anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of high priority bicycle and pedestrian capital improvements in areas adjacent to future Purple Line Stations from Bethesda to Takoma Park within 1/2-mile radius of each station. Proposed projects include: 1) Area-wide improvements; 2) Bicycle lanes, cycle tracks, sidepath, or sharrows as needed and appropriate for each station's 1/2-mile area; 3) Signage and wayfinding improvements; 4) Sidewalk gap closure near Purple Line Stations; 5) Improved trail connections; 6) Construction of a neighborhood greenway; and 7) Additional improvements to enhance purple line accessibility.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Throughout the Purple Line BiPPAs, area-wide improvements began in FY22 and continue on an annual basis for design and construction through FY28.
anchor Justification
This project will enhance efforts to improve pedestrian and bicyclist mobility, safety, and access within 1/2-mile of all Purple Line Stations. Efforts include the design and construction of cycle tracks, bicycle lanes, trail connections, and neighborhood greenways as well as pedestrian improvements including sidewalks and ADA-upgrades. These improvements will help improve connectivity for people walking and biking to important community amenities such as schools, retail, and commercial centers as well as accessibility to each of the Purple Line stations. These efforts will also meet master plan non-auto-driver mode share (NADMS) goals. The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County roadways to zero.
anchorFiscal Note
The cost of this project is based on concept level estimates. The cost will be updated as design progresses. The list of projects have not been fully costed. FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Impact Tax.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Department of Permitting Services, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration, Regional Service Centers, Urban Districts, Utility companies, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority