Budget Year / Version:  


This project provides for land acquisition, site improvements and utility (SI&U) relocations, construction management and construction for one new road, one new bikeway, one relocated road, and an intersection realignment improvement, and the reconstruction of an existing roadway in the White Flint District area for Stage 1. Various improvements to the roads will include new traffic lanes, shared-use paths, undergrounding of overhead utility lines where required, other utility relocations and streetscaping. Preliminary and final engineering were funded through FY14 by White Flint District West: Transportation (CIP #501116). The proposed projects for construction are: 1. Main Street/Market Street (B-10) - Old Georgetown Road (MD187) to Woodglen Drive- new two-lane 1,200-foot roadway. 2. Main Street/Market Street (LB-1) - Old Georgetown Road (MD187) to Woodglen Drive- new 1,200-foot bikeway. 3. Executive Boulevard Extended (B-15) - Marinelli Road to Old Georgetown Road (MD187)- 900 feet of relocated four-lane roadway. 4. Intersection of Towne Road (formerly Hoya Street) (M-4A), Old Georgetown Road, and Executive Boulevard, including the approaches to Old Georgetown Road and the portion of Towne Road from the intersection realignment of Towne Road/Old Georgetown Road/Executive Boulevard to a point just north of the intersection to provide access to new development. 5. Towne Road (M-4A)- Montrose Parkway to the intersection of Old Georgetown Road-1,100 feet of reconstructed 4-lane roadway. Note: The following street names have been changed. Main/Market Street is now Banneker Avenue. Hoya Street is now Towne Road. Executive Boulevard Extended is now Grand Park Avenue.
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Under Construction


Pending Closeout
Budget Snapshot
$74.11M Total
$0M 6 Year Total



Estimated Schedule

1. Main Street/Market Street (B-10) - Design in FY14 through FY19, SI&U in FY17 through FY20, and construction in FY17 through FY20. 2. Main Street/Market Street (LB-1) - Design in FY14 through FY19, SI&U in FY17 through FY20, and construction in FY17 through FY20. 3. Executive Boulevard Extended (B-15) - Design in FY14 through FY19, SI&U and construction in FY17 through FY18 (Phase 1) and FY20 through FY21(Phase 2). 4. Intersection of Towne Road (formerly Hoya Street) (M-4A), Old Georgetown Road, and Executive Boulevard - Design in FY14 through FY19, land acquisition in FY19 and FY20, SI&U and construction in FY20 through FY23. 5. Towne Road (M-4A) - Design in FY14 through FY19, land acquisition in FY18 through FY20, SI&U and construction in FY19 through FY23. The schedule and cost estimates assume that all land needed for road construction will be dedicated by the major developers in a timely manner and that the construction of the conference center replacement parking will take place prior to the start of the road construction.


The vision for the White Flint District is for a more urban core with a walkable street grid, sidewalks, bikeways, trails, paths, public use space, parks and recreational facilities, mixed-use development, and enhanced streetscape to improve the areas for pedestrian and bicycle circulation and transit oriented development around the Metro station. These road improvements, along with other District roads proposed to be constructed by developers will fulfill the strategic program plan for a more effective and efficient transportation system. The proposed improvements are in conformance with the White Flint Sector Plan Resolution 16-1300 adopted March 23, 2010.


The segments of Main Street/Market Street and Executive Boulevard Extended that are adjacent to the Conference Center site will be constructed by the contractor of the Conference Center Parking Garage. Expenditures for these segments occurred in FY17 and FY18 in order to coordinate with the construction of the parking garage and minimize impacts to the surrounding community.

Fiscal Note

The ultimate funding source for these projects will be White Flint Special Taxing District tax revenues and related special obligation bond issues. Debt service on the special obligation bond issues will be paid solely from White Flint Special Taxing District revenues. Resolution No. 16-1570 states that "The County's goal is that the White Flint Special Taxing District special tax rate must not exceed ten percent of the total tax rate for the District, except that the rate must be sufficient to pay debt service on any bonds that are already outstanding." If White Flint Special Tax District revenues are not sufficient to fund these projects then the County will utilize advance funding and management of debt issuance or repayment in a manner to comply with the goal. As part of an overall financing plan needed to address the issues of County General Fund cash project advances and insufficient tax revenues generated from the district, a funding switch was made in the Biennial FY21-26 CIP to reflect a proposed project funding plan using $15 million of advanced G.O. bond premium. The County is working with District stakeholders to finalize a long-term financing plan for the districts costs.

A FY20 supplemental was approved to increase the project total by $11.425 million due to higher costs associated with storm drain and utility conflicts, land acquisition, utility relocation, and related construction costs, and to fully appropriate the project. The County is expected to receive $261,000 in Contributions for the installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Towne Road and Rose Ave, and $2.5 million in Intergovernmental funding for the WSSC Contribution for water main and sanitary sewer construction costs.



A pedestrian impact analysis has been completed for this project.


Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Washington Area Metropolitan Transit Authority, City of Rockville, State Highway Administration, Town of Garrett Park, Neighborhood Civic Associations, Developers
Budget Snapshot
$74.11M Total
$0M 6 Year Total
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Project Details
Project NumberP501506
Date Last Modified11/18/24
Administering AgencyTransportation
Planning AreaNorth Bethesda-Garrett Park
Total Expenditures by Cost Element (000s)
Total Funding by Source (000s)
Cost ElementsTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
Planning, Design and Supervision86308630000000000
Site Improvements and Utilities73405774156600000000
Total Expenditures7411471648246600000000
FUNDING (000s)
Funding SourceTotalThru FY24Rem FY24Total 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30Beyond 6 Years
G.O. Bond Premium1500015000000000000
White Flint Special Tax District5635353887246600000000
Total Funding Sources7411471648246600000000
Impact TypeTotal 6 YearsFY 25FY 26FY 27FY 28FY 29FY 30
NET IMPACT150252525252525
Appropriation FY 25 Request0
Year First AppropriationFY15
Appropriation FY 26 Request0
Last FY's Cost Estimate74114
Cumulative Appropriation74114
Expenditure / Encumbrances73583
Unencumbered Balance531