modifications made to the intersection with Beach Drive. The road and bridge will be completely closed to vehicular traffic during construction and a temporary pedestrian bridge will be constructed over Rock Creek to maintain the high volume of pedestrian/bicycle traffic that use the bridge.
The roadway Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is approximately 9,400 vehicles and the roadway capacity will not change as a result of this project.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Project design has been delayed one year due to WSSC Water sewer variance and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2025. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2025 and be completed in the winter of 2025. The bridge will be closed to traffic from June 2025 to August 2025.
anchor Justification
The proposed replacement work is necessary to provide a safe roadway condition for the traveling public. The 2018 bridge inspection report indicates that the bridge concrete piers are in serious condition with large areas of cracked, spalled, and delaminated concrete. The bridge is considered structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. The bridge is currently posted for a 10,000 lb. limit for a single-unit truck and a 10,000 lb. limit for a combination-unit truck. School buses and Ride-On bus #38 exceed the load posting, however, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) granted a waiver for school buses to cross the bridge. For safety reasons, MCDOT increased the frequency of inspection to three months instead of the Federal requirement of 24 months.
anchorFiscal Note
The costs of bridge construction and construction management for this project are eligible for up to 80 percent Federal Aid. The design costs for this project are covered in the Bridge Design project (CIP No. 509132). Intergovernmental funding represents WSSC Water contributions for utility relocation. FY24 funding switch replaces $4,000 in GO Bonds with Federal Aid.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Federal Highway Administration - Federal Aid Bridge Replacement/Rehabilitation Program , Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, Utilities, and Bridge Design Project (CIP 509132).