anchor Description
This project provides for the design and construction of a new eight-foot wide sidepath along the west side of Good Hope Road over 4,500 feet of length from Windmill Lane to Rainbow Drive in Cloverly. The project also provides a pedestrian bridge that is 40-foot long and eight-foot wide at the intersection of Good Hope Road and Hopefield Road. The project site is located within the Upper Paint Branch Special Protection Area.
anchorEstimated Schedule
Design was completed in FY21. Land acquisition was completed in FY23. Construction will be completed in FY25.
anchorCost Change
Project reflects transfer of $350,000.
anchor Justification
The project enhances the pedestrian safety along Good Hope Road from Windmill Lane to Rainbow Drive. The pedestrian bridge addresses a section of the road where there is no sidewalk or shoulder for pedestrians. The Cloverly Master Plan, adopted in July 1997, recommends a sidewalk along Good Hope Road. The project was also requested by the Good Hope Estates Civic Association.
The project will help the County achieve its Vision Zero goals to reduce deaths and serious injuries on County Roadways to zero by 2030.
anchorFiscal Note
A supplemental appropriation was approved in FY24 for $562k for additional construction and construction management costs. A fund transfer of $350k from the Beach Drive Bridge project (#501903) was completed in FY25 for costs associated with energization of street lights and additional PDS cost.
A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Department of Permitting Services, Maryland Department of the Environment