anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of the Fenton Street Cycletrack in the Silver Spring CBD Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Area (BiPPA). Recommended improvements include the construction of a separated bikeway between King Street and Planning Place along Fenton Street and will include wayfinding, stormwater management, ADA-improvements, and other treatments intended to improve safety and mobility for people walking and biking. While this project was initially anticipated to be phased to allow portions to open sooner, it has taken longer to receive permits than expected for Phase 1 and therefore that segment is no longer ahead of Phase 2 in the process, so it now makes sense to build this as one phase.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design is underway and is expected to be complete in late 2023. Utility relocation is expected to begin in late 2023 (FY24). Construction is anticipated to begin in late Summer 2024 (FY25).
anchor Justification
This project will create a low-stress bicycle route along Fenton Street from King Street to Planning Place, connecting the future purple line station with businesses, restaurants, and residential development along Fenton Street. The Bicycle Master Plan calls for separated bike lanes which will provide a high-quality low-stress route which connects to the Green Trail, Wayne Ave / Second Avenue, and Spring Street / Cedar Street separated bikeway. Pedestrian safety treatments are also included in the project. These efforts will also meet master planned non-auto-driver mode share (NADMS) goals. The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County roadways to zero by 2030. Additional elements have been added to the project to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. Stormwater management best practices will be incorporated to the maximum extent practical.
anchorFiscal Note
FY24 funding switch between GO Bonds and Impact Tax.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Department of Permitting Services, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration, Silver Spring Regional Service Center, Silver Spring Urban District, Utility companies, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority